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A Story of the Creation Xenoverse -Omniverse and the First Djinn (Genie)

The structure of the universe & THE XENOVERSE GENIE DJINN

In the “Xenoverse” the universe is composed of a Multiverse within a Higher Dimension or ‘Higher Domain’. Our local Dimensional Universe is a ‘Lower Domain’ that exists alongside other Lower Domains within the Higher Domain.

Our local Dimensional Universe is the stage of both Xenoverse and Xenias in the ‘Xenoverse’. It is composed of two overlapping domains within itself; ‘Normal space’ and ‘Imaginary space’.

“There is a theory that the space we live in is composed of two realities (and nothingness): normal space, which we are actually able to perceive, and imaginary space, which proceeds along an imaginary temporal axis we cannot perceive.

The concept of imaginary time itself is a theory devised by Hawking to explain the birth of the universe without the use of singularities–without relying on the existence of God. With it, one can picture a universe without any “beginning” (the Big Bang singularity) or “end” (the Big Crunch singularity), but instead simply composed of a multi-dimensional hyper spherical surface.” – Tetsuya Takahashi (Xenias database)

Normal space (or real-number domain) is the reality that can be perceived (to know via a sense organ), and the Imaginary space (imaginary-number domain) is the reality that cannot be perceived. Every single thing that exists in the universe extends into these two domains. For example, in the case of humans, the “substance and flesh” that can be seen and touched exist in Normal space, and the “consciousness and heart” that cannot be sensed exist in Imaginary space.

The Collective Unconscious exists in Imaginary Space and is recognized as a white beach. The white ash-colored beach is the visual image of the imaginary domain that a consciousness visualizes when its real-domain body has died and it is being pulled into the Collective Unconscious. This image is subjective and differs according to cultural background and experience of the perceiver. This Collective Unconscious is something like a sky that canopies the entire world, or a vast land on which everything stands. The Collective Unconscious in Imaginary space is such an absolute existence that it is the structure of a gigantic consciousness that holds the Dimensional Universe together.

Imaginary space can be thought of as the “spiritual domain” similar to the world of the soul spoken about by religions such as “heaven” or “nirvana”.

Genesis and the ‘ Zohar ‘

“Before the beginning of the universe, in the undulating waves of the higher dimension, all things were one. It was the waves spilling out from there that created this four-dimensional universe of ours. ‘Humankind’ and the ‘Souls of Humankind’ that were born from there are merely leftovers of those spilled waves.”
– Uralian (Xenoverse)

In the Xenoverse ‘Humankind’ is the highest form of living beings and anything that surpasses human existence in the Xenoverse is referred to as ‘God’. Therefore there are no alien races in the Dimensional Universe other than lower life forms such as animals or the Chichi race. The Xenoverse adopts a philosophical geocentric model of the universe where Earth is the center of the Dimensional universe and is the land in which Mankind are seemingly meant to dwell.

“Planet Earth took form in the vast void of space about 4.5 billion years ago. After about 500 million years, approximately 4.0 billion years from the present, Earth saw its first life. However, this does not go uncontested; some believe that 500 million years after the formation of Earth is a bit too “early” for life to have existed ‘comfortably,’ without some sort of catalyst.”

The “Xenoverse” that Tetsuya Takahashi has created desires to uncover the beginnings, endings, and meanings of our local Dimensional universe and the human condition within it. It follows along a timeline that exists in two versions (Xenoverse and Xenias) but the “Xenoverse” establishes the same universal structure in both versions. Here the “Xenoverse” as a whole is examined first, while the two different stories alongside the timeline is examined later.
The structure of the universe

In the “Xenoverse” the universe is composed of a Multiverse within a Higher Dimension or ‘Higher Domain’. Our local Dimensional Universe is a ‘Lower Domain’ that exists alongside other Lower Domains within the Higher Domain.

“Planet Earth took form in the vast void of space about 4.5 billion years ago. After about 500 million years, approximately 4.0 billion years from the present, Earth saw its first life. However, this does not go uncontested; some believe that 500 million years after the formation of Earth is a bit too “early” for life to have existed ‘comfortably,’ without some sort of catalyst.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi (Xenoverse: Perfect Works The Real Thing~)

The nucleus of the Xenoverse is an ‘Object’ known as “Zohar” which is thought to have been somehow responsible for the creation of Earth’s initial population (Takahashi suggests this himself in Perfect Works) and the Object is infact something like a door or window to the Higher Dimension which is the ‘Realm of God’ in the Xenoverse. The object has existed since the beginning of the Dimensional Universe and existed on the surface of the planet after Earth had taken form in the vast void of space 4.5 billion years ago.

Because Humankind started out as ‘one whole’ (the thematic metaphor in Xenoverse is that of a mirror that has broken into a million pieces) and the structure of Imaginary Space as a collective with the geocentric model of Earth as center of the universe; it is thought that Humankind used to live in a utopian setting in an era of extremely ancient Earth.

“In ancient times, people used to be together with God. People loved God, revered and even feared God. Out of fear of the undying God, they sought divine power. This was a way for the ancients to resist Him. Eventually, they found a method to become gods themselves.”
– Dmitri Yuriev (Xenosaga III)

However, this ancient civilization disappeared, possibly due to “the flooding of the world” as mentioned in The Bible.

“The country of the hills of Mud, the land of Mu, was sacrificed. Being twice upheaved it suddenly disappeared in one night. At last the surface gave way…and they sank along with their countries. A fairy tale. A story about a land that vanished into the sea one night, long ago.” – chaos (Xenosaga II)

The Zohar is seen causing a large flood of rain in the Opening of Xenosaga Episode I. It is thought that by creating a flood on Earth 4.0 billion years earlier, the Zohar created ‘life’ on the planet, and later it flooded the world because of whatever arrogant actions man took when they lived together with ‘God’.

Because of this, Humankind starts to become separated from each other, and the utopian society on Earth starts to turn into a dystopian society. Eventually they are forced into space due to ‘certain circumstance’ and so their motherworld becomes inaccessible and is renamed “Lost Jerusalem”.

As Humankind continues to explore and populate the cosmos, eventually reaching scientific zenith, their hearts and minds does not develop and the era of Humankind in space becomes a cold dystopian setting.

“Mankind has colonized the first habitable planet beyond Earth, Neo Jerusalem. Using it as a base point, it continues to further expand its development. However, this development was purely scientific, lacking any ‘spiritual’ development whatsoever.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi (Xenogears: Perfect Works~The Real Thing~)

Armageddon – Collapse and destruction of the Universe

The Collective Unconscious is an important foundation of the Dimensional universe where there is no separation between consciousnesses, but because Humankind ventured away from their once ‘utopian’ setting, eventually leaving their home planet for outer space, they started to hold fear towards the special characteristic that the Collective Unconscious is endowed with as a result of their dystopian settings, eventually reaching an extremely disastrous spiritual crisis in the dystopian society in the vastness of outer space.

What this means is that consciousness of people who die in this space era will choose to “escape from the collective unconscious” and, following the increase of the rejecting consciousnesses that does not wish to merge with others, the entirety of the collective unconscious becomes exposed to the crisis of scattering and dispersal. When that happens, the dimensional universe that uses the Collective as a foundation also has no choice but to scatter.

So once this dispersal exceeds a critical point, a violent chain reaction is generated and it explodes with overwhelming destructive power and as a result, Imaginary space collapses. Since Imaginary space and Normal space exists in a complementary relationship, the collapse of Imaginary space also causes the collapse of Normal space and the local Dimensional Universe is destroyed. This collapse will then extend to the Higher Dimension which runs the risk of collapsing, taking the whole ‘Multiverse’ with it and will (in this worst-case scenario) result in the destruction of all existence.

Power of Anima and Animus

The Power of Anima and Animus play a large role in the Xenoverse and are both ‘God-like powers’ originating from the Collective Unconscious of the Imaginary Realm in the Dimensional Universe.

Throughout the Xenoverse the power of Anima and Animus exists in various forms (such as the Vessels of Anima, which has the power to form powerful weapons by merging with the in-organic and drawing power from the Zohar) however they are both thought to have been accompanied by their own individual consciousness and ‘Human forms’ at certain points in history. When recognized from Normal Space, the ‘substance’ of Anima and Animus are recognized as ‘organic material’ or ‘human flesh’, male and female type respectively.

The power of Anima originally existed as a failsafe for preserving the Higher Dimension by deleting the Dimensional Universe before it can collapse (should such a situation arise) however it’s purpose can be changed. It is by design a highly destructive form of power.

Similarly, Animus exists as a complimentary power that can control and change the power of Anima.
There also exists a third power that emanated from the collective that exists for the sake of preserving the Dimensional Universe, always attempting to prevent it from either collapsing or activating the ‘failsafe’. This force is known by many different names in the Xenoverse and can also take human form.


“A vast nebulous… With no boundaries…
An emptiness equivalent to my own existence…
I dreamt such a dream…
A long… Never-ending, dream…
That long, long memory of a dream… Perhaps it was the memory of my soul…”
– Fey (Xenogears)

The Xenoverse often make use of “Reincarnation” in the stories. Reincarnation in the Xenoverse means the cycle where a consciousness, which had been absorbed into the Collective Unconscious, once again receives a real-domain vessel and forms a new individual consciousness. This recycling of consciousness is reincarnation or ‘resurrection’.

Wave-type Existence

In the Xenoverse there is not only one thing that is called ‘God’, many things exist in the Dimensional Universe (usually emanating from Imaginary Space) that is called ‘God’. However the entity that is most commonly designated the title of God in the Xenoverse is a wave-type existence that exists in the Higher Dimension. Other than “God” it is known inXenogears simply as “The Wave Existence” and in Xenosaga as “The wave-form; U-DO”.

“U-DO is God himself.”
– Wilhelm (Xenosaga III)

“God… Some would refer to me as that. From a certain point of view, it is right to view me as such. But at the same time, I am not.”
– The ‘Wave Existence’ (Xenogears)

Although many such existences exist in the Higher Dimension, this one in particular show an interest in the local Dimensional universe. It is an existence who’s unfathomable power Humankind wants to harness, and whose destiny seem to be intertwined with our lower domain.

The stage of the story

The stage of the story takes place between a period of over 10 000 years. It begins from the point the threat of the universe’s dispersal is reaching it’s critical point due to Humankinds dystopian setting in space, and how that is postponed for roughly another 10 000 years. However, past, present, and future are all examined throughout the story, from the advent of the local dimensional universe to the unknown ending.
The form. Of Magick in a spirit of the Ancient Ones called Djinn or Djinni aka Genie, Geannie or Jeannie in America.

We add the magick of the essence of energy we call spirit into the form of thought. We now share that which is the higher dimensional spirit. Humankind will now learn to harness that which is serendipity for all who are destined to serve out their destiny intertwined in the lower domain.

Come with us now as we share that which only those who have faith can believe in! Come with us on a journey of health and prosperity that begins in the mind of us all together and separately alone as one. One for all and all for one is how we shall learn about the future! Share in the presence of who we have known as the greatest master teacher of all the ancient mystery schools. Some call him by many names. Some the Lord Jesus, Some Lord Matreiya, Some Lord Buddha, and Some Lord Mohammed. Regardless, the energy is magick that is shared among those who know of the Genie and as Djinn.

The only way I can fully describe being in his presence is…orgasmic joy.
He has a chiseled jaw, dimples, nude, muscular, hairless torso, is always seen wearing the color indigo or white, and can be heard playing tones in one’s ears at times. He is massive- strong, gigantic- probably a full 8 feet tall when he appears to me. His hair is long, wild, and flowing, black as black can be, and shiny, as if it were speckled with filaments of gold. Perhaps it is. I long to touch it! His aquamarine eyes are like pools of peaceful bliss in which one wishes to drown eternally- it is very, very difficult to turn away from his loving gaze. His aroma is unlike anything I have ever experienced- clean, vibrant, slightly floral, slightly musky…heavenly. I adore him, as you can tell, and he deserves a new guardian will love him as much as I do. I will not settle for less.
So, why give him up?


This world’s power structure is changing slowly, and part of my job in this incarnation is to help equalize the disparity between the “haves” and “have-not’s” in order to create peace and equity in the world and shift global consciousness. It cannot fully be accomplished if I choose to hold on to this vessel for myself. I have always known this, but have never been fully ready to let it go because I am so personally attached to this wonderful and benevolent Djinni of all Djinnis. Now is the time for me to let this precious, priceless heirloom containing the most powerful spirit I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with to go to the right person. Is that you?

Let’s be honest: Money is not, and never will be the solution to all your problems. However, nor is it the source of everything that’s wrong in the world. I mean come on, think about it in the physical sense; money is nothing more than faces and numbers on bits of paper/cloth that you want to be able to decide how to use, right?
At the end of your life with all its challenges, triumphs, pain and beauty, what you will be reviewing will be nothing more than a collection of moments that either brought you pain or joy, struggle or ease, isolation or connection, fear or love.
Maybe you already have a very nice flow of wealth and general abundance… that’s great! However, let me ask you as much as anyone else… what would your life be like at the next level? I mean let’s face it, at some point in time no matter how much money we are earning; there’s a point when you realize that you are living in a comfort zone that may well have become a gilded cage, and you know you want to explore and experience life at the next level.

Unlocking that gilded cage with the Quran Mecca King Djinni!

I genuinely believe you can be wealthy and spiritual but there again you can be poor and spiritual, it’s simply a matter of which “Wealth Station” you are tuned into. However, owning your power to have either is not the same as settling for financial struggle because it’s some kind of a ‘good spiritual’ excuse.

By the way, if you think poor people are more spiritual, let me fill you in: I volunteered in a ghetto, poverty was rife, and although there was some wonderful loving and even the occasional spiritual people around, the people who we might judge as being less than spiritual were definitely more in the majority. Let me share with you that it’s hard to be connected to spirit when you’re running from the rent man.

Money is not evil, money is neutral, money is not pure good, money is nothing without ‘us’ using it for whatever outcome we decide upon. Nevertheless, isn’t it time you had enough to do what you want?

Let me ask you: Just as an example, how would your life be different if you had an extra $750 a month? What would that mean to your lifestyle? What that mean to your family and the people you love? How would you feel about yourself with an extra $20,000 in your bank account? Now you may be reading this, and you’re presently making $200,000 + and $20,000 doesn’t seem too big to you.
Well, what would your life be like with an extra 40% added to your annual income? MAKE IT A REALITY BY BRINGING HOME THIS POTENT Quran Mecca King Djinni! And that will just be the beginning for you…
Oh, one more thing; if you’re feeling guilty or unspiritual for even thinking such thoughts, you might want to check the bible, King Solomon; the richest king to ever live and according to the Old Testament God seemed to like him well enough.

What makes him the strongest of all Djinnis I have ever interacted with is the fact that he is not a dimensional Djinni; he is more than that- he is an omniversal spirit.

IN THE OMNIVERSE, All possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. Some or all possible modes of existence are actualized. If we take the point of origin as our being as a point in measurement, then we can generate the following hierarchy: 1. our location in space-time, 2. this universe (cosmos), 3. the Multiverse, 4. the Metaverse, 5. the Xenoverse, 6. the Omniverse.
WITHOUT FAIL, HE Brings GOOD LUCK, Happiness, Success and Prosperity.
He can ward off evil thoughts, jealousy and psychic attacks toward the individual.
He is such a Guardian Angel of a Djinn and provides protection from overcoming negativity and spells.
He will protect you against anger and hateful feelings from somebody. She deflects evil eye energy.
He also helps to connect us with the Earth and establish our link with the Universe.
He has a very positive influence on people who find difficulties to manage their affairs due to lack of stability.
He is an expert at stimulating career success and increasing energy levels.
He is a master at focusing and Realizing Your Goals.
He is also well-known as a MONEY Djinn.
He has been called the Success Djinn and Merchant’s Djinn of Wealth.
He is known as the “success Djinn” because he promotes success, prosperity, and abundance. Just look at the results the Al Saudi family got from him! They are among the wealthiest families in the world, ever!

In particular, He promotes success in business and money involved situations. He is a Djinn of good fortune, and sometimes brings it when you don’t expect it.
He is a Djinn of manifestation, helping manifest abundance in many ways.
Along with Prosperity and Good fortune, this Djinn dissipates negative energies of all kinds. Since He eliminates negative energies, He helps generate stability in all areas of your life, and is extremely good for general protection. He brings happiness and cheer to one who is his guardian and their entire family.
Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by this Djinn.

He brings Joy and Love to the guardian. He helps to manifest your goals and attracts abundance and personal power. This Djinn not only helps acquire wealth but maintain it, because He vibrates to prosperity in all its forms, as he is THE MOST Powerful MONEY Djinn.
He is a very Protective Djinn. His protective energies are more gentle and subtle than all other Djinnis.

Inspiration is another hallmark of this Djinn, and that can assist in inner attunement, and is useful for performing Miracles.

As well, he balances Yin-Yang energy.

He can help bring stronger intuition and inner knowing.

He is considered a Djinn of communication.

He is very magical, curing everything from thirst, the evil-eye, and bad dreams.

He fosters good luck, love, truthfulness, courage, bravery, strength, abundance, wealth, longevity, acceptance, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, security, persuasiveness, agreeability, congeniality, compatibility, creativity, and acquiring wealth.

He assists his guardian in discerning truth, accept circumstances, and is a powerful emotional healer. He improves memory and concentration, increases stamina and encourages honesty.

He insures pleasant dreams, to enhance personal courage and protects one against danger. He also provides security and appreciation of nature.

He is considered a Power Djinn.

He has excellent protective and healing energy, and stimulates analytical capabilities and precision.

His vessel on your desk will help you be more precise. He also helps awaken (discover) your inherent natural talents.

As well He Improves self-esteem. He assists in finding hidden treasure (as he did with the Saudi Arabian OIL), and is a Djinn of ULTIMATE AND CONSISTENT prosperity FOR GENERATIONS!

It is not uncommon for those who have called upon these spirits’ power to:
Make boat loads of cash, while doing what you love!

You will live every day of your life with blissful happiness and mind-blowing natural highs!

Attract the partner of your dreams and enjoy hot, sexy, romance every day!
Build billion-dollar empires!

Dramatically increase your powers of persuasion! Make others love you!

Drain the power of anyone who dares try to deceive or cheat you! (You’ll reverse the current of power and make them regret ever trying to rob you!)

Discover the true meaning of life! You’ll be shocked at how simple but yet so profound the secret is! You’ll instantly explode with MEGA happiness! (You’ll wake up every day and bounce out of Bed!)

Create tons of cold, hard cash like the giant computer companies. (It’s up to you if you want to use this secret to create thousands or MILLIONS of dollars!)
Triple your confidence overnight! You’ll possess power beyond any Hollywood superstar celebrity!

Multiply the power of your mind!

Discover the attitude that virtually guarantees GOLDEN success in every situation!

You might even become an international Mogul!

Unlock the limitless potential of your mind! Yes the Billionaire’s mind is yours with this magick!

If you so desire, receive boatloads of red-hot pleasure that will leave you in ecstasy!

Go beyond even the wildest rock stars!

You’ll be overwhelmed by your new-found powers to attract money from everyone around the world! (Financial independence has never been SO EASY!)

Easily sail past your competitors! They’ll never understand what happened with your stealth power!

Completely annihilate any barriers that stand between you and your ultimate goals!

Yes, you can make tens of thousands of dollars a month without even lifting a finger! (You’ll be firmly on the path towards setting-up wealth-creating operations from anywhere in the world!)

You will attract hot dates and become a red hot sex symbol! (Your biggest “worry” will be WHO do you pick?)

Achieve absolute freedom! Yes, you can travel the world and achieve blissful happiness!

Multiply your happiness in every situation! Escape misery and suffering!

The conjurer who brought him forth (whose name must remain a sacred secret) has passed away, and took his 15,000 year-old Quaranic secrets with him to the grave.

There is no way you can even get into Mecca to try to find a comparably knowledgeable and skilled conjurer unless you’re Muslim and have millions of dollars to spend.

Your life will never be the same if you wholeheartedly believe in this spirit’s magick!

Trust yourself, trust your own experiences, trust your own feelings- that is what is true, and valid. It matters not what others say and do, about me, you, or anyone else. In the final analysis, it’s YOUR life to live, and I encourage you to find JOY in it and LIVE IT FULLY, despite what others say or do about you!

Old Information on record on the Internet about Djinn Luck in families.

The House of Saud also called the Al Saud, is the ruling royal family over Saudi Arabia. The family is estimated to be composed of 7,000 members.

The head of the family is King Abdullah, and this is his personal vessel. Most power resides amongst the 200 or so descendants of King Abdul-Aziz.

This family had been clients of Cliona since 1954, and she procured this vessel directly from them in exchange for services rendered.

This vessel was conjured forth by King Abdul-Aziz himself in the holy city of Mecca.

Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in Islam.

More than 13 million Muslims visit Mecca annually, including several million who perform the pilgrimage. As a result, Mecca has become one of the most cosmopolitan and diverse cities in the Muslim world. Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city.

So, unless you are Muslim, you’ll never get a chance to experience the magick of Mecca, where only the MOST POWERFUL DJINNIS IN THE WORLD ARE CONJURED.

Mecca and Medina and its surrounding outskirts are the only two places where the Quran was composed.

This is none other than the original Quran Mecca King Djinni, from whom all other phylums, ranks, and classes descend.

His vessel is intricately designed and is inscribed in Arabic, and features the royal palace and seat of government of Saudi Arabia, as well as runic markings.

It is solid sterling unmarked silver and a one-of-a-kind vessel!

IT HAS BEEN IN OUR FAMILY SINCE 1950, when it was gifted to Cliona directly from the Al Saud’s family conjurer.

The promise made to Cliona was that the djinni’s power would increase exponentially for each year that the Al Saud family remained in power, and that has proven to be very true.

That is why this may well be one of THE MOST POWERFUL DJINNIS in the world today.

FROM THE FIRST MOMENT I EXPERIENCED HIS SPINE-TINGLING ENERGY, which nearly knocked me over in a stupor, while at the same time, sending currents of erotic electricity up and down my spine and making my head swirl, as if I was being transported to another dimension, I knew this was unlike any djinni I have ever experienced in my life. Period.

Don’t open this package if you’re running errands and have driving to do or are out in public- it’s best if you are relaxed, at home, sitting in your favorite place, feet on the floor (so you stay grounded), or outside in nature with your feet on the ground.

You never know how this energy will affect you- it affects everyone differently! It cannot harm you, but it definitely could make you euphoric or unaware of what is happening in your 3D reality, for it’s out of this world- literally!
He is as old as time immemorial, yet appears ageless when he manifests in physical form.

He has a chiseled jaw, dimples, nude, muscular, hairless torso, is always seen wearing the color indigo or white, and can be heard playing tones in one’s ears at times. He is massive- strong, gigantic- probably a full 8 feet tall when he appears to me. His hair is long, wild, and flowing, black as black can be, and shiny, as if it were speckled with filaments of gold. Perhaps it is. I long to touch it!

His aquamarine eyes are like pools of peaceful bliss in which one wishes to drown eternally- it is very, very difficult to turn away from his loving gaze. His aroma is unlike anything I have ever experienced- clean, vibrant, slightly floral, slightly musky…heavenly. ?

This world’s power structure is changing slowly, and part of my job in this incarnation is to help equalize the disparity between the “haves” and “have-not’s” in order to create peace and equity in the world and shift global consciousness.

It cannot fully be accomplished if I choose to hold on to this vessel for myself. I have always known this, but have never been fully ready to let it go because I am so personally attached to this wonderful and benevolent Djinni of all Djinnis.

Let’s be honest: Money is not, and never will be the solution to all your problems.

However, nor is it the source of everything that’s wrong in the world.

I mean come on, think about it in the physical sense; money is nothing more than faces and numbers on bits of paper/cloth that you want to be able to decide how to use, right?

At the end of your life with all its challenges, triumphs, pain and beauty, what you will be reviewing will be nothing more than a collection of moments that either brought you pain or joy, struggle or ease, isolation or connection, fear or love.

Maybe you already have a very nice flow of wealth and general abundance… that’s great! However, let me ask you as much as anyone else… what would your life be like at the next level?

I mean let’s face it, at some point in time no matter how much money we are earning; there’s a point when you realize that you are living in a comfort zone that may well have become a gilded cage, and you know you want to explore and experience life at the next level.

Unlocking that gilded cage with the Quran Mecca King Djinni!

I genuinely believe you can be wealthy and spiritual but there again you can be poor and spiritual, it’s simply a matter of which “Wealth Station” you are tuned into. However, owning your power to have either is not the same as settling for financial struggle because it’s some kind of a ‘good spiritual’ excuse.

By the way, if you think poor people are more spiritual, let me fill you in: I volunteered in a ghetto, poverty was rife, and although there was some wonderful loving and even the occasional spiritual people around, the people who we might judge as being less than spiritual were definitely more in the majority. Let me share with you that it’s hard to be connected to spirit when you’re running from the rent man.

Money is not evil, money is neutral, money is not pure good, money is nothing without ‘us’ using it for whatever outcome we decide upon. Nevertheless, isn’t it time you had enough to do what you want?

One must find the ring that one is drawn too and then go about requesting the energy of the Xenoverse to be shared in spirit.

MAKE LUCK A REALITY BY BRINGING HOME THIS POTENT Quran Mecca King Djinni! And that will just be the beginning for you…

THE XENOVERSE GENIE RING OF A DJINN is what one makes of any ring blessed with the powers of the Teachers and Masters of the Ancient Ones. Those who believe instill the magick in the belief of something. It is the power in the essence of the energy not the material but what it represents that brings on more power. – The power can be called to a particular place or thing. Such as Sales on Ebay on the Internet for example…
There are ways to experience life and motivation and sharing in the magic or magick of believing in something has the power of the Djinn of the Spirits of the Ancients in the energy that it takes from all who have lived before and will live again.

The power of prayer is asking and the power of meditation is receiving. One should learn to ask and then allow one to receive. This is how the laws work in the Omniverse.

The fun of magic as the old time ancient magick can be made fun again for those who desire to understand the power of the energ in synergy and the essence of the power of prayer and meditation.

The fulfillment of pleasure and abundance comes in time with the belief system that all the omniverse is made of, as energy!

Love and Light.

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