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Alien Abducted Correspondences: Q. and A. by Paul Schroeder

 By Paul Schroeder 

Alien Abducted Correspondences
( A young woman in Dallas who reports vivid, odd dreams and UFO sightings for months, writes me, from Dallas, Texas)
Dear Paul,
Here’s something… This guy who lives across from me -Bruce- He’s a retired homicide detective from DPD- I’ve known him now for almost 5 years- I tell you this to demonstrate that he is an intelligent, rational person- not someone given to imaginings or flights of fancy.
His skin reacts badly to the sun, and having worked at night for so many years, that’s when he’s usually awake. so he goes out late in the evenings and after dark to sit  outside on a bench on the lawn- He called me night before last to ask me if I would join him there that night- there was something he wanted to show me. Since we frequently go back and forth to each others apts. for lunch, dinner or having a drink or smoke together while watching a movie- I knew he wasn’t inviting me out there for what some may see as “obvious” reasons.
I hadn’t been out there with him before, because as I’ve stated before- I don’t particularly like going outside at night. Well anyway, he said that he had been noticing an interesting object in the sky off and on lately- last couple of months. At first he didn’t think anything about it, since we live only ten minutes from Dallas Intercontinental Airport- and see planes going back and forth day and night.
He began to notice a difference in this object, after a few times observing it in the night sky. He said that he began to notice a pattern to it’s appearance- every couple of nights he would see it.  Also the erratic flight pattern it seemed to exhibit. First of all, it was always way higher up than any of the planes flew- and consequently smaller in appearance- but emitting extremely bright oddly distributed light patterns.
 As he began to regularly watch it, he noticed that it moved in stops and starts and a wide zigzagging pattern of flight- something he’d never seen a regular plane do. Once, when looking through his binoculars, he noticed a long thin stream of some sort of emission coming from it as it swept around the sky.
About 45 minutes or so after that , he started to feel a slight dizziness and tingling in his limbs and face- then a headache coming on- so he went back inside. Then he began to remember a couple of other times when this had occurred- he had felt fine- and would observe the UFO type object and later start to feel sick- nausea- headache so forth. At first he didn’t connect it, when you get our age, you almost expect to have these afflictions come over you-from meds and all- you can usually find something to blame it on-
Having been in homicide investigation for over thirty years, Bruce is of a detail, clue oriented mind set- anything which seems strange or unusual, he’ll automatically try to figure out why. he knows that this type of thing is of interest to me- so he wanted to see what I thought about it.  Not having observed this object for a couple of nights, he assumed that true to schedule, it would show up that night.  Well- it did! I saw it and noticed the strange flight pattern he had mentioned- it did seem to be extremely high up in the sky too- but the lights on it were so strong that they were still easily discernable even from that height.-they seemed to be in a triangular pattern too- not distributed in the same design as the planes…I suggested that it might be a good idea for us to go back inside before whatever it was dropping had time to reach us– I wasn’t anxious to experience the same symptoms he had experienced before.
We haven’t definitely decided that we’ve seen a real UFO, but who knows…maybe we did- I have a feeling others have seen it too and wondered…I’m sure that it is being tracked by the airport radar- but they won’t make anything public….Jack says that they received hundreds of calls at the station from people all the time about strange things they saw in the skies….especially around the airport,they were usually brushed off as another plane or something…. but that this object, upon close observation didn’t resemble another airplane or weather balloon or anything like that, it probably is only noticeable at night, when the lights can be seen.
So maybe I have seen a UFO, and it does seem to be nearby
Sincerely yours,
Dear Phyllis,
After the airport closes, perhaps after 1:00 A. M., these things in the sky stand out more.
They’re  capable of looking like airplane or just fuselages( beyond belief they are crafty enough to attach motor ‘sounds’ broadcasts, to make it SOUND like an airplane) but their stop and start erratic changes in direction and their sheer high elevation  give them away within a minute or two of observation.
The danger in studying these things, of looking up, is a jeopardy most profound; they can “feel” your psychic attention, focused, even from that distance.
 They can and do climb down the ladder of your awe and your broadcasted curiosity, down from those extreme heights, right into your laps.
That’s how highly psychic they and their technology make them; they’re out ‘fishing’ for awe energy from anyone studying the skies.
Psychic waves of intent which burn with curiosity, reach far out to them and are read.
Such people who ‘notice; these objects also usually have buried dim memory stirrings of being onboard craft but forgotten by “suggestion”; he may well have implants within him.
It’s NEVER an ‘accident when one with awe and curiosity sees craft overhead.
It’s choreographed.
His nausea is evidence of that long distance psychic connection; nausea is a sign that they are communicating ( raw suggestion and very high EMF transmissions do cause such nausea) with his unconscious mind, below awareness. 
 Nausea is a reaction to any sinister psychic intrusion, any presence of evil, demonic intent, sensed by one’s soul-unconscious.
Nausea often prevails within  ‘sensitives’ who are paranormal  investigators when they are studying a badly haunted house and come across demonic beings.
Aliens, from that height, make “exchanges” to our unconscious, readily communicate with that part of our minds we are dimly aware of and cannot easily access.
These are the very same critters who take you when you’re in deep REM and ‘cloak’ all recall of abductions and surgical techniques with vivid scenic realistic-like “dreams”.
Those vivid strange dreams aren’t dreams at all, but are always ‘screen memories’ ; now you can see how successful and sneaky they are in what they do.
Most people marched around a craft will awaken none the wiser.

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