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100 square mile chunk of ice breaks off from Petermann Glacier, Greenland

A chunk of ice four times the size of Manhattan has broken away from one of the two largest remaining glaciers in Greenland, which has been called the biggest event in the Arctic for nearly 50 years. 

Experts were fairly sure that a part of the glacier would break off, but did not expect this to be so large. 

The chunk of ice contains a considerable amount of freshwater ice and according to Andreas Muenchow, professor of ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware, it could keep “all US public tap water flowing for 120 days.” 

Whilst Muenchow could not confirm that this was due to Global Warming, because records around this glacier only began in 2003, he also said “nobody can claim that it wasn’t” 

Only recently a British research team discovered the Greenland Ice Sheet had seen a rapidly accelerating rate of melt, where the ice sheet in their region had lowered six metres in just a month. 

Greenland’s ice sheet holds 10% of the world’s freshwater reserves and its rate of reduction has tripled in the last ten years. 

It is believed that sea levels would rise around 7 metres if the Greenland Ice Sheet was to completely melt. 

There is still no solid proof that pollution is the main factor in Global Warming and this could simply be a cycle that the planet is going through, or a phenomenon related to a cosmic disturbance.

Our planet has experienced many climatic changes in its history, and sea levels have reached much higher levels in the past. We can not rule out the possibility of sea levels rising by around 7 metres (or even more), but there is very little we can do to prevent this, except adapt. 

Clearly, our planet is experiencing changes and the Sun has become more active again (after going through a very quiet spell for a number of years). Moscow has seen temperatures hit more than 38 degrees, and just a few days ago the Earth was hit by a Solar Tsunami. 

Some years ago I wrote a book related to climatic changes (Global Warming – The Final Solution), where our planet experienced increased temperatures and rising sea levels. The story tried to picture the problems mankind would face and how we would have to deal with them. Whilst the ending of the story may not be what you would expect, the beginning may prove to be very accurate indeed!

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