UFO at the Dakar Rally

From Scott Corrales
UFO Digest Latin America Correspondent



Source:Diario Victoria On-Line
Date: 01.06.11

UFOs from Victoria Escorted the Dakar Rally in  Argentina

A racing fan managed to take a picture showing an unidentified flying object following the competitors through the city of the seven hills.

A “gualeyo”, passionate about hot-rods, headed to the city of Victoria to follow the Dakar Rally competition through the area. As he photographed Camion Man Nros 804 and its driver with his photo camera, he noticed the presence of a UFO up in the sky, behind the vehicle.

truck ufo

This phenomenon has become commonplace to residents of Victoria. On several instances, members of the community in various points of the department have managed to see these objects and photograph them. But it was a surprise to the Diario de Gualeguay (eldiariodegualeguay.com.ar), which published the photos.

The photo was taken in the vicinity of the Dakar Campsite, and as the photo shows, an unidentified flying object is visible behind the massive truck with stunning clarity.

Without a doubt, these perennial visitors to the Seven Hills didn’t want to miss the event, and as is customary, allowed themselves to be photographed to show they exist.

(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO) 

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