Alien Tissue and Fluid Samples: Preliminary Report I – Update




Given the threats, we decided to go forward with this material

Alien Tissue and Fluid Samples

Analyzed by a W.C. Levengood and Amanda N. Nimke 2009

By Robert M. Collins

Samples purported to be alien extraterrestrial  tissue and fluid samples were shipped from a ranch near Phoenix, Arizona where bizarre incidents have taken place over many weeks, months and years, culminating in a number of extraterrestrial entities being stabbed, wounded or killed in the ranch house by its owner, John Edmonds, who wrote:

“…wiped up the blood/Fluid and tissue of the Gray I nearly split in two parts with an exceptionally well sharpened Samurai sword. After hand to hand combat with these little parasites. We have plenty of evidence to prove it, gathered over many years.”

This gave plenty of fluid and tissue samples to work with. In summary,  blood found

The sample appears to be  pure hemoglobin like that found at the Cattle Mutilation sites with what appears to be segment rods in the blood, never seen anything like it.



Looks like segmented grass except it’s not grass Levengood said, see attachment 2.

Details/data and analysis

Numerous samples have been collected under correct forensic technique by several skilled investigators and were sent to independent labs of high regard. All came back with the same result that the proteins in the samples could not be identified as anything they had seen before either plant or animal or human. One lab did add that the samples sent to them did match the samples they had tested over the last 30 years of fluid specimens they had tested from various cattle mutilations across the South West US. They believed that there was a 100% compatibility that the two were from the same creature(s). Finally a smoking Gun that absolutely links cattle mutilations to alien life forms. One scientist was extremely elated by the discovery!

The important significance of these fluid matches is that according to W.C. Levengood, the fact that they matched so well was proof that indeed they were both extraterrestrial as the samples match nothing from the animal or plant kingdoms on Earth.  However, as said above, the samples match the samples from mutilated cattle sites, and that would in Levengood’s words show a correlation between aliens, cattle mutilations, and the obvious hostile intent of the Gray Aliens.
“You have the smoking gun.  This is proof of alien life visiting Earth and links the phenomenon together positively!”

These were Levengood’s words!

Robert Bigelow and his agency spent close to a month studying the ranch and the events here and my wife and I under went extensive interviewing, video taping, and analysis by ex FBI and CIA investigators. Everyone involved has had a consensus that the events here are real, accurate in nature, and have not been publicly released due to my desire to avoid a deluge of publicity which will neither further the investigation nor heighten the hard science approach to an unexplained phenomena that deserves the respect of remaining a discussion between professionals.

Further details/data

.C. Levengood 06-30-011: He said he is not going to write a report at this time, but he was very excited about the samples sent which contained tiny segmented fibers. These were not cloth. This is what was in the photomicrographs he sent.

Levengood explained blood as we know it does not contain segmented fibers. This made the sample highly unusual. He also explained normal antibodies that are positive or negative determine the type of blood which is something totally different.

It is very peculiar because “the cell parts look like joint grass, but are not grass.” He has not written a report as stated above, but he did mail the photomicrographs, which are photographs taken through a microscope, attachment 2. Levengood said the material did not look like human skin. “It was weird,” he said.   When asked why he didn’t send the tissue out for DNA testing, he said there wasn’t enough material and it was very expensive and to do so.

Papers by W.C. Levengood:

Robert M. Collins, Editor.
Authors, Writers, Consultants, and Contributors to Peregrine Communications.


 attachment 1 Lab Analysis O 0


UFO Digest Editor’s Note:

Introducing Real “Cowboys and Aliens

The events described above occurred at Hopeful Hooves Ranch, which is owned and operated  by John Edmonds.  Shortly after his college graduation in 1990, Hopeful Hooves, Inc. was founded by John and Joyce Edmonds, avid horse lovers.  Presently, in continuing their work, Hopeful Hooves is in need contributions to help take care of abused horses and other animals.

I encourage our readers to help John & Joyce continue their mission, which is to prevent the cruel and needless neglect and death of what otherwise would be perfectly good horses  

I have known John Edmonds for many years as a man of honor, high integrity and great dedication to UFOlogy and I support his work.

Robert D. Morningstar

Editor, UFO Digest

Click the link  below for more information about Hopeful Hooves.

UFO Digest Editor’s Note

For those readers who wish to comment or communicate with Mr. Levengood, the authors of the above article have provided a mailing address: 

Please send you comments to:

W.C. Levengood

4853 Wolf Lake Rd

PO Box 388
Grass Lake, Michigan



Cut & Paste the link below for more information:

W. C. Levengood’s Research Reports

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