Alien Astronauts Ancient History or ET Modern Times

By Theresa J Thurmond Morris
Aliens and Extraterrestrials have always been a part of our history whether ancient or modern times. There are more people interested in our stories and history than ever before.
Those of us who are here to share the spiritual side of the ET experience may have a different approach than that of the Alien Abductees. Therefore, we should do what we can to encourage all aspects of our history.
Scientists are challenging our demographic data. Those of us in the ET UFO Community may want to take notice of our future demographics and statistics for the future articles we shall create online. There are some new “Capitalist Issues” on whether we shall all be having to pay for the “Global Internet Services” in a different way than we are at present. This is making headlines in the mainstream. In the meantime, we all know that our economy is due to change. Our ET UFO news is now big business not just in books and videos. .
Scientists and Economists use numbers as facts.  Some are used with general proof of number totals based on time and history based on numbers that can be found in generalities used.  Such as only ten thousand years ago, it is found that there were, only 10 million people living on earth now used based on scientific proof in general numbers of evolution based on our origin as a species. Our origin can be suspected based on human evolution although we remain as a majority creationists and not evolutionists in belief systems of the mind.
During the Roman Empire era, there were 200 million people. Romans and Jews were those of the stories of which we study during the month of December about the world’s savior for all of our species to be forgiven of our sins as mortals on this planet. We are all born into sin due to our imperfections. This is the general rule of thumb we use as those of a higher power we call God from another place we call the Omnipresence. The Omniverse is the macrocosm in which envelopes all lower creations in which we exist. The God particle is said to be in all things, in all places, and in and out of all beings. In other words, all of our existence is of the inner and outer makings and markings including all our DNA and biomarkers as a species.
Now, in today’s time since we have counted from the year 1500 we have been increasing our numbers and as we now know we are up to over 6.8 billion people on this planet and counting to the 7 billion mark when it is said, we will begin using our migrating gene to explore the universe further for more sustenance and land mass to continue our growth process in the stars.
Dark skin people from Africa have trouble manufacturing Vitamin D due to the low levels of ultraviolet radiation. Consequently, as they migrate north there is a mutation and joining of light skin people to enhance the human population and decrease the lack of diseases, which make them more susceptible to diseases. The Europeans and Asians over time have been able to decrease the melanin in the skin.
Also, our change on this planet from thousands of years as hunters and gatherers around the world to an agrarian existence where we put down roots and begin ground farming for our nutrition and raising cattle for our milk we became farmers and cattle herders. We would settle and create fences to protect our group’s sustenance.
Around 8,000 years ago, we began taking our milk from cows, which was an advantage from taking the infants milk from the mother’s breast in our species. This changed the gene of lactose digestion is about 80 percent in European descendants and only 20 percent in Africans and Asians.
In crowded areas of people, we increase what germs and pathogens we spread among ourselves that also live on this planet. We learned from our epidemics of cholera, malaria, small pox, typhus and other disease so we began our work at fending odd assaults with our immunity. We also began in the latter days learning more about ourselves as people and what makes us live longer and how we could fight off pathogens with medicines. People have already developed 25 new genes to fight malaria. Natural selection picks genes that will help us live longer when we mate and will pick the stronger sperm.
Procreation has been easier with more choices for our women based on the larger gathering places in which we live among the larger cities and communities that offer many choices for our mates in this world of diversity.
We have learned that families are important for passing down to children and grandchildren the games, family traditions, and cultural heritage from one generation to the next. There is now evidence that the brain is evolving as quickly as the rest of our body.
We have surmised over time that all beings on earth that we are all equal to social and political equal rights as egalitarians that value the rights of all individuals regardless of their background cultures and ethnicity. We all deserve the same rights and opportunities in this world of one species.
We may begin seeing more changes as we live longer.
We will now see our children more mobile and more about communication in a global society that will begin to recognize more space exploration in the world. We will raise our children to be world travelers who will raise their children five generations out to be space travelers. This means that by 2100 we should see many cities in space.
In addition, we may understand more about how the past has allowed for other evolutionary changes not only on earth but also in space with our beings that have been “TAKEN UP”. It is now thought among many beings of the world’s population that the books about being “LEFT BEHIND” were timely in the presentation that the iconic stories of Jesus Christ and Ascension may have some valid theories that could be investigated among our scientific fields of endeavor. It is not unheard of to speculate that through out our history that humankind has been taken up into these UFOS and flown to the Mother Ship waiting to whisk a large group of our earth’s population to a new world.
This story we have seen in our ancient history among our oldest stories, myths, and legends about certain civilizations simply disappearing.
Some were just sitting down to eat as was noticed among some ships at sea when the crews simply vanished. IT was suspected that many simply were swept over board and yet the bowls of food and drink were left in place. The story about people in large groups disappearing is not new and can be found all over the world. This is a part of our heritage on earth that we have ignored largely in part because we had no researchers and people who would take the time and effort to explore the stories.
What we can now do in our ET UFO Community is begin combining our stories of UFO sightings with those of sub-cultures that include the disappearance of some groups and civilizations throughout time.
We shall continue to enjoy our Ancient Alien programs on the History Channel and will hope to discover more on our history with new channels like Discover and National Geographic.
We enjoy entertainment but there is a new world of discovery and exploration that allows our children to see another part of us in science on television.
We can still enjoy our fantasy and getaways through travel and tourism and escape with our imaginations. We are known as a species for being imaginative and as creative entrepreneurs.
We can expect to find the missing link to our past with such stories as Big Foot, Swamp monsters, and Yeti. Super natural and paranormal discoveries of our former mysteries are becoming a mainstream interest.
This is how we are accepted in space throughout time as the creators as well as, analytical thinkers. It takes both sides of our brains to enhance our future of using both sides left and right. This is our evolutionary change and the divine plane behind the ET psychology for us all in the all of the Omniverse.
Cultural anthropologists and Historians are working together to determine that our attitudes and customs in this day and time distinguishes us from those of the past. Every trait that we can classify is under strong genetic influence.
Anthropologists tell us bones do not lie and it is obvious that our skulls and stature have shrunk over time from some 35,000 years ago.
Deciphering DNA has allowed us to see that we can uncover what is boosting our evolutionary changes, which is now said to be speeding up on this planet among our species.
While the majority of our species are still under the cultural acceptance that we were created and placed here on this planet that was also created there are some who have chosen to believe in what Darwin came up with regarding Lemurs and Lemuria as evolutionary theory.
Theories are abstract reasoning and some considered systematic.  Sometimes they become the only half-truth and can become accepted among everyone until such time that another fact or better hypothesis arises.
Science came from humankind’s ancient philosophy but is taught in today’s way of thinking as an alternative theory to that of the ancient ancestor’s cultural writings that we were created by a God.  We have learned to become those who believe either as Darwin did as evolutionists or as those of our ancient ancestors did as creationists. We shall all learn that we do not have to become one or the other. There are new ways in the Ascension Age. 
Evolution has a whole new generation of new analytical thinkers who shall incorporate the creationist’s theory of relativity to the God Particle and Super molecular forces in the dark matter and cold fusion ET eras in space.
Some new planes of energy have a rhythm and rhyme to this world dealing with positive and negative aspects similar to the masculine and feminine arrays in our migratory genes and DNA genome.
There was a Goddess but we have certainly destroyed most of the writings of most of the ancient scrolls regarding feminine superiority. However, it is said, that our mother in heaven is so sacred to the Godfather that her name was not to be known less we blasphemy in our sinful ways about us on earth. We were lead to believe that our Mother was earth. Some pagan rituals still are practiced that allow for mother rights as divine through Mother Earth. We use Mother Earth as a name not knowing our Mother in Heaven. Heaven is said to be that place where we shall return above somewhere in the multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, or other dimensions therein the macrocosm of the omnipresence.
It is understood we cannot get there from here but by way of the iconic archetype called the Christ Jesus our saviour of this planet due the divine plan for our species on earth.
People changing and disappearing on this planet is not new. We are just becoming aware that there is a mystery that has been happening all along on this planet and it involves those we call aliens and ET.
People are changing in many ways.  Every human trait is now under scrutiny by various universities. The evolutionary psychology we now share on earth not only relate that our eye and hair color are changing but our brains, digestive systems, bones, immunity to pathogens, sperm production, and our life span.

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