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Abduction in the Desert Sun the Nightmare Continues


Most readers who follow the “alien abduction” phenomenon online are familiar with reports of ordinary people snatched from their workaday lives, often during broad daylight during the performance of some unremarkable daily activity, reported by my colleague Chris Holly as the misfortunes of the Real Time Abductees.  What follows is one of the latest cases in which the unknown abductors have reached into our world and grabbed an unsuspecting businessman whose only mistake was something he could never have prevented under any circumstances. 

Was his fate somehow sealed the moment he was born to a Real Time Abductee mother?  Have the circumstances of his birth led to his joining the ranks of those who end up walking in fear, knowing there are creatures of unknown origin waiting to interrupt their lives and subject them to ordeals of physical and mental tampering that scar them for life?

The case in point is that of a son of one of the Real Time Abductees Chris Holly has reported about over the past few years. The man worked as an antique dealer who saw his existence slip into another zone, a place where all the familiar rules of our humdrum lives are turned upside down and terror takes center stage.  It all began a few short months ago when this businessman was gathering antiques in the Desert Southwest of the United States.

On this particular day his destination was Los Angeles International Airport, known to millions of travelers as LAX.  He was wrapping up a successful trip to the California community of Palm Springs, driving a large SUV he had rented in Los Angeles, packed with the merchandise that would declare his mission a success. 

As his Real Time Abductee mother  related to Chris Holly her antique dealer son was proceeding toward LAX, planning on dropping off the antiques he had collected at a United Parcel Service location to be shipped back to his Connecticut office before turning in the rental SUV at LAX and flying home via New York City.  

But other plans, conceived by intelligences unknown and sinister, terrifying in appearance and power, would cross paths with this 47-year-old as he proceeded across the California desert.  His life would change forever before the journey’s end, and he would be dragged into the confusing and frightening life led by those we know as the Real Time Abductees.

The background on this new abductee reveals a family man, happily married and supporting his college student children.  He has a successful antique business in the well-heeled corridor of Connecticut.  And he was born to a mother who has become what we must consider the matriarch of the Real Time Abductees.  The keen intellect of his mother appears to have been passed along to the son, and a concern for the fate of the Real Time Abductees must have been included in the deal, for, as we shall see, the son’s ordeal in the desert was not his first collision with the world of alien abduction.

Since his desert experience, he has confided in his mother that there have been other strange instances of missing time, one of the hallmarks of the abduction phenomenon.  He does not drink in fact has been a lifelong health nut not given over ever to alcohol or drugs.  In short, he’s an individual with the sort of lifestyle that indicates an interest in doing things the right way, living for his family, all of whom are now concerned that his desert encounter with the unknown has changed his life and may indicate he’s now fully involved in the terrors of his mother’s lifelong abduction problems.

While we can’t comprehend the reasoning of the abductors, this new abduction appears to raise the specter of an abductor interest in bloodlines.  Does this apparent abduction, coupled with the victim’s previous missing time events, indicate the abductors are keeping track of the offspring’s of those they’ve so coldly taken?  This is only one of the questions that may come to your mind as we follow this gentleman’s progress, driving through the desert landscape that fateful day last spring.

The antique dealer was probably thinking contentedly of the success of his trip west as he drove toward Los Angeles, but he did make note that traffic was sparse that day.  It was mid afternoon on what was an unremarkable California desert day as he tried to make it to the UPS center to ship his collection and head to LAX to turn in the rental vehicle and catch his flight.  He had traveled the area on many occasions before, and he says nothing was out of the ordinary that afternoon until the engine of the late model SUV suddenly died.

With the sudden loss of power, he was forced to glide to a stop on the roadside.  Nothing seemed to be wrong with the nearly new vehicle, and the gas tank was full.  He tried to restart the engine and got no response from the ignition.  The vehicle was totally unresponsive, as though the electrical system no longer had any juice flowing through its conduits.  Immediately concerned about becoming stranded on a deserted highway in an unpopulated area, with no traffic flowing by, he grabbed for his cell phone.  It, too, was dead.

That’s all he can recall of what occurred when the suddenly powerless SUV forced him to pull off to the side of the road.

The Real Time Abductees are very protective of their identities, and rightly so.  They don’t relish being treated like the media treat anyone who reports an incident we would all consider weird.  My writing partner, Chris Holly, is part of the Real Time Abductee group and is trusted by them to pass their message along to her readers.  After speaking with the Real Time Abductee who is the mother of this latest abductee, Chris picks up the narrative of this apparent abduction event:

The next thing the abductee’s son remembers is walking towards a general store from the desert and a man from the store rushing forward to greet him.

The man who owns that store was sitting in the front of his out-of-the-way business as he does most days killing time between his few usual customers when he noticed a man across the road walking towards his store from the desert. He could see the man was not walking a steady course and ran into the store to grab a bottle of water before heading out to meet the man and help him to the store. He walked out and found the abductee’s son confused and lost. He gave him the water and helped him make his way to the store’s front porch seating area where there was a bit of shade. The storekeeper got the man to sit down and drink two bottles of water before asking why he was walking alone out in the desert.



The abductee’s son told him he had broken down and was looking for help. The store owner knew that something was not right about this man wandering around the desert alone and could tell the man seemed disoriented and confused. The store owner called the local police to help deal with the lost man.

When a deputy arrived he questioned the man about what had happened and how he came to be wandering around in the desert during mid afternoon alone and confused.  The man explained that his rented vehicle had broken down and his cell phone did not work so he went looking for help. The policeman talked with the abductee’s son and found him to be extremely disoriented. He did not know exactly where he was or how he got there. He did not know what time it was and was shocked to find that hours had passed since the time he had pulled off the road. His pockets were filled with odd rocks and fossils he thought he had picked up while walking in the desert. He did not appear to be sunburned even though he had supposedly been walking in the midday desert sun for hours. The incident was becoming stranger by the moment.

The deputy decided to try to find the man’s SUV and called in a search for all area law enforcement to look for it along the highways in the vicinity. Nothing was found until a call arrived that an SUV fitting its description was located about an hour and a half drive, or a day or more walk, from where the man was found at the isolated general store.

The police now were confused, wondering how he managed to cover the distance he did in the time stated without any signs of having made such a difficult journey. Things were not adding up, but the police did not have any cause to feel anything illegal had taken place. They decided to return him to his vehicle. They took him on the long hour and a half drive back to find his SUV parked on the side of the road exactly where he had abandoned it. It was not locked and still had all the expensive antiques intact exactly as he had left them. The keys were on the floor of the front passenger seat. The vehicle started immediately without hesitation. The abductee’s son’s cell phone was also on the floor of the front passenger seat and it worked as well. The situation, however, still remained extremely strange.

The police determined the man was not telling them the truth about his ordeal yet had no reason to hold him as he did not do anything they could consider illegal. They felt it best to simply allow the abductee’s son to continue on his way.

Still confused and shaken by what had happened to him, the man was grateful to be back on the road heading towards Los Angeles.  Although he was hours off his schedule he was able to complete his journey. He finished his trip as planned, sent back his cargo via UPS and returned his rented vehicle. He was beginning to feel a bit ill but was happy to find he would be able to fly home that night.

On the flight home the abductee’s son started to feel as if he had the flu. He was running a fever and suffering severe chills. He was exhausted and could not stay awake. He slept the entire trip home.

His wife was waiting for him at the airport. She was shocked to see he was barely able to walk, weak and lightheaded. She had to locate a wheelchair to get him to their car which was in the airport parking garage. He told his wife what had happened to him out in the desert. 

The man remained ill overnight. The next day his wife took him to their family doctor. He told the doctor about his odd experience in the desert. The family doctor examined the man and found his blood pressure to be low and his temperature high. He discovered a raised red rash under his arms and along his spine. He also noted his right ankle was swollen. The doctor spoke to the abductee’s son’s wife while the man was dressing and told her he thought her husband seemed to still be a bit disoriented.  Just like the police determined, the doctor also felt the man was not telling the complete truth about what occurred to him in the desert and was withholding the information for private reasons. The doctor felt his ailments were not serious and that he would be fully recovered after a few days of rest and lots of water to rehydrate him. He sent him home to basically eat, sleep and drink a lot of fluids.

The man’s wife knew about her husband’s mother having strange experiences during her lifetime and unlike the police and doctor felt her husband may have also experienced something odd out there in the desert. She knew her husband well and did not think he was hiding anything. However, she did think he was acting frightened and confused.  The abductee’s son was extremely exhausted and returned to his bed to sleep after the doctor’s visit. His wife used this opportunity to call her husband’s mother and family to tell them what had happened to him during his desert journey.

The Real Time Abductee was alarmed and fearful for her son when she was told of his experience in the desert and immediately made arrangements to visit him. She and her husband who is the man’s father arrived the next day. After spending time with her son, the Real Time Abductee felt he had been taken, and she knew he would now have to live his life differently. 

The Real Time Abductee and her husband are still living with their son and his wife and children. The son is not doing well and has not been able to return to work. It has been months now since this incident happened and his rashes and exhaustion continue. About two weeks after the abductee’s son arrived home he started to develop severe back pain. His doctors are not able to pinpoint the cause of it but do see problems developing along his spine.

The man has become withdrawn and easily agitated.  He has developed moments of flashback that come on him at all times of day or night that send him into a screaming hysteria. The flashes of memory are brief and do not make sense to him. They are also horrific which causes him moments of extreme fear. He will not discuss them and becomes angry if pushed to do so.  His family has taken the same tactics with him that they have with his mother. They protect him and have built a security system where he is never alone and their home is fully lit and watched so the chances of his being taken are at least limited by their actions. It is not known at this time if he will ever be able to return to  work as it consisted of a great deal of travel to places that would not be wise for him to venture to alone. If he recovers physically and emotionally enough to return to his career, his family will have to arrange new ways of handling the travel aspects of his work and reduce the chances of him being abducted again. The last time I spoke with this family they were still struggling with this new abduction case involving their son, and he remains ill and disoriented months after the event took place.

Over the years it has been an observation of the Real Time Abductees group that men do not survive the lost time events of being taken as well as women do.   Why this seems to be the case is a mystery.

I feel badly for this family as the last thing anyone who has been a victim to these things wants is for a loved one to suffer them, too.  These events are an invasive, unexplained intrusion of lost time and abduction by unknown entities which abuse the abductees and toss them back without concern. It is horrible to think someone you love may be forced to endure these inhuman encounters.

The Real Time Abductees have a long history of family ties to these strange unknown events, and all fear their families will someday become the ones to experience these nightmare events as their bloodlines appear to attract whatever is committing these mysterious kidnappings. It is the feeling of the Real Time Abductees that they are pinpointed because of their biological makeup. They feel it is their blood type, DNA, or some other biological marker that makes them the targets of these random lost time events and abductions. They feel this way because they know they have been physically altered during these events themselves. Not one of the people I have been able to talk with ever had any type of interest at all in things considered paranormal until they became the target of continued unknown events. The only reason they have banded together or allowed me to discuss their cases is in hopes it will help others who may be having the exact same things happen to them and, of course, in hopes making these encounters of everyday people known may one day help end them. For us all I wish for both these things.

That concludes Chris Holly’s report on the encounter in the California desert that appears to have added a new member to the growing list of people who have experienced lost time and dim memories of terrible activities in which they were the unwilling victims.  So, it’s a good time to remind readers, as Chris always does, be aware of your surroundings at all times when you venture outside your home.  You never know when it may become your frightening turn to look into the uncaring eyes of the unknown.  

Written by Rick Stokes forChris Holly’s Paranormal World

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Email phone 631-877-4818


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