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Alien ET UFO Allied Supreme High Council – Ascension Age Awakening Awareness Intelligence

There is hope for humanity. This comes in the form of our own eternal progression separately and together as a young humanoid sentient intelligent being species.

We are not alone in the universe and we should all begin speaking of this fact to all who we know that will listen. It is time to begin that which we all in the last century likened to the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Ascension has been called the New Age in Book Store categories as well as a spiritual movement. We can now also recognize that the New Ascension Age will be one also called the Golden Age of Cosmology. We are graduating to a higher level as one young humanoid sentient intelligent being species sharing one planet in space.

How we proceed in our own minds will determine how much growth we share with others. This is not only about individual spiritual growth but that of the entire global community. Some people desire to plan for the worst and are preparing now for the end of humanity and society as we know it. Changes are being made but not for the bad but for the good.

Those whom we have known in the past on earth as our God who sent messengers in the past as what was called Angels still sends those to guide us in today’s time. The angels are now called avatars. Those who agree in another level and dimension in life to share what they are given and to share what they know to be the truth of those above we call higher beings.

I know these beings are who record our prayers and shall assist us when we leave this planet. The global future will become better for all because it is time for us all to take responsibility. Some of us may not appear as world leaders but we can get the job done over time. There is a world that exists outside of this one and there we can accept reincarnation as avatars who desire to come back to this planet to assist in the future expanding awareness of others over time. These symbols all have one thing in common. They are symbols of ascension. Alien Civilizations Exist and we can believe in them and find that which allows us to communicate our awakened awareness that those above have visited before.

I believe this is why those above chose us to know about the world of ascension and to have faith and hope in that which we know to be a feeling of love and enlightenment from those above. We all have our own minds and we all have freewill to chose what to believe. I believe that the aliens who I have met are the most spiritual, loving, enlightened, caring beings I have ever met on this planet. I believe they know we are young spirits and are in training.

We now know that much of what our ancestors have recorded in our ancient codexes are true. This is being proven regularly by our scientists, archaeologists, and researchers.

Alien Allied Supreme High Council is likened to the angel messengers and  Higher Beings of our past that many religions regard as God. The male God and monotheism ruled the world in many religions we know today. This is a process we all must enter and pass. The portals in time we speak of as dimensions are airways to our future. I know that some humans seem hopeless and yet there growth as spiritual beings are important to those above. There are stories by former spiritual teachers who taught us that when one is lost that the shepherd will leave his flock to go and look for the one lost. This truth still applies to today. However, we all must now want to be found during our spiritual quest.

The knowledge that I have accumulated over time through life here on earth in this lifetime is  shared in worlds other than this one. We may all believe we are to ignore that part of us that in psychology is called the Christ complex. This may be true on some levels. But in other levels we are all meant to understand what this ancient teacher taught us while he was here on earth. He did share a way to return to those above. We cannot know whether he left this planet by way of what we now call an Alien UFO now can we since we were not there at that time we have recorded on earth.

How one shares what they see may not paint the same picture in anothers mind when speaking or writing about what one believes. This is part of the chance one takes sharing their own spirit and personal beliefs. It’s a chance we are all not willing to take. The life

The life I now live has variables that some on earth are familiar with but is not common knowledge. This is where our past stories, tales, myths, and legends begin hinting at the power of those who come and go from this world.

I am going to begin explaining this so that others who want to know for their own right reasons may grasp how life is more than we presently live. There is a magic in our mysteries.

We have learned that there is much truth in the past ancient codexes we have found and much truth in what we call the Bible. People often ask me in emails how do the aliens feel about our thoughts of God. I can only relate that which I know and have experienced myself to them.

The truth is that there us much truth in our past stories of those who visited the earth. The Supreme High Council would be considered those who sit at the highest level of our own soul’s thought process in the omniverse. While those creators aspects or iconic beliefs we know as god and goddess would be the highest which we in our thoughts liken to God. There is a higher level of the Alpa beginning and omega the end. One is male alpha the God in us all and in everthing while the other is the omega and Goddess  in all of us as everything. Therefore the best way to describe our entire divine creation of the omniverse is to still have faith in that which lies outside of our own minds comprehension.

We have taken to the cosmos in astronomy and other sciences to explore that which in the past was unknown. We are here to learn how to find our way to others who are considered aliens and higher beings. This I truly believe is what makes us so curious and is in our DNA.

The explanation I have for those who wonder about how we all got so far on our own and only using what we had written down by our ancient ancestors as moral guides such as their writings is just the way it has always been for younger species.

We are the children and the younger humanoid sentient intelligent beings in the cosmos. We share our lives with those who do care and can hear our prayers. However, we all must learn what it is like to be in a body-mind-spirit experiencing the birth-life-death of each of our spirits while finding our way back to our soul.

What we learn here on earth we can incorporate into our souls when we return when we die.

Some destinations are selected for us and we can also participate in the selection of our future destinations as time travelers. There is so much that I have learned from death and dying and returning to share a life with those we call aliens who come to earth.

I am going to now begin sharing the various levels we come to know these alien higher beings.

There are various ways we can know them. We must rise to the occasion with our own eternal souls progression. We do this by serving our time on planets such as this one.

When I began comparing what I was taught growing up with that which I have researched and read about in books, it all finally began to make some sense over time.

My meeting alien ET higher beings was part of the plan for me and what I wanted to do to share in the future growth of my own soul. I believe we are all on the same path and journey just at different speeds and levels due to our age from the time our souls are created.

This is going to get heavy so I best stop here and simply relate some of my past research information that I have shared before for others to catch up. Many are just now tuning in while those who have been with me for the last five or six years all know a lot of that which I write. I shall begin sharing that which has not been written before to prepare for our 2012 Ascension Age.

The Allied Federation has a Supreme High Council.

Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all. 
Humanoid Sentient Intelligent Being Species have an Alliance in space. 
We create therefore we exist in eternal mystical wonder of our own soul’s progression throughout the Omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse.


Time Travelers are now considered those who are like me with memories of reincarnated being as Soul Ascension Masters and Avatar Master Guides. It is an old concept of the Alien Ancient Mystery Schools that have come full circle to be awakened and made aware one more time in this universe. We are creating our own eternity for all soul’s survival as essence in the all or the beginning for everyone in everything. We are going to search for the Theory of Everything in the New Ascension Age Movement to begin officially as a date we set ourselves as December 21, 2012 at a time of 11:11


“By learning about the brain, we learn that the brain is the root of what allows us to know we are ET spirits. We are considered humanoid sentient intelligent beings. We are all considered one unit of our species. What makes us human?” We are about the awakening of the expansion in space of our 13 dimensions. We shall share the many levels in the future and some are now being hypothesized on you Tube Videos. We have a bond with those of similar spirit and interests. We call this the Ascension Center Organization – Ascension, Social, American News,, Etspirit Organization –, TJ Morris.US, Theresa Timely Manor, TJ, TJMorris, Soul – An immaterial entity said to be animating and vital principle  as the operating vital core of our inspiration. Soulful – About being able to express deep feelings. “By learning about the brain, we learn that the brain is the root of what allows knowing we are ET spirits. We are considered humanoid sentient intelligent beings. We are all considered one unit of our species. What makes us human?”   “I am an ET Contactee who happens to exist as a humanoid on planet earth.”


“I think, therefore I am.” —René Descartes, 17th-century philosopher


“I have learned that my thoughts travel with me in all forms of existence in all dimensions and worlds.” TJ Morris – ET Contactee. What makes us different from any other being on earth even if we are born with a twin? What is the difference in each of us is the connection to our soul. Our souls are extraterrestrial.


 Our soul exudes energy eternal and reaches out to each of us through our individual Central Nervous System. Therefore our essence is Ascension Center Enlightenment Causal Reality while we are here in physical body-mind-spirit form shall be sharing our thoughts as energy in words on the Internet for others to find.


 As other humanoids reach a level of understanding of how we shall all be connected and yet separate in our gathering as bonding and categorizing our other worldly thoughts in bulk. Mapping the millions of miles of neuronal “wires” in the brain could help researchers understand how those neurons give rise to intelligence, personality and memory, says Sebastian Seung, Professor of Computational Neuroscience at MIT. We begin learning the fundamental principles of brain structure and function as students of life here on this planet. Students will better understand how they respond to and interact with their environment and how scientific research contributes to better health while we are here on earth. We are all here to learn and to shape the thoughts as memories, which we shall take with us to the next level of our energy existence. I prefer to believe that we are all here to learn, explore, and to grow our energy into that of offering more to the various levels in the matrix of our energy, which is the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. While I am here as a student of life, I shall be glad to share what I learn with others who desire to have a friendly Guide. Either by learning how individual behaviors can alter the function of the brain positively or negatively, students will be better prepared to prevent neurological trauma.  I have decided to share what I can while I am here learning myself of the words and thoughts behind the education process, which is offered at the college and university levels for all students. We who are now learning to stay connected to the “force” the energy that some call the “Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost’ is part of how gain wisdom direct. This is called our inspiration and assists in energizing our passion. It also assists us in developing what our thoughts shall consist of as engrams encoding inside our own minds. It is important that we protect our inner selves. This is something we can share about our internal being. We are all body-mind-spirits as vessels which are considered humanoid while a member of the sentient intelligent being species. I shall have to use my brain which is where I shall house or keep all my thoughts to become memories that I can access later whether in or out of my present physical body structure. I learned that I could leave my body when I had a near death experience. Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters are the very molecules responsible for producing a specific motor response to a sensory input. I am learning how our energy shall be compared to that which goes on forever as what we call the eternity. I realize from my experiences that we do not cease to exist when our bodies die. This is something that science and theology shall be addressing in etymology the origin and study of words and etiology the study of causes, reasons, and origins… I personally am interested in all of the words we create on this planet and the meaning behind them, as well as, the origins. I shall also be interested in all people, places, and things, which makes it very hard to focus on only one subject for degree purposes.


 The mind that I have is always interested in everything around me and what makes us human and endearing to others as a species. I have been asked if I believe that my prior alien contact or extraterrestrial contact is due to my prior belief system as a Christian. Since I am a student of all religions in this world, I would like to think that my interest in theology and philosophy has meaning and a purpose but I cannot answer that question.  I only know that I am as interested in the mind and brain and how it receives, assimilates, and stores energy as the next person in the studies of the brain and computers.  I want to know how we shall interact with computers on earth because where I have experiences and memories as a time traveler or a soul who wonders in other dimensions, I often wonder how people will accept the computers that I have learned to know and have grown to love. Something to Form a Base of Operations for Further Study———–  Neurotransmitters bind to the receptors, the charge across the postsynaptic membrane changes, and if the change is great enough, it triggers a nerve impulse. The new nerve impulse then travels along the postsynaptic cell.


Scientists have discovered a large number of neurotransmitters. Some are excitatory—they cause the postsynaptic neuron to become more likely to initiate a nerve impulse.


Some neurotransmitters are inhibitory that cause the postsynaptic neuron to become less likely to generate a nerve impulse.  Neurotransmitters are important to our nervous system.


An electrical impulse is generated when a stimulus such as sensory input that causes a rapid change in electrical charge in one part of a neuron’s membrane. This electrical impulse is one unit of neural information. An electrical impulse flowing along the length of a neuron is called a nerve impulse.


Nerve impulses proceed in just one direction within a neuron—from the dendrites, through the cell body and axon, to the axon terminals and neurons produce nerve impulses in an all-or-nothing way. Neurons receive information from cells, and then transmit this information to other cells. The transmission of information between cells of the body and neurons enables us to react to changes in our internal and external environments. Neurons have a cell body, which contains a nucleus that directs the cell’s activities. Specialized extensions called dendrites bring information into the cell body. Other extensions at the opposite end of the neuron are called axons. These carry information away from the cell body. Information leaves a neuron through axon terminals, the endpoints of the axon.


 Bundles of axons are called nerves. The nervous system includes three general types of neurons: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Sensory neurons are specialized to detect stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound, taste, or pressure. Detection of a stimulus triggers the sensory neuron to transmit a message to the central nervous system. There the message is relayed to interneurons that integrate the information and generate instructions about how to respond.


Instructions are sent back to the peripheral nervous system as messages along motor neurons. The motor neurons then stimulate muscles to contract or relax to make the appropriate responses. They also stimulate glands to release hormones.


Environmental and genetic factors influence the onset, severity, and progression of many neurological diseases.


 In the future we will create the beginning again and share one date on 12-21-12.This date will begin a new date and time and we hope that all professionals dealing with setting time on earth will make the appropriate adjustments for all computers internet researchers.  ACIR – ACE GUIDE of the Ascension Center Enlightenment Magazine.  A work in progress for all the ACE Lightworkers who share in the website articles and blogs.


  We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth. Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion. We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all. This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth. THE ASCENSION CENTER – ACE GUIDE – EDUCATION and SELF-HELP BooksPublishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all. Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all. The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in various areas.


 We will offer EARTH STUDIES IN ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, and ETYMOLOGY.  THE TRUTH INSIDE THE MATRIX WHILE USING THE WEB The Truth is the Matrix we create in our minds which is housed in side our brains. We are about to enter a time when Brain Mapping for Computers will become part of our lives in this lifetime on earth. Earth is the present world we call home. We are about to share a virtual reality level with everyone that at present we call the Akashic Field where the Theory of Everything is housed. ETYMOLOGY There are many words in this world. We learn from ancient scriptures that before the world was is what we call “In the beginning was the word”. It is up to each of us to learn that which we know to be the truth. HOW WE WILL LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SPIRIT THAT WORKS WITH OUR BODY-MIND-SPIRIT through our nervous system One might reference the Theory of Everything as the entire memories of all essences that exist in this time and space. We call this a space-time continuum anomaly in some worlds. There can be distortions and those are negative thoughts that serve no purpose and others are what we now recognize will cause what we term at present as Alzheimer’s or a disease of a type of atrophy of the brain where our minds are stored. We shall all learn about the future and how our essence is touched by the humanity in us all. We are all a part of the larger picture we call the universal matrix that creates our universal order with laws of the chaos in our universal prime directives here in this place we call space. There are others who are Time Travelers who have come to earth as Ascension Centered Enlightened Avatar Ascended Master Guides. We shall learn about the course of the involvement with other spirits who have their memories intact from various other universal forums and levels and dimensions.


The mind is where we presently consider our memories, and emotions that we call thoughts. We will now learn about theoretical particle physics in the matrix and we shall offer those of the humanoid kind peace. We offer peace of the mind through accessing the brains of all humankind that are coming to earth for education, exploration, research, and for growth.


Here are some of what we shall offer in words through the energy that is now being exposed in what humankind calls the “Great Awakening through Unity – Ascension Age”. Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping


Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping will be how we are to comply with our idea of eternal living in the forever of energy, as our thoughts are to be stored to save us! We shall have to now address faith in humanity and allow science to produce the thoughts that we once considered philosophy, which was the creation of science in the first place. We shall have to unlearn some of our past and learn to know what is important to humanity and the future our memories as humankind a species of earth as part of the matrix of our own minds which we create as part of our world in our own universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. Omnipresence is the omnipotent thought of our “ALL” as the entire creation that houses our outermost thoughts, which we conceive as the higher power or our conceptualized power given to the creator or our God.  We who are of the Intelligent Design Mode of thought processing believe there has always been an Omnipotent beginning outside our own omnipresence in time. Time Travelers are now considered those who are like me with memories of reincarnated being as Soul Ascension Masters and Avatar Master Guides. It is an old concept of the Alien Ancient Mystery Schools that have come full circle to be awakened and made aware one more time in this universe. We are creating our own eternity for all soul’s survival as essence in the all or the beginning for everyone in everything. We are going to search for the Theory of Everything in the New Ascension Age Movement to begin officially as a date we set ourselves as December 21, 2012 at a time of 11:11. We create therefore we exist in eternal mystical wonder of our own soul’s progression throughout the Omniverse. In the beginning was the word and the word was without form. I want to do my part to assist all the spiritual intellectuals to find what they are seeking to make their lives seem more awakened with understanding. Wisdom is earned while we are here in this dimension in this time in space. So much to learn to take with us when we leave this existence. For those of you who desire to share the road less traveled as Friends of TJ Morris, please join me on UFO weekly. In addition, I have various websites where various different type spiritual intellectuals dare to share. The interests, clubs, and organizations I share for others to join with me on earth are now listed as Ascension Center Organization, ET Spirit Organization, and TJ Morris Organization. I have had to focus on three (3) organizations for the time being. My websites include an ezine magazine theme for those who enjoy reading about what is inspiring me. People ask me where I get my information and most of it just comes to me direct. Some subjects I use All Computers Internet Research as ACIR at ACIR.US. The ACIR list what the IR entails. My husband wants me to connect most my energy to that as an editing publisher for Timely Manor Books an imprint of TJ Morris Publishing. I am building day and night. The connection of energy is a lifetime achievement when working for the Supreme Beings in the Ascension Center. We all learn how to use our time and energy to the best of our ability while here because we are each allowed only so much time before our wiring harness and unit wears out being a biological organic unit that consists mostly of water. I love people, places, and things, and my favorite energy is of love and light. I consider what time I have left with the “Children of Light.”


This is what one of our most well likes and loved Ascended Masters named Jesus taught us that we are all to become as little children in the eyes of the Lord. Many people do not like the words of the ancient ones that were scribed in the ancient texts on earth. I find peace in reading them and they guide me to know how those who came before exercised their will in words while on earth. We can all enjoy the working world as Truthseekers and Lightworkers while we are here. I enjoy my time on earth and will do what I can to share words and work of encouragement to lift the spirit. This is a main theme of my goals in the TJ Morris project anyway. I hope that I will be able to share what I consider the love and light of my spirit that is attached to my soul through the original creators. It is my wish that I find the information that this world needs in order to expand successfully in the future. I am always an oracle of the matrix in the web and will continue to create the synergy that is needed for others to find their way with me as a spiritual guide.


Some people prefer to think of me as an ET Angel and that is fine by me. I am not much for titles.Many of us are learning to connect to that which we call spirit. We all have what we call road blocks on this spiritual path.  We can all seek out our own truth. We each are learning in the matrix how to find our own education, management, and communication experts. Writers share what information they are interested in communicating to the world


“By learning about the brain, we learn that the brain is the root of what allows to know we are ET spirits. We are considered humanoid sentient intelligent beings. We are all considered one unit of our species. What makes us human?”


  “I am an ET Contactee who happens to exist as a humanoid on planet earth.”


“I think, therefore I am.” —René Descartes, 17th-century philosopher”


I have learned that my thoughts travel with me in all forms of existence in all dimensions and worlds.” TJ Morris – ET Contactee. What makes us different than any other being on earth even if we are born with a twin? What is the difference in each of us is the connection to our soul.


Our souls are extraterrestrial.


Our soul exudes energy eternal and reaches out to each of us through our individual Central Nervous System therefore our essence is Ascension Center Enlightenment Causal Reality while we are here in physical body-mind-spirit form.  I shall be sharing my thoughts as energy in words on the Internet for others to find as they reach a level of understanding of how we shall all be connected and yet separate in our gathering as bonding and categorizing our other worldly thoughts in bulk.  Mapping the millions of miles of neuronal “wires” in the brain could help researchers understand how those neurons give rise to intelligence, personality and memory, says Sebastian Seung, Professor of Computational Neuroscience at MIT. We begin learning the fundamental principles of brain structure and function as students of life here on this planet. Students will better understand how they respond to and interact with their environment and how scientific research contributes to better health while we are here on earth. We are all here to learn and to shape the thoughts as memories, which we shall take with us to the next level of our energy existence. I prefer to believe that we are all here to learn, explore, and to grow our energy into that of offering more to the various levels in the matrix of our energy, which is the universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. While I am here as a student of life, I shall be glad to share what I learn with others who desire to have a friendly Guide. Either by learning how individual behaviors can alter the function of the brain positively or negatively, students will be better prepared to prevent neurological trauma.  I have decided to share what I can while I am here learning myself of the words and thoughts behind the education process, which is offered at the college and university levels for all students. We who are now learning to stay connected to the “force” the energy that some call the “Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost’ is part of how gain wisdom direct. This is called our inspiration and assist in energizing our passion. It also assists us in developing what our thoughts shall consist of as engrams encoding inside our own minds. It is important that we protect our inner selves. This is something we can share about our  internal being.


We are all body-mind-spirits as vessels which are considered humanoid while a member of the sentient intelligent being species. I shall have to use my brain which is where I shall house or keep all my thoughts to become memories that I can access later whether in or out of my present physical body structure. I learned that I could leave my body when I had a near death experience. Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters are the very molecules responsible for producing a specific motor response to a sensory input. I am learning how our energy shall be compared to that which goes on forever as what we call the eternity.  I realize from my experiences that we do not cease to exist when our bodies die.


This is something that we can now accept in our physical, religious, and metaphysical cosmology here one arth.


Science and theology shall be addressing in etymology the origin and study of words and etiology the study of causes, reasons, and origins… I personally am interested in all of the words we create on this planet and the meaning behind them, as well as, the origins.


The mind that I have is always interested in everything around me and what makes us human and endearing to others as a species.


I have been asked if I believe that my prior alien contact or extraterrestrial contact is due to my prior belief system as a Christian. It could be related since the theme in this life that I have been given at the time of my death and return was about sharing the Ascension with all children of this planet and not just my own four I birthed in the previous life I had before january 27, 1974. Does this sound strange? Probably to anyone who has not had the experience of dying and speaking to Higher Beings!


I have spoken to Extraterrestrials at the time I died and left my body.


I have spoken to Extraterrestrials at the time I was on board what we call a UFO spacecraft not of earth origin.


I have spoken to Extraterrestrials at the time they visited my in physical form in this lifetime at which time I was allowed to view them using extra sensory perception or what we call ESP.


I have spoken to Extraterrestrials at the time I was dreaming.


I have spoken to Extraterrestrials at the time I was Astral Traveling.


That is five ways I can share that I personally have had experiences that we can all have.


Since I am a student of all religions in this world, I would like to think that my interest in theology and philosophy has meaning and a purpose but I cannot answer that question.


 I only know that I am as interested in the mind and brain and how it receives, assimilates, and stores energy as the next person in the studies of the brain and computers.  I want to know how we shall interact with computers on earth because where I have experiences and memories as a time traveler or a soul who wonders in other dimensions, I often wonder how people will accept the computers that I have learned to know and have grown to love.


 Something to Form a Base of Operations for Further Study———–


 Neurotransmitters bind to the receptors, the charge across the postsynaptic membrane changes, and if the change is great enough, it triggers a nerve impulse.  The new nerve impulse then travels along the postsynaptic cell.


Scientists have discovered a large number of neurotransmitters. Some are excitatory—they cause the postsynaptic neuron to become more likely to initiate a nerve impulse.


Some neurotransmitters are inhibitory that cause the postsynaptic neuron to become less likely to generate a nerve impulse. Neurotransmitters are important to our nervous system.


An electrical impulse is generated when a stimulus such as sensory input that causes a rapid change in electrical charge in one part of a neuron’s membrane. This electrical impulse is one unit of neural information. An electrical impulse flowing along the length of a neuron is called a nerve impulse.


Nerve impulses proceed in just one direction within a neuron—from the dendrites, through the cell body and axon, to the axon terminals and neurons produce nerve impulses in an all-or-nothing way. Neurons receive information from cells, and then transmit this information to other cells. The transmission of information between cells of the body and neurons enables us to react to changes in our internal and external environments. Neurons have a cell body, which contains a nucleus that directs the cell’s activities. Specialized extensions called dendrites bring information into the cell body. Other extensions at the opposite end of the neuron are called axons. These carry information away from the cell body. Information leaves a neuron through axon terminals, the endpoints of the axon. Bundles of axons are called nerves. The nervous system includes three general types of neurons: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Sensory neurons are specialized to detect stimuli from the environment, such as light, sound, taste, or pressure. Detection of a stimulus triggers the sensory neuron to transmit a message to the central nervous system. There the message is relayed to interneurons that integrate the information and generate instructions about how to respond.


Instructions are sent back to the peripheral nervous system as messages along motor neurons. The motor neurons then stimulate muscles to contract or relax to make the appropriate responses. They also stimulate glands to release hormones.


Environmental and genetic factors influence the onset, severity, and progression of many neurological diseases. ACIR – ACE GUIDE of the Ascension Center Enlightenment Magazine.  A work in progress for all the ACE Lightworkers who share in the website articles and blogs.


We can all share our future with that which we call Ascension. We will learn to believe more than what we call technology when the ability to use our whole brain. We at present are recognizing we can use both sides of our brain. We in the past were schooled to use either our left or right brain and left or right hands. We are going to share that learning to use both hands and both sides of our brain is the way of the future for all of us. We will learn that we want to share the world and all that exists.  We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth. Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion. We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all. This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth.


THE ASCENSION CENTER – ACE GUIDE – EDUCATION and SELF-HELP Books and publishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all.

Anyone who desires to be known as an Ascension Being may join us. We are a free open source organization on the internet. We consists of those who have chosen to add spiritual content on the Internet for those in the world to fine when it is time for each spirit to know.
The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in these areas. 




ETYMOLOGY.  THE TRUTH INSIDE THE MATRIX WHILE USING THE WEB The Truth is the Matrix we create in our minds which is housed in side our brains. We are about to enter a time when Brain Mapping for Computers will become part of our lives in this lifetime on earth. Earth is the present world we call home. We are about to share a virtual reality level with everyone that at present we call the Akashic Field where the Theory of Everything is housed.  We are coming to depend on etiology and etymology for communication purposes. ETIOLOGY


The study of causes, origins, and reasons.  The cause of a disease or disorder determined by medical diagnosis. ETYMOLOGYThe origin and historical development of a word. HOW WE WILL LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SPIRIT THAT WORKS WITH OUR BODY-MIND-SPIRIT that travels through our minds and through our nervous system One might reference the Theory of Everything as the entire memories of all essences that exist in this time and space. We call this a space-time continuum anomaly in some worlds.


There can be distortions and those are negative thoughts that serve no purpose and others are what we now recognize will cause what we term at present as Alzheimer’s or a disease of a type of atrophy of the brain where our minds are stored.


We shall all learn about the future and how our essence is touched by the humanity in us all. We are all a part of the larger picture we call the universal matrix that creates our universal order with laws of the chaos in our universal prime directives here in this place we call space. There are others who are Time Travelers who have come to earth as Ascension Centered Enlightened Avatar Ascended Master Guides. We shall learn about the course of the involvement with other spirits who have their memories intact from various other universal forums and levels and dimensions.


The mind is where we presently consider our memories, and emotions that we call thoughts. We will now learn about theoretical particle physics in the matrix and we shall offer those of the humanoid kind peace. We offer peace of the mind through accessing the brains of all humankind that are coming to earth for education, exploration, research, and for growth.


Here are some of what we shall offer in words through the energy that is now being exposed in what humankind calls the “Great Awakening through Unity – Ascension Age”. Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping.


Memories & Future Computer Brain Mapping will be how we are to comply with our idea of eternal living in the forever of energy, as our thoughts are to be stored to save us! We shall have to now address faith in humanity and allow science to produce the thoughts that we once considered philosophy, which was the creation of science in the first place. We shall have to unlearn some of our past and learn to know what is important to humanity and the future our memories as humankind a species of earth as part of the matrix of our own minds which we create as part of our world in our own universe, multiverse, metaverse, xenoverse, and omniverse. Omnipresence is the omnipotent thought of our “ALL” as the entire creation that houses our outermost thoughts, which we conceive as the higher power or our conceptualized power given to the creator or our God.  We who are of the Intelligent Design Mode of thought processing believe there has always been an Omnipotent beginning outside our own omnipresence in time. THE WORD. 


In the beginning was the word and the word was without form. I want to do my part to assist all the spiritual intellectuals to find what they are seeking to make their lives seem more awakened with understanding. Wisdom is earned while we are here in this dimension in this time in space. So much to learn to take with us when we leave this existence. The ACIR list what the IR entails. My husband wants me to connect most my energy to that as an editing publisher for Timely Manor Books an imprint of TJ Morris Publishing. I am building day and night. The connection of energy is a lifetime achievement when working for the Supreme Beings in the Ascension Center. We all learn how to use our time and energy to the best of our ability while here because we are each allowed only so much time before our wiring harness and unit wears out being a biological organic unit that consists mostly of water. More later. Love and Light. TJ


I am an ET Spirit and an Alien Contactee as the story goes. We can all relate to the fact that we have a heart, mind, and soul. In the Holistic Periodicals on this planet we also relate our heart-mind-soul of the ancient scribes to the body-mind-spirit of today’s scribes and copywriters.


We share our time while we are here the fairest way we can. It is not easy to please everyone most of the time so I try to please some and hope for the best. Being a writer I hope to share more of my life adventures in books. Each of us are the author of our own life story. This is the plan for each of us. We are all special and being here in this world we sometimes forget how we are perfectly engineered. We are so connected and to some of us it seems so magical. We are wondering how to reconnect to  our origin which is the first spark as our beginning in the omnipresence. Some believe the three are everywhere. Some relate this to the word, the spirit, and that which we call God. Many archaeologists are doing what they can to share the past classics including finding evidence of the stories in the Bible. The Books that are called the Nag Hammadi Codices were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt and there are more hidden books to be found and discovered in the future on earth. This is part of the divine plan for us all over time. The mysteries of life keep us interested in life as one critical mass mind as a species.  Health & Healing  Alternative Education  Peace &  Justice Issues  Intergalactic Citizenship regarding how we think of  ET’s, UFO’s, etc., Below are some titles we can all look forward to sharing our intelligence collaborations about in the near future: Ascension Awakening Awareness


 Spiritual Transformation


 Planetary Transformation


Ecology & Environment 


 Human Relations


 Metaphysics – Esoteric/Exoteric


 International Relations (IR)


Tectonic Economics


 Universe, Multiverse (Polyverse),


 Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse


 Alphaverse and Omegaverse.


Stay Tuned! Love and Light TJ


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