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Explanatory Surgical Event: Surgeons place incisions in the navel to minimize visible scars.

Abduction Memory: Other abductees are present.

Explanatory Surgical Event: Outpatients are placed in the same recovery room.

Abduction Memory: Abductees notice unusual scoop-shaped scars.

Explanatory Surgical Event: Many antibiotics increase a patient’s sensitivity to the sun, producing a sore-like irritation.

Abduction Memory: Recollection of icons or written symbols.

Explanatory Surgical Event: Federal law requires virtually everything in a modern operating room to be marked with graphic warning labels. Icon-like shapes identify combustible and oxidizing gases, toxic substances, etc.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

Although James Wilson’s efforts may seem amusing or even far-fetched to most researchers, I wish to commend him for being willing to construct a hypothesis for consideration. Sadly though, it seems he only has a superficial understanding of abduction claims (I note that his four references do not include any studies of actual abduction data) and no apparent contact or interviewing of any abduction participants. Wilson is correct in proposing an analysis of abduction data to distinguish between abductees who have and have not had prior surgical experiences. But note that once again “explanations” find their way into publication and public notice rather quickly – before a careful analysis of actual data takes place. We shall keep pushing professional journals toward acceptance of data-rich studies that lead us closer toward a truth based in reality – not just theory. As TV journalist George Knapp wisely noted in his award-winning documentary, UFOs: The Best Evidence, “Science should be the investigation of the unexplained, not the explanation of the uninvestigated.”

Current Links for Abductee-Experiencer Research:

Please visit the current MUFON Abduction Research Team’s Websites at the following URLs to catch up on the latest Abduction Research Studies:

Kathleen Marden:

Denise M. Stoner:

Abduction Commonalities Study:

The New Technology Study Questionnaire can be accessed here: Bona Fide Abductees & Experiencers Only:

The Hybrids Project (includes a cool video)

Hybrids Rising


Biography of John S. Carpenter, MSW, LCSW

John Carpenter obtained a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, and a master’s degree in Social Work, from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. He has had advanced training in Clinical Hypnosis in order to practice as a psychiatric therapist and hypnotherapist in Branson, Missouri. For over 32 years he has counseled people in Southwest Missouri for every kind of emotional problem imaginable.

His life-long curiosity in UFOs led to his volunteering his services for over 150 cases of possible UFO abduction. Using clever interviewing and thorough hypnotic investigation, he has collected amazing patterns of data which clearly depict a consistent and coherent scenario of extraterrestrial contact. He presented six papers at the prestigious MIT Abduction Study Conference in Boston in 1992. His published papers have brought him international recognition and speaking invitations on five continents. He has presented at conferences from Australia to England, on national and international radio, television, and film documentaries. He has created and produced 10 research DVDs since 1996. Mr. Carpenter also served as MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research from 1991 until 2000 and is a founding member of JAR: Journal For Abduction Encounter Research.

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