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Alien Abductions and Resistance?

Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically imposed vivid dream, or if one is attempting active resistance, a nightmare replaces the actual abduction scenario, before one’s physical or astral  face and masks any real recollection.

However, the imposed worst scenario dreams do reflect the inner nature of the creatures who are psychically ‘in charge’.

Each night after writing essays, like this one, I have always received a slapping rebuke.

Last night was no different; after writing and posting this my night became emblazoned, again, with their unseen presences.

I was locked into vivid nightmares that I could not awaken from.

I wrote about my abductions and about alien entities and about an alien invasion quietly happening on this planet, that we call Earth and that very night it happened, again.

Imposed nightmares, given in retribution,  are screen memories, to muddle the recollection of an abduction, as well as telepathic attacks by these alien entities, who are seeking an in-dwelling or attached status..

Therein is the true invasion; God only knows how long this has been going on with people, on Earth.

It is surely demonic in nature.

Young reptilians are affixed ethereally along the human spinal chord , feeding from joys and angst as parasites. Imagine a cityscape with most people walking around with such alien parasites secured and feeding. It adds a new meaning to the phrase, “Silent Invasion”.”

Aliens, not unlike ghosts and demons, seek our layered psyches to hide within; when questioned, greys will oddly explain their desired partial possession of us as ,”sanctuary”, as though they also seek respite from sinister reptilians. Reptilian overlords are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the three criteria of pure evil.

I surmise that alien greys and reptilians use us as we use horses to ride upon, and certainly, as I have briefly seen one materialize for three seconds or less  in the shower stall while I was showering, young immature reptilians are installed  for our predation.

These reptilians, saurian entities, half man half lizard, often inter dimensional, are energies  more prevalent than one would guess; they are overlords of many subjugated alien races.

Reptilians speak in harsh deep croaks, are red eyed and look like upright monitor lizards.

Their telepathic prowess are quite astounding.

I recall psychic distress, forming a query to pose to them, only to have it quickly telepathically answered even before I could mentally formulate a bare few words within a long sentence.
 Brilliantly sentient, crafty, devious and diabolical, reptilians will eventually grow wings and as adults stand upright, over eight feet tall .

Worse, these Moth men reptilians  loathe us with a tangible, palpable rage.

When young immature reptilians ones are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord, abductees suffer spinal diseases and ailments; they reside within our energies as lampreys and remora affix themselves to ocean denizens, as parasites.

Last night, again, I was attacked;  vivid nightmares, imposed worst scenarios  broadcast into my mind made me realize upon awakening that my writings had surely irked them; any truths about them, represent light shone on them, light which they detest and work to extinguish.

They also perceive such revealing writings as resistance, which they despise, in any form.

Under the guise of technical testing, reptilian grey creatures interfere with our daily lives, behind our curtains, orchestrating problems and then answering our fervent prayers, and resolving them.

They create dithers and stresses, impose raw anxieties into abductee’s lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave, a unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths, who as negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders, were deemed to crave bodily juices.

Oddly, not unlike these proverbial vampires, garlic does indeed deter them as an herbal repellent.

Psychic alien reptile vampires from techno space?

Although it all sounds like a very bad B movie, abductees are food, ethereally and physically, cows for their milking; through implants which act as energy drains and controls, these puppet masters can micro manipulate virtually all of our psychic and bodily functions.

We are mere marionettes, to these ‘ puppet masters’,  who do blatantly consider humans as their own very valuable property.

The parallel between abducting alien entities and demonic entities in tactics and motives, is quite striking.

(Oddly, tall grey alien entities appear to be more vulnerable to demonic  possession by dark force reptilians, as a race, than we humans are.)

That stipulated definition of ‘evil’, boiled down to a uniform molasses syrup,  is  always unvarying be they alien or demon: sinister, predatory and self justifying.

Like insect praying mantis on Earth, their highly technological alien archetypes, alien mantids and  reptilians, cannot understand higher, elevated ideals like compassion, forgiveness, love and mercy; they prevail against our psyches with intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and without conscience.

One obvious difference between unseen demons and possessing aliens, is in the alien facile use of astoundingly advanced technology.

Demons do not need craft technology to manifest and interact with our physical world, to jump onto our energies; aliens do, when they ride down on tractor light beams from overhead cloaked craft.

Are all aliens sinister, as demons are all sinister?


I can recall an ineffable moment aboard a craft when a brief psychic wave of intense affection and love was broadcast into my mind from a very tall grey who was seated at a table.

This wave of affection was broadcast into me after I had been subjected to a series of surreal imposed scenarios exams onboard a craft.

I often juxtapose that brief wave of ‘affection’ from that taller grey being, with the opposing psychic signature of imposed ‘terror’, generated by smaller very dark greys.

 Small dark greys use broadcast ‘terror’ to control humans who might attempt to move about more independantly onboard craft.

When I encountered it and tried to resist that broadcast overpowering fear, it was like swimming against a powerful current; like a surfer I slalomed sideways through tsunami waves of alien generated terror, a broadcasted telepathy of panic.

Smaller darker greys generate, this disabling terror when they move to attempt to control abductees.

Are we as a race of beings lost and helpless against such myriad forces of evil?
Should we resign ourselves to deep despair?
Is there any possibility of any personal or human species liberation?

After abductions, feeling tinges of despair, I am however convinced  that struggling against alien evil ones who overpower us, who prey upon our consciousness, and who see us as mere ‘containers’ for their own embodiment and possession, force us to evolve more than we could have otherwise, growing more adept in moral, psychic and spiritual growth.

How then, to fight such alien enemies of our very consciousness, itself?

One must tangentially rebuke and sidestep them, vector affronts to them sideways, in small moral baby steps; I have learned that any reciprocal mean spirited direct attack against them, in kind, any frontal lunge, full in their face, brings horrid retributions.

We shall overthrow all yokes only with God’s help.

We must try to keep singlemindedly to the narrow path of a higher moral higher ground to therapeutically instruct them of their gross wrongdoings.

This tactic will not give them an additional blatant reason to continue to destroy us.

We must not use comparable evil methods against them, methods that we condemn them for using against us; like Gandhi, we shall endeavor in pure goodness and sheer moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having first won God’s assistance and Heaven’s intervention.

After all, we are much closer to God than they are.

Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.” p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30


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