How Extraterrestrials Do Information Processing
Part One
One of the areas in which we receive considerable coaching from extraterrestrials we are in contact with is in the development of what is now known as topological thinking. In more ways than one, this seems to be the next stage in the evolution of our human consciousness. Let me see if I can explain it all in a combination of plain English mixed with some technical jargon. Bear it with me. It is important that we, the human race, bootstrap ourselves up onto this skill set. It is a skill, and it can be learned.
Topological thinking can best be conceptualized as a kind of deployment of the natural intelligence of our complex oscillating biological biomind’s living matrix. Let us explain what this means.
Since our appearance on the face of the Earth as a sapient biokind (or what Zecharia Sitchin called homo sapiens sapiens), we humans of Earth have been undergoing an evolution of consciousness in spurts of growth, not in a linear fashion. We have been undergoing a kind of evolution in our way of thinking based upon our abilities to become able and comfortable in using our own nervous system with which to manifest these evolving modes of conscious mental and psychophysiological behaviors. Early on, we deployed a use of our higher mental capabilities in a dualistic fashion: we behaved according to what we could manifest as whole-prehension consciousness (or right-hemispheric thinking) and as emerging intellectual-rational thinking (or left-hemispheric mental behavior). It is this stage that Julian Jaynes referred to as important aspect of bicameral consciousness. We still do manifest this model of mental behavior in external behaviors that result in fearful conduct, worrying, wars, lack, and more. This is behavior driven by left-hemispheric thinking, intellectually justified and buttressed by the functions and modalities of left-hemispheric thinking modalities and information processing. This is a thinking mode we have come to regard as ego-consciousness, or proprioceptive homo-centered consciousness.
In other words, left-hemispheric thinking modalities and information processing conceive of the external world as only real through the senses, and that its body consciousness is the boundary to its sense of “reality.” Anything beyond it is not certain to be “real,” unless the left-hemispheric intellectual derivation of what is real is buttressed by some aspect of its information processing of the external event. To a person who thinks in this fashion, UFOs don’t exist unless one lands in front of him or her. Even a flash appearance of one in the skies that lasts a short while may be explained away or denied, depending upon how the person’s intellectual handling of the information processed. Extraterrestrial groups on and around near Earth space are aware of the prevalence of this thinking modality in human beings. Therefore, members of these different groups encourage, advance, boost, further, and promote us to develop topological thinking.
Mental/sensorial Multitasking In Serial And In Parallel Modes
So what is it, and how does it work? To explain, we are going to use both left-hemispheric and right-hemispheric language. And then I am going to mix them up into a more fluid explanation.
In the former language set – left-hemispheric – it would be, using computation metaphors, being able to multitask fluidly both in serial and parallel fashions at the same time. By fluidly, we mean that one is able to easily slip initially from one information set (the meanings conveyed by the information flow) into another into another, then another without discomfort, but in an additive fashion. In right-hemispheric explanation, for every information set one slips into, one adds that into the RAM memory set of one’s being and is able to remember what was processed in sequence (from one to the next to the next to the next set), and at the same time also be able to detect, decode and quickly decipher relationships between the information sets, elements thereof, and connect these quickly and effortlessly, reaching and gaining new knowings as one goes forward in thinking in the given flow. So we don’t “think about,” we think “in the flow” of something that never seems to end, but from which we can disconnect from to begin or enter into another flow. As one “grows” in the modality (i.e., becomes comfortable and at ease in the flow), one is able to retain most, if not all, of the “information set meaning processes” previously undergone while already in the next flow.
How is this possible? Can this be possible for us humans?
It is. When we cease relying on as an exclusively biochemical process and extend into a kind of bioelectronic, photonic memory, our information processing capacities experience a quantum jump of exponential rise. We are able to “store” memories in what we now referred to as our Meissner fields (the photonic field that surrounds our bodies), on the currents that flow through the surfaces of our cells, even in the static charge in our cells themselves. One must take into consideration that for every electrical charge in our bodies, there are magnetic fields off any tissue at 90 degrees from its surface. These fields are both energy and information. That is, our cells and our Meissner fields are capable of also carrying an information bandwidth in all electrical currents that also produce magnetic fields. All extraterrestrial groups on and in Earth near space have this capacity. And we need to develop it as well. Can we? Of course, we can. Humans have already started to develop these capacities – some with assistance of energetic technologies that are capable of inducing a greater connectivity between neurons (increasing the neuronal capacity for information processing but only in the central nervous system’s cortical areas of the brain), while others with soft technologies of intelligence acceleration that are slowly coming out into the public domain.
A topological thinking modality will allow one to grasp most if not all of what I am saying without any problems, getting the connections between the various concepts in the flow. It is this that is elsewhere referred to as a technology of intelligence acceleration.
Our New Imperative
Topological thinking then becomes the centerpiece of our new imperative. Without it, not much of what else we need to become may be fully connected in one’s mind to grasp where, collectively, we have to move toward. In terms of developing the abilities to connect with those who are not from here, it is necessary to realize early on that to grasp and get who, what, why, and where they are coming from may not be as complete on our part without this new thinking modality. These people have not only the advantage of possessing topological thinking as a matter of course, but also have the capacity of mind-on-mind resonance via the use of extremely low frequency ranges to connect themselves mentally to us, and to others. In their cases, most of this is done with assistive technologies, some of which I am told we have retroengineered for ourselves, working forward in modifications to the initial Flanagan device.
Should we then move toward developing topological thinking? We must. It is now not a choice of if, but a choice of when. There is also the expectation that those who choose not to may well be left behind, isolated, and disconnected. It is interesting to note that one particular hyperversal individual entity, with who we’ve been in contact with now for nearly a decade, tells us that we humans are eminently positioned today to develop these capacities because our overall information bandwidth is so much broader than those of extraterrestrials merely relying on mere mental mind-on-mind communication. Or what we know popularly as telepathy. He tells us that they, themselves, are undergoing a kind of bootstrapping program to reintegrate into their capabilities the capacity to feel deeply, to love and to connect from the solar plexus – or their equivalent of that. It is not altogether surprising then – at least to me and those colleagues of mine who have contact with offworld species – that a majority of them find our emotive bandwidth a little too much to take at times, especially when we emote highly dense, highly charged emotions like anger and frustration.
Toward An Internal Psychophysiological “Soft Engineering” That Goes With Our New Imperative
To put it clearly in plain English, our new imperative is to develop the capacity to think topologically. Equally plain is our need to engineer this new capacity in ourselves. In the remainder of Part 1, let me lay out a bird’s eye view of the internal psychophysiological environment we need to develop to achieve some measure of topological thinking capacity.
It is known today that, as complex biological entities, we lose a lot of energy by the lifestyles we live. Thoughts that engender worry, fear, frustration, anger, and such other truly unnecessary and illogical byproducts of our daily interpretations of our experiences within of the world without, the behavior of others and the attributions we make to events and things that do not work in our lives – these are net energy loss states – thermal and bioelectric. We need to learn not to want them in our lives, and to not produce them. What is the alternative? Well, in one word, it is the state of peace. We pay to learn to do TM and yoga and other meditation techniques in pursuit of the wellbeing brought about by internal peace – and I’m not just talking about the kicking in of momentary states of relaxation. I’m talking about an ongoing, internally instituted campaign of safeguarding our internal state of peace, because this state is the basis, the psychophysiological environment needed, to begin manifesting topological thinking capacities.
Why peace? Because it is literally a zero-point platform for our biominds (our bodies and minds connected as a working, feeling, sensing, computing tandem) to begin to manifest and act in more integrated levels of functioning. Our capabilities to sense with all of our senses, to use our skins as literal antennas, our cortical brains as processing mind, and every aspect of the cytoskeleton of our cells and the fascia or connective tissue, are all viable means of perception, reception, and processing of information – albeit, without the spoken language that is the trademark of the cortical mind. Integrated functioning allows us as spirit-body-minds to relax our hearts, our tissues, the coils of our DNA and, energetically, express ourselves into extension well beyond 4-space/time. Just how do you think extraterrestrials set surveillance of our thoughtscapes?
As I was told, their surveillance is focused on the qualitative aspects of the manifest total of human thought at any one second of time, ad infinitum. And they are capable of culling through what they interface from our combined total thought behavior to find trends in them we are not aware we are producing. We broadcast powerfully – with all the means at our disposal I’ve described above – in more than just our 4-space/time Earth: our broadcast reaches realms in which energy is negative and matter is dark. Each one of our cells act like literal miniature black holes, and the sum total of our capacities when integrally manifest reaches octavials beyond our imagination.
So how do we harness this panoply of capacities into an engineer-able vector? How do we use our biomind as a highly amplified topological thinking powerhouse?
We start by learning how to work with our attention – broad external, broad internal, narrow external and narrow internal.
Attention is to grasping meaning and understanding what the eyes are to looking and seeing. Attention and sight are both propelled by an energetics that is often too low in power to measure (but it can be and has been), yet we can feel the eyes of a person looking at us from behind; we feel it in the back of our necks.
We deploy energy when we look and also deploy energy when we pay attention. But something funny happens to the energetic scale when we add a vectored intention to the mix: the scale goes off the chart! Something even more amazing happens when we pay attention in a peaceful state with a vector of intention: we can grasp as far as the nearest star (figuratively speaking)!
Something else also happens that we are just beginning to understand: all three-plus trillion cells align their electromagnetic fields to function much like an external drive in a computer. In other words, this results in a kind of additional computing capacity for the human biomind. It is like the networking of three-plus billion minicomputers in series and in parallel.
What can this upgrade in thinking produce? Well, if we go by what happens to children who are now coming on line, as it were, manifesting themselves as a leading edge of our evolution, quite a q-byte (tongue-in-cheek). Take, for instance, Mary Rodwell’s report on such children (add here link to
Tibetan, Indian (from India) and Mexican children develop a kind of sign language with which they communicate among themselves and with extraterrestrials. (Two members of our scientific cooperative, funded by a private foundation, have been looking at this phenomenon for the past two years.) They report overt complex behaviors we can only understand as clairvoyant, psychokinetic and mind-on-mind telepathic.
One of these children, a young Mexican boy of 11 was brought to our small lab in California a year ago (2006) for some demonstrations and tests which, much to our amazement, showed them to exhibit a high degree of cytoskeletal integration (cells and connective tissue acting together as an information processing network) when exhibiting psychokinetic and telepathic behaviors inside a modified SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device). A SQUID allowed us to peek inside noninvasively and see how his organism arrayed itself while producing such behaviors.
During the visit period, the sun happened to also be producing high solar winds that were reaching the Earth, and periodically, during our time of observation of this child inside the SQUID, we could see peek correlations between his Meissner (aura) expansion, entrainment of the Schumann resonance fundamental frequency and harmonics, and peek occurrences of solar wind hitting the Earth. The boy, we concluded, was literally connected to these correlates in ways we didn’t quite understand but were witnessing as it was happening.
What was most exciting was watching a human being’s capacity to function with one degree of freedom – that is, this boy’s biomind was functioning as one, while producing the effects observed, including his telling each of us in the control room what we were thinking about (in Spanish) as mental-verbal behavior of observers occurring in English.
Once he came out, he told us he was “reading” not thoughts, but what our individual biominds were producing as correlates of verbal thoughts; in other words, he was “reading” intention! Which, by the way, is the same experience some of us have had with extraterrestrials!
Within this capacity framework it is that we can use our attention to literally bootstrap ourselves into a topological mode of mental functioning. The rest is protocolar, or the equivalent of an operating software that would run the capacity framework of three-plus billion cells with one degree of freedom, that is, like a single, fully functioning, fully thinking body-mind.
In the next installment of this series, I am going to outline this ‘operating software’ and describe some of the things we can do that help in developing topological thinking in ourselves. And in the final installment, we will then devote the entire article on a sequence (complete with mental algorithms) that will help readers kick-start the practice of beginning topological thinking in themselves, and the practice regimen necessary for developing the skills that can lead to an increase in manifestation of this thinking modality.
At this stage, it would be improper not to also advise the reader that these final two installments are not ‘magic bullets.’ Nothing will happen, develop, appear, and sustain itself without practice, and this may take years to fully blossom. It does also have much to do with the reader’s belief set, whether or not topological thinking is possible, is possible in him or her, and whether or not time will be allocated, used, and spent in developing such skills.
———- END OF PART ONE ———-