Uri Geller: 11th Dimension Access

By Peter Fotis Kapnistos, November 30, 2011

Recent progress in science predicts there are more than three familiar dimensions of space that we know of. In order for modern quantum string theories to work out, there must exist up to eleven dimensions. But the extra dimensions may be enveloped or “wound up” in areas so small they are microscopic or beyond our detection.

A dimension is an attribute of an object (or its space). We physically travel and navigate along the common dimensions of length, width and height. Albert Einstein described “time” as a factor of the fourth dimension. We correspondingly travel through time. An object in space has its own time-line, date-stamp or “history” relative to everything else. Thus, the fourth dimension wasn’t just imagined or invented. It was always right under our noses, but we never noticed until Einstein proved mathematically that a quantity of space is coupled to a duration of time.

What might a fifth dimension be? Maybe heat or temperature. Every object in space has a temperature. But how do we travel through heat the way we travel along time or through physical space? Right under our noses, we seem to forget that our planet constantly travels through an ideal temperate “Goldilocks Zone” around the sun. Hence, by feeling the fifth dimension of our planet’s heat, we can also know about its time: what season of the year it is – and about its space: what our orbital distance from the sun is. There is without doubt a mathematical link between heat and dimensionality. Heat is nicely rolled up in the Kelvin spectrum where various temperature colours represent the chemical elements.

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“November 11, 2011, had been identified as a date rife with mystical meaning. Referencing string theory, the illusionist Uri Geller even suggested that one would be able to access the 11th dimension on that fateful day.” (Ken Carbone)

As luck would have it, it was around that day that I considered the 11th dimension as “protein folding.” All living things pass through this microscopic realm. As for the non-living, we describe it as “particle spin” – the spiral crease of space – or the unfolding of reality.

Protein folding is the process by which a protein structure assumes its shape. A random string of information or a “coil” (of amino acid) folds into the three-dimensional structure of living organisms. For that reason we likewise travel through protein folding, as might be expected of the 11th dimension. It is our microscopic journey through the spiral of DNA.

To be sure, the folding of space affects all things, even the non-living. The mathematical ideas of the Archimedean screw and the Fibonacci spiral were discoveries of a self-similar curvature that functions as a spiral and a helix.

I met Uri Geller in 2009 at an art gallery where he was exhibiting some of his own paintings. As we made conversation I noticed a colourful spiral in one of his prints. Where had I seen that vivid design before? Only a day earlier, the Norwegian spiral anomaly of 2009 had appeared in the night sky over Norway. A mystery light rotated at incredible speed and put stargazers in a twirl.

clip image004%5B2%5DThe folding of space presides over all creation, from the spin of a quantum vacuum to the spiral of a galaxy and the singularity of a black hole. If the natural world is in fact the spin of a super computer, perhaps a curved movement of the 11th dimension is how an elevated intellect “stores code” in the folds of space – for the unfolding of reality.




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