ALIEN MOM – The Humalien Axis: our extraterrestrial inheritance is finally realised

alien mom

‘Alien Mom’: further substantiation of our extraterrestrial origins?

Photograph copyright of Chris Bray/Sorcerer’s Apprentice bookshop 

You may have heard about this situation but what exactly is ‘Alien Mom’?

To properly understand this bizarre question I shall explain the amazing background behind it.

The following groundbreaking data came as a big surprise to me personally during the latter stages of the construction of my latest book, ‘UFO: the Search for Truth.’

I have to say that researching the book has been an enormous learning curve that seriously changed my perception of the Cosmos and how we fit into it.

My previous experience has been as a published author associated with folklore, native Pagan legend/religion and the environment with a strong leaning towards conservation. Although more recently my writing were involved with the fraudulence within politics.

UFO: the Search for Truth possesses copious accounts of strange public sightings concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.

The subject of poltergeists and other astonishing paranormal phenomena is also broached as being pertinent to the subject at hand.

I have been fortunate enough to work on numerous occasions with Nick Pope, the renowned British ufologist and author. Nick also kindly presented his excellent Foreword for my book, UFO: the Search for Truth.

Nevertheless just prior to me finalising the book providence stepped in and a remarkable, and most unexpected, discovery occurred. 

I was contacted by the proprietor, Mr Chris Bray, of a well-established Leeds bookshop, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

Chris was aware that I was writing UFO and he benevolently wanted to grant me authorisation to use an image from his private collection.

Just before the manuscript went into print I rushed in to request from my publishers, ‘CanWriteWillWrite’, that we should incorporate this late disclosure.

The old photograph Chris sent to me was amazing as it seemed to fit in perfectly with what I had already written regarding the prospective of our Humalien legacy.

 I had previously included in the book American information from the Starchild Project – an established scientific operation run by Lloyd Pye.

Recent tests on a very unusual ancient skull of a child had revealed that one of the parents of the child in question possessed DNA that was not recognised as being of human origin.  The potential of our Humalien heritage was finally being revealed.

I quote from Lloyd’s own 2010 news release:

“This past weekend (March 2010) I met with the geneticist working on the Starchild’s DNA. He explained how he can now prove the Starchild is not entirely human, which has been our position for years. Now it is no longer a question of “if,” but of “when” and “how” we spread this astounding new reality beyond the mailing list.”

Lloyd reiterates that scientific substantiation now clearly illustrates that a “significant part of the Starchild’s genome is not found on Earth.”

This pioneering finding by Lloyd’s specialist panel will indeed I believe transform world history and the way we perceive life in the universe.

Naturally, Lloyd has been subject to some hardliner critics yet I sense he has the fortitude to survive this onslaught and win the day.

Groundbreaking discoveries unfortunately always attract the attentions of a discriminatory, small-minded coterie who love to defame and belittle anything new or unusual that arrives on the scene. Shake the foundations of the political or religious orthodoxy and – Hey presto; the well-oiled wheels of established mind-control very soon kick into gear.

However, the new photo that came to light, thanks to Chris Bray’s generosity, threw a whole new light on the exhilarating question of humans who had indeed crossbred with alien races. 

The photograph that we affectionately describe as “Alien Mom” was a genuine image of a mother and child from Siberian. These two individuals potentially hold extraterrestrial traits of a physical disposition.

Chris explained in my book:

“The pic is very historic, taken at the turn of the century (circa 1900). Notice in particular the shape of the mothers head and the length of her fingers! The kid looks almost identical to the Area51 images of aliens and could easily be the result of mating between aliens and humans. The photo is absolutely genuine but no claims of extra terrestrial influence have been made about it before.”

But there was much more that appears to relate to the above intimately.

In June of 1908 The Tunguska Event, or Tunguska Explosion, was a powerful explosion that occurred over the so-called Southern swamp, a diminutive morass not too distant from the Podkamennaya (Lower Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia.

There was not I believe a great deal of scientific curiosity about the impact at the time, possibly due to the isolated nature of the Tunguska province.

The principal recorded mission in fact arrived at the impact site more than a decade subsequent to the actual event.

In 1921, the Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik, who visited the Tunguska River basin as part of a study for the Soviet Academy of Sciences, deduced from neighbourhood accounts that the explosion had been caused by an enormous meteorite crash. 

Kulik, convinced the Soviet government into funding an expedition to the Tunguska region, based on the prospect of meteoric iron that could be salvaged to sustain Soviet industry. Kulik’s party finally undertook an expedition in 1927.

Kulik made arrangements with the local Evenki hunters to direct his party to the collision site.

Reaching the area was an enormously tricky task. However, upon reaching an area just south of the locality, the superstitious Evenki hunters would go no further, fearing what they called the “Valleymen”.

Kulik was consequently driven to return to the nearby village, and his party was delayed for several days while they sought after fresh guides.

Who were the inexplicable Valleymen that struck alarm into the hearts of the Evenki hunters? Did they have any connection to the Tunguska Explosion?

Later on, additional claims came in about a wreck of an alien apparatus that had been found at the site of the mysterious explosion.

Reports indicated that Russian scientists, belonging to the Tunguska space phenomenon public state fund, said they found the remains of an extraterrestrial device that purportedly crashed close to the Tunguska River in Siberia in 1908.

The mystery of the Tunguska event continues, yet now we have the Siberian mother and child issue to consider also.

I have to say here that the more I personally learn about this particular issue the more I am persuaded that extraterrestrial intervention with our own race has indisputably occurred before. The evidence of experts does appear to be most forceful indeed.

I shall permit Chris Bray to clarify what is particularly absorbing about the alien x human state of affairs herein.

What did Chris personally feel about the Alien Mom photograph and its inclusion in my book, UFO: the Search for Truth?

He informed me:

“You’ve stitched together some interesting links here and of course apart from the Tunguska impact there have been many other meteorite hits in northern Siberia over the centuries any one of which could have disguised the crash landing of a spaceship (if indeed it was a crash and not a chosen landing) but my take on the photo is that the mother is herself a product of Alien interbreeding from several generations previously and we need to look for a ‘visit’ anomaly during the period 1775-1800.   The importance of this picture is that it seems to record alien physical traits which will have subsequently been ‘subsumed’ during later interbreeding of alien offspring with the native Siberians who make up the majority of the population. Hence only a DNA analysis could now repudiate the possibility that this picture is proof of a race of humaliens living in Siberia.” 

Chris’s ground-breaking disclosure deserves great credit.

His “humaliens” theory in fact makes first-rate sense and would perhaps form the basis of a brand new analysis for scientists researching DNA, such as the one headed by Lloyd Pye.

I believe this situation alone merits far greater investigation than is being currently undertaken. The ramifications of all this are incredible for our species.

Are we at long last witnessing proof of a genetic merger between alien life forms with humans?

Since earliest times up to this day inexplicable UFOs have indeed been reported over Siberian and Russian areas.

My own humble efforts barely scratch the surface of this issue but they may provide a launch pad for greater investigation; investigation that is essential towards our understanding of other life forms out there in the perpetuity of outer space.

I therefore welcome greater scientific exploration into this electrifying situation.

I must also herein sincerely thank others who have helped me in this amazing quest such as Chris Bray, Nick Pope, Lloyd Pye, Chris Hudson (SupernaturalUFO editor), Dave Pavoni (Producer of UFO Hunters show) and many other kind souls who appear to also, like me, have an unquenchable thirst for the truth.

Incidentally, the British media reported in February of 2010 that Lord Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal of the UK, stated that aliens could be amongst us and we may not be able to distinguish them. Rees, who is also the President of the Royal Society, said:

“The problem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assuming that they at least have something like the same mathematics and technology.”

Rees could have been unknowingly talking about Alien Mom herself here. Beings that have clandestinely genetically integrated with us and largely appear the same as us, albeit with divergent traits not always at first recognised.

On the other hand, recent sensationalistic scare-mongering by others such as acclaimed scientist Stephen Hawking, who warned us in April not to ‘talk with aliens,’ appears to be unwarranted in view of the revelation highlighted in this article.

The Humalien situation when fully realised will doubtless create a great deal of uneasiness in established scientific and religious circles. The big question then will be if mankind has the spiritual maturity to deal with the new reality. Religious/scientific orthodoxies will then need to admit to flaws in their somewhat intolerant doctrinal attitude and adapt to face the immense ramifications posed by Alien Mom and her child.  

I believe that we must learn more about our intergalactic cousins – not steer clear of them. 

Apprehension locks our minds into the darkness, whereas greater understanding of other galaxies and their inhabitants opens wide the gateway to the eternal music of the Cosmos and beyond.

We are NOT alone – and never have been! 

pat regan











Pat Regan – author of ‘UFO: the Search for Truth’ 

For supplementary information on this landmark situation and many more exposures on the unexplained checkout:

‘UFO: the Search for Truth’

by Pat Regan


Pat’s books include:


The Devil Gods Best Friend

(Observations of a Pagan author)

US Paperback version

UK Paperback version

The Devil Gods Best Friend

(Observations of a Pagan author)

UK Kindle:

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UFO: The Search for Truth (2012, extended edition)

UK Paperback version:

US Paperback version:

UFO – The Search for Truth (Kindle edition)

US Kindle:

UK Kindle:

Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia 

US Version:

UK version:

Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia (Kindle edition)

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 The New Pagan Handbook

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The New Pagan Handbook (Kindle Edition)



Dirty Politics (updated 2013 edition)

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The Torch and the Spear

 Fly Fishing on Wild Becks

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Fly Fishing on Wild Becks (Kindle edition)


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