A Review Of Conversation With God

“You probably think…that’s not possible. One can talk to God but not with God. I mean God is not to talk back, right?” – Neale Donald Walsch

I found “Conversation With God” an interesting read in that what if one could ask God anything about everything. It would be logical to believe that God, being the source of all information and truth, would be in the know on all subjects. Now if a person was to sit down, remove all the clutter and turn all the noise in their mind off, would they be in a position to listen to what God has to say? “Suppose God provided clear, understandable answers” to all of our questions without the aid of any middle men.

This is an area where one really needs to be grounded as ones ego can start to run the show or its so easy to misinterpret what is being said. I say it took some courage for Walsch to write what he did knowing to some degree that people would be calling him a fraud out to make a quick megabuck among other things. I would find it interesting on how exactly God communicates with us without the aid of priests, holy people or medicine folk who might just “edit” a lot of the incoming information, a temptation that would include all of us on Planet Earth.

ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0399142789&camp=217145&creative=399377Before casting any judgment on what Walsch has written, it would be wise to set aside any self righteousness. Can we name anyone who has led a perfect life? We all have committed grievous acts that have hurt ourselves and others. Instead of living our mistakes over and over, beating ourselves up in the process, we need to make amends when necessary, accept forgiveness and get on with our life.

Three things I liked what Walsch wrote was; “Do you really want an answer to all these questions or are you just venting”, “you are sure as hell…but wouldn’t be nice to be sure as Heaven?” and “I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk but who listens?” Walsch did write that God’s most common form of communication is through feelings. This is where I feel the left brain system of logic and reasoning can be set aside for the right brain way of intuition. Thought can be used here as images or pictures not solely as reasoning and deduction. Discernment needs to be used here as a way of deciphering one message from the others. Learning how to think is still of primary importance. If one gives up their freedom or free will to other people they have in effect sold their soul.

One thing that got my attention in the book was “begin by being still. Quiet the outer world, so that the inner world might bring you sight.” How can we obtain world peace if people remain agitated inside themselves? We don’t need any pie in the sky promises but how many of us refuse God’s love because of reasons like their ego getting in the way, feel they don’t deserve to be loved or feel that God’s promises are “too good to be true?” How much fear, war, intolerance, restrictive thinking and poverty consciousness has existed because of this we don’t deserve anything good mentality?

One topic the book brought up was dying. This is a subject that still is primarily wishful thinking or speculation. Who really knows what happens after our spirit leaves our physical body. We live in a world where people are really uptight about being okay with death. I’ve wondered what is so “right to life” when a person is hooked up to life support machines and has no chance of leading a full life by remaining in a vegetative state. I have to question whether it’s a concern for human life or their own fear of what is beyond deaths door that the extreme right to lifers have. I would think the best thing that could be done is to let a person die instead “hanging on” or continue to suffer from a terminal illness.

Us humans seem to be a crazy mixed up bunch. Suffer in silence and one is regarded as a saint or martyr to be admired. Yet if one enjoys life in a robust manner they are thought of as a sinner of sorts. Yet we complain so much in getting caught up in issues and dramas. Jesus was quoted saying; “I’ve come to give life more abundantly.” How many people bother to investigate what was meant here.

I fully agree with what Walsch wrote about why people enter relationships. I’ve seen to many of them occur as a result of peer pressure, fear of loneliness, financial reasons, ego gratification or improve ones status in the eyes of society. Yet how much do faulty expectations ruin any relationships that could have gone somewhere? People need to take a break between relationships to deal with any issues or dramas that have cropped up before embarking on another one.

Has Walsch channelld God and put the message into several books? I’ll ask any individual to answer that for themselves, anyone is capable of doing it. Though I take it with a grain of salt that God was in direct contact with Walsch, a lot of the information seems sound enough. I would suggest one uses a degree or two in scepticism before they take this information to heart.

Ron Murdock
[email protected]

For more information or to purchase this book simply click on its title: Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0399142789&camp=217145&creative=399377Spiritualism Books)ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0399142789&camp=217145&creative=399385


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