A UFO over Loma Pyta, Paraguay?

By Scott Corrales
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy
UFO Digest Latin America Correspondent

Is the incipient UFO wave in Argentina beginning to have a ripple effect to neighboring countries? Guillermo Gimenéz alerts us to a video posted to YouTube suggesting that Paraguay — absent from UFO chronicles since UFOs were reported over the community of Luque in March 2010 — has experienced “strange object” sightings.

The text accompanying the video states that a group of young men was playing soccer at a neighborhood football field when they were startled by the presence of red lights some seventy meters from their position. A boy from the community of Loma Pyta named Ulises González was the one who saw the unidentified flying objects.

“Ulises,” reads the original text, “was alerted by his 4-year-old niece, who had seen strange lights in the sky. He was playing football with some friends only blocks away from the El Portal shopping center.

Ultimahora.com’s newsroom was visited by Ronald Maidana, who said that the lights were two at first and later became four. “The formed a lazy L-shape, lying on tis back, and then headed westward toward Argentina,” he explained.

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