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A Hopeful Message From The Much Maligned Greys

Zeta Books Feature: A Hopeful Message From The Much Maligned Greys

            Wild Flower Press has recently published an excellent new abduction account, “The Zeta Message” by Judy Carroll and Helene Kaye. The two women are Australian, and their account of alien abduction Down Under is one of the most positive takes on the subject in quite a long time.

                 But one should hesitate to use the world “alien,” according to the authors, since the grey life form is at one with mankind and not to be construed as something truly “other.” They are called Zetas because they apparently do in fact originate from Zeta Reticuli, first identified as the binary star their home planet revolves around when the late abductee Betty Hill drew a map of the stars around the abductors’ home planet in the early 1960s that was later confirmed by an astronomer’s three-dimensional model based on Hill’s sketch. For many people in the UFO community, it still stands as the most credible physical point of origin for the Visitors.

            But at this point, belief in the Zeta location still requires a leap of faith, one of many the new book requires of us as well. For example, the greys apparently also buy into the idea of a huge moment in time to take place in 2012, which they say is “fast approaching.” Carroll and Kaye, the two authors, also teach and receive Tai Chi and Reiki treatments and are firm believers in other New Age practices. One wonders if keeping all of one’s New Age ducks in a row somehow opens one up to more direct communication with the greys?

            Which leads to another interesting point. The authors are quite specific that it is the grays that are the benevolent creatures, and they do not rely on the more frequently praised as “heavenly” Nordics with their perfectly beautiful faces and long blonde hair. The bodies of the grays, with their large head, spindly body and huge almond eyes, are merely the “containers” of a highly advanced, spiritual race that has long ago ceased to depend on a physical body at all. They simply put them on like a set of clothes when dealing with us mere mortals in the material world, and they can shed them quite easily without suffering any major discomfort.

               Carroll and Kaye first began to work together when a mutual acquaintance referred Kaye to Carroll in hopes that Carroll could help Kaye deal with some strange events that had started to happen around Kaye’s home. Those events were the usual things that happen when one becomes aware of the alien presence, such as her young son awaking at night screaming and complaining that someone frightening had just been in his bedroom. During their initial phone call, Carroll gets an inkling that Kaye is a spiritual twin, the other half of her very soul, and that they have a shared mission together.

            But all is not New Age bliss at this point. The fear of the unknown is still very much a negative factor for Kaye and her family. There is a scene in the book in which Kaye protests to God that she and her family didn’t deserve the pain of the experience, that they weren’t bad people who should be punished by such a thing.

            Further on in the book is a strange occurrence involving the death of Kaye’s daughter’s teacher, who is identified only as “Mr. S.” Kaye’s daughter sees his ghost or spirit around her school and later again at the family’s home. A grey alien appears as well, instructing the daughter to aid in the teacher’s passage to the next world. Apparently the teacher’s forward movement is being hampered by the excessive grief of his widow. Kaye tells the grey that none of this is her or her daughter’s responsibility, but she eventually relents and allows her daughter to do as requested.

            The conversations with the greys recounted throughout the book are another example of the positive way the experience is ultimately looked at by the two authors. The fact that there are such conversations at all is a huge difference between “The Zeta Message” and most other examples of abduction literature.

            “A common complaint,” Carroll writes in the book’s introduction, “from researchers and experiencers alike, has been that the ETs, particularly those known down here as ‘Greys’ or ‘Zeta Reticulans,’ will not communicate. There’s been a huge amount of anger and fear expressed over this issue, with a number of people believing that these beings are cruel, evil and even demonic abductors of innocent human victims. Then there are those who insist that the so-called Greys are simply an emotionless ‘army’ of robots in the employ of an ‘evil alien group out to conquer Earth.’ Again and again, the accusation of a refusal to communicate and of having no real understanding of human emotion and fear has been aimed at the Zetas.”

            Carroll and Kaye’s Zetas do indeed talk, and unlike the case of a schizophrenic hearing “voices,” the pair don’t ever seem to express a need for the Zetas to simply shut up. The spoken words of the Zetas instead provide helpful instruction, even profound lessons on life and spiritual reality that are a huge comfort for the two women. I’ll leave it to readers of the book to search those out in more detail.

            As a companion piece to the “The Zeta Message,” Carroll has also written a novel called “Human By Day, Zeta By Night,” also published by Wild Flower. The book’s subtitle is “A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating As Humans.” The technique of writing about aspects of ET contact that are impossible to document in a work of “truth-disguised-as-fiction” has been used by other authors before Carroll. Whitley Strieber for instance often uses this method and has produced many excellent novels that explore avenues of contact that he believes are real but for which no adequate proof exists.

            In Carroll’s case, she tackles the thorny subject of her dual identity as both a human female and a Zeta. The novel begins with her Zeta identity being among the survivors of a UFO crash somewhere on Earth. When she returns in spirit body to her home base, she is instructed to incarnate as a human female so she can function on Earth as a healer and a teacher. Carroll uses the clever device of speaking in the narrative voice of a grey, who seamlessly melds with her human female “container” when she is born into a multi-ethnic family in Australia.

            Carroll’s character’s life as a human child and her transition into adulthood with this divided kind of soul-consciousness is largely autobiographical but, once again, more suitable to a nominally fictional telling. But the words of a grey, even its internal thoughts, are a rarely seen aspect of this kind of science fiction and Carroll deserves points for originality there.  

            The willingness of the grey that is also Carroll to incarnate as a human being, with all the discomfort such a thing entails, is reminiscent of the Buddhist concept of the “bodhisattva,” an enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others. The bodhisattva is said to willingly and joyfully take part in the miseries of the world so that souls can be enlightened and saved no matter how much it may hurt the bodhisattva personally, something similar to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross although filtered through an Oriental mentality.

            According to the late great scholar of religious myth, Joseph Campbell, “It is extremely difficult for an Occidental mind to realize how deep the impersonality of the Oriental lies.” Campbell says we should be open to a less sentimental view of that “profoundly alien world” where true individuality does not exist, and Carroll manages to lead the reader to that same perspective when she talks about the greys sharing in a large over-soul that unites all living creatures, further declaring that the basic oneness of existence is absolute and complete and needs only to be perceived in order for an individual to find his or her place in it.

             “The Zeta Message” and the companion novel deserve to be read as an example of what can happen when you approach contact with the greys from within a positive frame of mind, which eventually results in an enlightened life free of the negative baggage of fear. For their part, the greys don’t wish to be feared as gods or loathed as demons.

            In the words of a grey named Oris, speaking to the two authors, “What we would really like you to call us is family.”

If you would like more information or to purchase this book the Zeta Message, simply click on its title: The ZETA Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness (The Zeta Series)  

If you would like more information or to purchase this book Human by Day, Zeta by Night, simply click on its title: Human by Day, Zeta by Night: A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating as Humans (The Zeta Series)  

             [To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at]


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