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Alien ET Paranormal Connection to the White Light Transition Portal

Alien ET Paranormal Internal Department of Defense ASCENSION CENTER ORGANIZATION

The Alien ET Paranormal White Light at the End of the Tunnel is where we shall all find ourselves sooner or later. This is truth. This is the portal of transition from this world into another.

I know since I have been there and done that so to speak. I came back to tell about it as a project manager. I also have had alien et paranormal contact and have had many UFO sightings. That is a part of who I am and I have shared some of my sightings with my family and friends most all my life. I am considered different because of my shares.

I now have a following of readers and fans and I write books. I hope that my experiences will offer some guidance to those who feel lost or forgotten. We are never alone and being humanoids we sometimes forget who we truly are.

I heard a talk show host on a late night TV show say that the White Light at the end of the Tunnel was baloney last night. I only tuned in after watching the Celebrity Apprentice. I enjoy watching LaToya Jackson and Gary Busey.

I like to see how the energy plays out in the assigned roles and projects.

LaToya and Gary are two special spirits I have enjoyed watching on earth.

If Donald Trump actually thought he could do a better job at running my country then I would vote for him.

Energy is the essence in all of us that is the elixir of life. Be it in our fluids such as our blood and spinal fluid is only a guess but it is real and does exist. Without it, we cannot exist. In addition, like energy that can never die, it is in all of us and if connected to our original soul source. We are all on a journey and the paths we take back may lead us back to the source of it all.

This journey of life we call the “Game of Life” while we are here on earth. We have various roles to play and lessons to learn. The Ancient Mystery Schools once aligned them all up for those who would be what we today call philosophers, and the sages who would serve as guides for the living on earth.

Some people who share the iconic lifestyles on earth have fashioned life on earth to the portals of role-playing with the connections of energy on the tree of life. Carl Jung was a man who once thought of our spiritual essence as that which could be seen in various locations on the cabala tree of life. Many who study various other schools will see that they can all be tracked back to the ancient ones. There are reasons why we have history and part of the reason we claim our history is to learn from our mistakes not only among our people but also among our cultural connections that span over time throughout the universe.

We will now learn to share more of who we are in our social network connections. There will be some rules and regulations we will adopt and learn to share as the moral majority for energy expansion in this universe beginning with out new role as a younger humanoid species to be allowed into those who have come to earth before. We say those who from the heavens came.

We have been praying to these people from the heavens came throughout time. The reason is that we are a part of them as their children. We have various ways to share their existence but for some who are not into the religions of humankind, we are finding an open spiritual world in which to work, exist and share for the health and prosperity of all. I shall share part of me in my words and what I have learned here. I believe some may learn from others experiences, which allows them to create new neural pathways. My youngest daughter told me on a landline she has no teacher and I told her that she has the power to get her teaching direct the same as I do. We all can get information direct. This is the main part of who we are as individuals. The knowing will come to each of us if we truly seek to find that which we desire to know that is of good report. The belief in the higher power is important. The connection made is important. The use of this power is part of who we are. Teaching one to use this power comes from within. We must learn whom we are inside and what makes us who we are before we can connect to others on the outside. We may try to have many failures before we learn more about our own selves and our destinies while here on this planet.

I have many parts to share with the outside world as do many of us. We must seek and find that which is a part of our mission and what we call our passion for life. This passion is the energy that drives one’s life mission while here one earth. The connection inside will connect that part of you that is to assist the whole. This is part of being one with the world and the Akashic Field.

We are all-human and make mistakes. I was getting flustered in all the negative energy with the deaths on earth and wanted a break. Instead of sending our more love and light energy to those who needed it and to connect others to the source via the Akashic Field, I chose down time. I almost died.

I made a mistake that almost cost me my life. I forgot we are not alone! Anyone who has ever had an alien ET Encounter and felt the epiphany of energy that comes from the connection best never forgets. I almost left this world for good based on my humanoid idiosyncrasies. I shall not make that mistake again. Always stay connected to the higher power of spirit to the soul through those who grant us our privileges on earth in life and in death. Never ask for a disconnect once the connection is made. I did and I was miserable.

I ask my spirit guides for a break. They granted my wish or request. It has been an awful feeling. Never again will I do such a thinking thing. Being only a humanoid without the protection of their intelligence and spiritual connection inside of me, I was unable to accomplish anything. I became deathly ill within 24 hours and was all I could do to stay in bed and hurt. I had a terrible stomach flu virus I suppose but I learned a lesson. I was bitten by a spider and stung by a wasp the day before I got better. I was sick 7 days.

I asked them to forgive me and I told them I was wrong that I could not make if on my own. I did my prayer as such is below in order to become better so I thought I best share this common prayer with others who may feel they are wanting to feel alone on earth and best remember they are attached to their higher soul power, supreme beings, spirit guides, and God Father and God Mother.

“Our Father and Mother who art in heaven, hallowed be thy names, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Please be with us always and allow thy work to be done through us in love and light for all humankind. Bless our families and loved ones throughout eternity wherever they may be in your forever-immortal care. Bless us as we perform thy work on earth as it is in heaven as spirits to return to our immortal soul’s eternal home in your presence. Amen”

I am not alone nor am I created to be alone on this planet or any other. Being in human form it is easy to forget our own heritage and where we came from. We must never forget whom we are when it comes to our spirit and our soul.

I thought I could handle life better if I was left alone to my own personal thoughts and simply have some down time to be myself as the simple human that I thought I was to appear to be to all who know me or of me on this planet.

I have been feeling rather down and a lack of energy since 3-11-11 and have been in a state of need. I was in a need to know why I could not share the prediction of the fate of the coming earthquake and tsunami and was beating myself up about it. Some things are just left up to the higher ups in charge of planets, galaxies and universes. There was no portal in time to save the people on this planet and yet somewhere along the road I forgot that life here is to be enjoyed and explored with the memories that this is a transition period for us all. We are all ascension beings and are to ascend. Therefore, in order to accept the truth of ascension one must believe in ascending spirits. The ascending spirit is that which keeps us all alive as humanoids while we are here on earth.

Nowhere in my memory encodes does it say that I am responsible for the outcome of every humanoid being that comes to this planet. I still felt the guilt and pain although I knew it was not mine to own. This is a learning planet. I have lessons to learn as a student just like everyone else here. Why would anyone think I am different just because I have died, had near death experiences (NDE), out of body experiences (OBE), and extraterrestrial contactee experiences (ECE).

I sometimes forget my place in this small world and want to go to the higher flows of energy in the Akashic Field, which allows me to know more about the whole picture for our work and our world as Lightworkers while we are here.

We are all here for a purpose and we all have an inner spark of truth that our spirit desires to share with others. We were not put on this planet to be alone. We are to share in the spirit that which is good and is of good report for all to prosper. Health and eternal prosperity are out blessings that we should remember are not ours for long on earth. We have this feeling of being alive and it is a test of our true natural spirit that is a spark of the light and love from another place of creation.

We will all learn to live the life that we are born to live and we have such a short time while here on earth. We must learn how to use our gifts and maintain the love and light in spirit that guides all of us in our daily work and world. We make our paths that we travel as regular routes on a daily basis.

Some of us are more active than others and some of us have been active and are now asked to share that which we have learned in the past while here on earth. The fortunate ones on this planet learn about life and the lessons that can be shared with others of our humanoid kind to make this world and life on it a better place to visit.

Our future alien ET Department of Defense comes from inside like our own system that fights off infections of various kinds while we are here on this planet. There are various terms and words for sharing the world and we cannot all be learning about the same skills and talents while here or this would become a very boring place to visit. We have many connections through each other. We can share that energy that we invest in our own selves and relearn to share it with others. We can all share energy with others.

My batteries were low and I needed some energy to keep going. I forgot that I personally am not the one that makes my energy and that I am only here to manage my body-mind-spirit while here. I am the vessel, the unit, the one part of the whole and I work with all others of my humanoid kind to advance our level and species in this omniverse.

We are each a microcosm in the larger macrocosm. We each are connected as small minute microcosms and make up that which we all agree too create for those above.

If there are some of us who have forgotten our place in this world and have not been guided by our spirit guides and our heavenly father and heavenly mother then we should get down on our knees and pray for forgiveness for believing we could be a creature on this planet without higher purpose and guidance.

I personally have alien ET spirits and know that we are not alone in this universe. Alien civilizations exist and there are ways to learn about all the connections that can be found when our body-mind-spirits are ready for the truth and knowledge as awareness in our own personal selves. Never forget we are all here to learn, explore, love, seek, and find our higher purpose while here on this mission we call life on earth. We are all here searching for our own perfect path back to our souls what were missing an ingredient that only we as humanoids on earth can supply. We are at a transition point in space. In the future we can share the various levels of life once again that are known as what we may have once referred to as past lives. We may have forgotten that we are from the future and are only returning to fix what might have been broken in the past. There are many variations on a theme as to our essence and why our energy never dies. Our thoughts will always travel with us. We are learning that when we die it is only our thoughts that we take with us.

It takes more than we have thought about before on earth and it takes all of us to see that we are all a part of something much grander than life alone. We are not alone. We all have an alien ET Department of Defense inside us all. We may have forgotten who we are and where we came from. However, the memories can return if we will only believe, they can. Believe in yourself as someone and something much greater with the connection of life and energy as the essence to your own soul, which was created, somewhere else before you arrived here on earth and shall return with more health and prosperity after this life of transition. We are only visiting this planet. There is truth in knowing more of the spiritual soul’s quest on the path to eternity. TJ

Meaning in different philosophies


In ‘ Hinduism ‘ Akasha means the basis and essence of all things in the material world; the first material element created from the astral world (Air, ‘ Fire, ‘ Water, ‘ Earth ‘ are the other four in sequence). It is one of the ‘ Panchamahabhuta, ‘ or “five elements”; its main characteristic is ‘ Shabda(sound). In Sanskrit the word means “space”, the very first element in creation. In ‘ Hindi ‘ and ‘ Gujarati, and many other Indian languages, the meaning of Akasha has been accepted as ‘ sky.

The ‘ Nyaya ‘ and ‘ Vaisheshika ‘ schools of Hindu philosophy state that Akasha or ether is the fifth physical substance, which is the substratum of the quality of sound. It is the ‘ One, ‘ Eternal, and ‘ All Pervading ‘ physical substance, which is imperceptible.

According to the ‘ Samkhya ‘ school of Hindu philosophy, Akasha is one of the five ‘ Mahabhutas ‘ (grand physical elements) having the specific property of sound.


Akasha is space in the ‘ Jain ‘ conception of the cosmos. It falls into the ‘ Ajiva ‘ category, divided into two parts: ‘ Loakasa ‘ (the part occupied by the material world) and ‘ Aloakasa ‘ (the space beyond it which is absolutely void and empty). In ‘ Loakasa ‘ the universe forms only a part. Akasha is that which gives space and makes room for the existence of all extended substances.


In ‘ Buddhistphenomenology ‘ Akasha is divided into ‘ Skandha, ‘ Desa, and Pradesa.

The ‘ Vaibhashika, an early school of Buddhist philosophy, hold Akasha’s existence to be real.


Adherents of the heterodox ‘ Carvaka ‘ or Lokayata philosophy of India hold that this world is made of four elements only. They exclude the fifth element, Akasha, because its existence cannot be perceived.


Main article: ‘ Akashic records

The Western religious philosophy called ‘ Theosophy ‘ has popularized the word Akasha as an adjective, through the use of the term “Akashic records” or “Akashic library”, referring to an ethereal compendium of all knowledge and history.

Modern Paganism

It is believed by many modern Pagans that the Akasha, Spirit, is the Fifth Element. Scott Cunningham describes the Akasha as the spiritual force that Earth, Air, Fire, and Water descend from. Some also believe that the combination of the four elements make up that which is Akasha, and that Akasha exists in every living creature in existence; without Akasha, there is no spirit, no soul, no magic.

The Five Elements are worked with to create positive changes on earth. This is done through meditation to bring about beneficial changes in one’s life. Akashan spirituality is holistic.

Practitioners learn to maintain mental and physical health through meditation, exercise, ritual and diet. They are expected to have a profound commitment to their life path.

The upward point of the pentacle, the pentagram or five pointed star within a circle, represents Akasha. The others represent Fire, Earth, Air and Water. While Earth is considered “north”; Fire is “south”; air is “east”; Water is “west”, while Akasha is “center”.


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