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It was an interesting article which I will post under my article on my blog however for me it was obvious that the flashes of light were part of the memory altering that takes place when humans are taken and abused by whatever or whoever is doing the abducting.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

It is by no way a coincidence that human scientists are now using light in this way nor should we be surprised.  I doubt there is anyone out there who does not at least suspect if not clearly know that the human race has been given or stolen  a great deal of technology from the other life forms that have been visiting this planet most likely from the birth of the planet. Reading that a form of memory control and light is connected should have been obvious to me before. I laugh when I realize it was part of every Men in Black movie made. The fact they used the light flash may have been a joke on society placed in the movies by those who knew long ago that it was indeed the exact way our visitors control our memories.

If you missed Part I of this article click here:

I am sure there is a part of humanity, those elite few, who do know what is going on in this universe that know a great deal if not most of what happens to not only lost time abductees, but all those who are taken or have close encounters.

These elite few understand and freely approve of and go along with all types of abductions that take place to all the living creatures of earth including humans. The only ones kept in the dark are the mass of the world’s population that  remain at the will and hands of the few and those who visit and do as they please with us.

At this point in my life I have learned by both research and personal experience that we know little yet live in a world filled with unknowns and unexplained events that we continue to ignore and let happen without questioning or are  even normally curious about.

I believe in many things that seem impossible as I have lived and witnessed the impossible first hand. I also know we are being walked down a dishonest path by the powers that control this planet and realize we are simple pawns in a game none of us have any idea is being played out much less understanding.

All I can do is write what I see and share what I find and let you walk your own path of understanding what is going on around us all the time.

Enjoy each day but in doing so always pay attention to your surrounding and be careful out there as you never know when that light will flash in your direction!


♥ Copyright © 2014 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved

Chris Holly’s Endless Journey with the Unknown-






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