Whether you are an abductee, a contactee, or just someone who witnessed a UFO and/or its occupants, or if you have experienced something that you consider supernatural or spiritual, your life will change.
For some it is a gradual change while for others it changes instantly. It was instantaneous for us. Before our abduction in September of 2009, I didn’t give much thought to aliens, ufos, spirits, ghosts, dimensions or the like. I didn’t scoff at the idea that some, if not all, might exist. If we are taught to believe that God is this great and powerful being, then I couldn’t see why he would quit creating after us or why he wouldn’t have been creating before us.
There are many schools of thought out there on what UFOs are, where they come from, what their occupants are like and why they are here. Although our government is one that claims they don’t exist, or if they do, they are harmless and of no concern, it has been rumored that they have worked hand in hand with them. There is a conspiracy theory around every corner.
Stories abound daily about different government activities and how many of them are intertwined with beings from other worlds or dimensions. Everything from HAARP controlling the weather to our highest governmental figures being controlled bounce around the blog sites each day. Underground bases housing aliens or those that are built for the elite, because they know what is coming, also head the list of rumors that abound along with stories that certain factions of governments have participated in experiments on their very own people.
No matter what your belief system is, no matter how many people sign petitions for full disclosure, no matter how many ex-military, ex-astronauts, ex government employees come forward with information they say has been hidden from us, most everyone knows that they are here, they do exist, they do interact with many people.
The plain fact is that many people just don’t care. They figure if it isn’t interfering with their daily lives, if they aren’t touched by what is going on, then it doesn’t concern them. These are the ones who will be in for a very rude awakening if a full invasion was to occur. These will be the ones that are running down the street screaming or huddling in the corner of their basement, afraid to move.
Our life was changed, as so many others have been also. We found what we believed happened to us to be mentally exhausting. We were used, abused, taken and who knows for sure what else. We were promised a lie detector test, regression and counseling, which never came to fruition for our investigator was after information for their own material gains and reputation.
Our little community rallied around us when we went public, and for the most part accepted what we said as the honest to God truth. They knew us, and they knew we were not given to flights of fancy, over imagination or exaggeration. If we said we were abducted, if we said there was human involvement, if we said it was a bad experience, they believed us. We had no reason to lie. We just wanted to warn our friends, family and neighbors that there was something to watch for.
Everyone goes on with their daily lives, some never looking at the sky or reading a report on aliens, unidentified flying objects, dimensional doors or odd occurrences like the fireball over Arizona the other day, and the odd, loud, crunching, grinding or whining noises being heard around the world, but for those that have had an experience, life is never the same.
Securing their houses, their cars, their land and buying protection becomes an immediate concern, even though it is reported that ordinary locks cannot keep out the greys or spiritual forces. Every sound in the night makes them jump out of their skin and they often find themselves walking around in the dark checking all the windows and doors.
They feel as though they are being watched and even possibly being taken again from time to time. They become edgy and on high alert when traveling in less populated areas, and awake to strange noises, hummings and whirrings during the night.
They may also find that some things have changed with them physically as well as mentally. Rich suffered injuries on several occasions during the time we were conducting our research of this area. Large welts on his neck and back, and deep scratches that looked like they were made from some kind of claws seemed to appear out of nowhere.
We also seemed to have developed sharper instincts and some kind of mind meld, where we know what the other is thinking, and this happens, not just once in a while, but on a constant basis. Life has changed.
We will always have many locks on the door, burglar bars on the windows, and ways to protect ourselves. We will always be on alert, aware of our surroundings and aware of noises and movements that don’t belong. We will always follow the news around the world in the main stream media and in the UFO/Paranormal outlets. We will always be looking at the sky. We will always be on watch, for that’s what they also do to us. They watch, they wait, for what, I don’t know, but it will all be revealed some day.
In the meantime, life after continues, just in a different way than it did before.
Source: http://themidnightobserver.wordpress.com/2013/12/14/life-afterwards/