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Aliens Ascension Age Core Values – Tectonic Economics

Artistic Values – Tectonic Economics of the Ascension Age
Promotes Health & Prosperity For All!
Intelligence Summit
For Healthy debates breed creative solutions.
Andromeda Galaxy Extraterrestrial Intelligence Summit –
Alliance WITH THE
Milky Way Galaxy Extraterrestrial Intelligence Summit
Galactic Federation in Alliance with Andromeda Galaxy
Artistic Values of our Human Species.
Artistic Values are also called aesthetic Values. These express pleasure with a person or object.
Artistic Values address the importance of rich values of great importance.
There maybe beauty, good taste, symmetry, and the opposites.
We all hold civilized judgments. As civilized people, we call fall subject to the “ALL” species as the “Critical Mass Mind”.
In our infinite wisdom we all share around the world our collective involvement in the preservation of our art,
literature, and music. With these4 creations we all express out own taste with or without proper training
with complimentary skill concepts.
Artistic values are often brought into play in forensic events even if only indirectly.
For instance; building all cars for fossilized fuel consumption we were not anticipating the future intent
of depleting our fuel resources. Therefore, we are now dealing with alternate fuel sources such as electricity
for our automobiles and trains along with other transportation equipment needs.
We may experience betrayal and half truths of what we now consider covert affairs in the ET UFO Community
and we desire to have full disclosure of what all our governments around the world have chosen to keep covert
and not disclosed to the public.
We have decided that it is no longer in our best interest to keep the information regarding aliens and UFOS
and USOS under the secret need to know only cooperation of all foreign and domestic affairs.
When the UFOs of aliens are already in the minds and efforts of the general public this will effect the
critical mass mind and what we now also call the global brain of the entire global community.
If everyone is experiencing change and acceptance for the entire world as mysteries of the mystical spot
we may regard the future global brain as that which we may experience as serendipity.
This means that many people begin using the same energy and getting the same ideas from that of the global
brain or the critical mass mind which drives the entire force and power of the essence we call the energy
grid in space and on the planet earth in the vibrations and sound waves we can all receive.
This allows people to receive unlimited thoughts for change and for the imagination to work at it’s best
with the overall intent of making the world a better place to live for all.
Free will is without equal on this planet and in space among all the humanoid sentient intelligent being
species. The energy of freewill is without equal and is out chosen essence for the creation and of the
creation of the “ALL” in the “I AM” of each of us.
One might say that our free will of life is what is inside each of our minds and the essential driving force
in all of us which is the power of our origin we call God/Goddess as the source of all creations or as that
which is represented as the “ALL” and the “NATURE’S GOD”.
Nature’s God also is involved with the environmental protection which is most important for the entire planet
and species to survive. This is why our ancestors all were in tune and engrained with the story of all that
came from space and when we all think of the creator we always think above and vertical as up in space.
Meaning just about all tribes of people on the earth will raise their finger and point to the sky when asked
where we come from or where God is located. This is essential to the understanding of our fellow humankind on
the planet we call earth. We are all living here and we call ourselves earthlings in space.
This word separates all of us from others who are of the same humanoid species just from other planets in
other galaxies in space.
Freedom of Speech is accepted and yet we are all taught to be humble and act asGoodwill Ambassadors for our
own specific cultures and planets. This freedom of speech by all can be more important than the foreign
national model of national security. We must all learn when to speak and when to listen and when it is time
to join into a conversation about the participation in the future of humanity on all planets to be inhabited
in the future.
We are now earthlings who will be invited into a planetary conversation about the Galactic Federation and what
we can expect to become in the near future over the next fifty years.
We are to be personal and share our professional skills. We shall share our desires, motivations, talents and
hope that our usual greed of our species does not come into play.
We are in the First Year of Contact and our own President of the United State is to be tested.
This is done as is the same set of values and rules that are understood as informal. The world we know still
has gun runners, terrorists cells, and other hoodlums that are to be told how to become future community
citizens of space. We must teach them and instruct them in the proper way to share time on earth with other
citizens of this planet earth.
We know that the past has been about policing those who did not fit into society and may have done horrible
deeds such as killing and murder of another being on the planet. Those who inflict harm on themselves
or other beings must be taught how the mind works and what is expected on a working class planet.
This is why we always begin teaching all children from the early age of two years old by professionals who
are engaged in the planetary instruction for the entire Galactic Federation.
In the past all those in power have been accustomed to secrecy of the conversations held among those who are
of the celestial realm or from space.
We now assist in the investigations of all beings no matter what the demographics and logistics.
We can utilize the satellites from above for policing the entire planet. Sleeper cells in the world are
always suspected. We have global concerns for planetary security.
Scanning all public geographical locations in the future will be part of our casing places for anyone who
may pose a threat to harm themselves or others. We are going to share in the future policing of the planet
in public places as well as in our local communities at the town, city, region, and state levels.
Then we shall address those in charge of each tectonic place on the plates that travel on the surface of the
planet. We understand that there are already names given for the Tectonic Plates and we can abide by the use
of the names already used and in place.
Value judgments are highly elevated and relevant due to our curiosity. Intelligence relationships are delicate.
We share that when one agency on earth decides to participate in value judgments in the intelligence community
it has already shared in the discussion and debate in their own internal operations before their own final
vote of what is to be presented as a proposal is voted on in their own tribe and community.
The final vote for the entire planet after close discussion and debate is given on each Tectonic Plate as this
will be how the future of the planet will be divided up for equal votes based on supply and demand and the
entire population count on the planet based on the demographics and logistics of the Tectonic Plates.
When one agency of a Tectonic Plate Origin is chosen to represent the population on that particular plate
we can then share other levels of living within the global commerce that is presently called world trade
and commerce one earth. This is to specify a policy change for the Tectonic Plate due to the needs of the
many with a representative we shall call the Director of Chief Agent who has been voted in as the spokesperson
for that particular Tectonic Plate Division on Earth.
To specify policy change in a species that deals with the past generations decisions may become enhanced in
the future due to the needed upgrades for today’s modern times one earth. The new upgrades were scripted and
talked about on earth in the past by who others on earth now realize were their own ancestors from space and
brought here to the planet earth.
Our success in forensics of our species was enhanced by understanding the nature of our needs by well qualified
decision makers who are called the Supreme Allied Council. We have the Galactic Federation of Twelve elected
officials who oversee the galaxies and all the space fleets who actually secure the territories.
The Galactic Federation in turn answers to the Supreme Allied Council above for this universe and all others.
The Universe has then a Higher Council that answers to the level of the Fifth Dimension and so on and so forth on up
the chain of command in the Omniverse.
This is how it has always been done by our forefathers and ancestors in space who are called the humanoids as
the sentient intelligent being species. We have empires in space.
When relevant values of conflict in nature occur we assess our priorities which have been determined in the
past to save our lives and the role of value judgments gives rise to opulence and ultra Nuevo of those who are
elevated due to their longevity in space and in time.
We have those who are of the game of life affairs in the past and some of these would give rise to romance in
our cultures of proliferation. We have come to question our feelings and all want to benefit from the survival
of our species without causing undue concern and stress of the emotional nature of humanoids.
We all have emotions and feelings as humanoids this is obvious. However we desire to become more diplomatic as
ambassadors of goodwill among all our humanoids species and honor the cultural traditions of all planets.
We shall learn what we can all benefit from sharing that we all must have both male and female interaction of
our species in order to survive.
Therefore we must vouch and concur to concede to our friends and relations and use social networking and
friendly interactions with all humanoid species of both male and female of the species regardless of looks and
desires. We must learn to upstream our permanency in the galaxies and in the universes.
We must intercede that the procreation of all humanoids as sentient intelligent beings is a permanent
arrangement in space.
From there we have decided to discuss among all planets humanoids hot to maintain the survival of all our
humanoid clans as one species among all galaxies among all universes in space.
This term of policy originated from the ancient Greeks word POLIC, or CITY, and is the same route
word in space. We use the word polis that leads to the English words police, politics, and metropolis in space.
We use the same terms and these are now universal and Multiverse in terms in the Omniverse.
Some may still object to the universal authority which is made of women or females as well as men and males.
It is obvious that we must not disregard this as an old spirit of the ancients that were full of spite and
jealousy. We have learned about these petty emotions and feel that those on earth can rise above these ancient
ways and terms of all our ancestors.
We must advance our specie and learn to operate as teams of both the male and female of all the galaxy
tribes of our species of humanoids.
We shall learn to congregate and communicate with honor and share our morals as ambassadors of goodwill
for we will be seen by those who are not bionic but may resemble humanoids yet have no soul.
Therefore in the future, the world will require that the local, states, regions include the entire
federal laws and legislatures passing policies that are created in administrative branches of government
that deal with the breaches in society.
Our Universal government of the Galaxy Federation will be enforced.
The foreign transactions for the few and for the plenty in the all have the alien needs and alien alliances
which will edify and effect the entire future of the Galaxy Federation in Space. Our foreign alien alliances
include the earth and earthlings now as our guests in space due to the young beings who have been nurtured
and created on the working class planet called earth.
We have come to repair the change sin in everything in the future.
The future is always and forever and those who have been on earth were told that
we would come and share and repair the eternal forever which is a long time to remember and some who
have been born in the last few thousand years have forgotten.
Extraterrestrial Intelligence Summit – Earth Tectonic Economics
We have Current Tectonic Plates on Earth that will share in the future Geographic Power Status.
We all care about health and prosperity and job sustainability for a working class planet is crucial
to the survival of the humanoid sentient intelligent being species. Therefore, there is a new development
in a rather old regime that is based upon our ancient civilizations past history with our new and modern
technological welfare for the entire planet’s sustainability based on geographics and logistics.
In the academic working world in education and the making of future doctors in philosophy or Ph.d.s,
we will need more categories in the future in order to work in Tectonic Economics and Global Sustainability
dealing in feeding the entire population soon to be at the 7 billion point.
It is said that we are working towards change to begin with the next presidential election scheduled
in the United States of America the main global power of the working class planet at the present time.
However, without the future of 2012 being decided at the working class level with jobs and sustainability
for all including health and welfare issues it is unlikely that the power can be sustained at the nation level.
Therefore the future will lie with more integrated leaders with the United Nations for the entire Global
Economy. The future is at stake and there are those in the entire global populace that realize the entire
humanoid species relies on work.
The working class planet is made up of the working class people as the majority. This must be taken into
account when figuring out the future of humankind on earth. Sustainability issues include the following:
First with “Water” as the main concern of humankind.
Second is “Oxygen“ or the other way around.
Third is “Food“ and the
Fourth is “Shelter”.
Animal Shelter
& Health for ALL including Animals, plants, Humanoids, Minerals
Although the Fifth and
Sixth which is “Shelter”, include work, skills, talents for jobs.
Spacecraft on Earth
and Seventh is “Communication”.
Work & Monetary Gain – Prosperity
All the others Eight and
Ninth including “Transportation” to and from “Work” and for
“Communication” purposes
is taken into account with the important “Education” to accomplish all of the
“NINE” working class requirements. While Tenth is Faith Based
The entire world’s population is based on this and then comes
Eleven which is “Security” of all of the “TEN REQUIRED COMMANDMENTS” in order to sustain
a working class planet.
In Global Tectonic Economics,
Global Tectonic Economics takes in all twelve for the desires of the Higher Council and the Supreme Beings
as the
higher Beings above. that are said to be the best way to view the earth from space as extraterrestrial in
origin share their “Bird’s Eye View from Above on how to govern the planet while in the Working Class Planet
The Seven Major Powers on Earth will share in deciding who the Global Commerce Trade Agents shall be for
the future Extraterrestrial Intelligence Summit (EIS).
We shall use the “Current Tectonic Plates in Tectonic Economics.”
The Future Global Powers will be recognized as those who control the Economics based on their Tectonic Plate
Control Power. As Above So Below…
At present China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are sometimes referred to as great
powers, although there is no unanimous agreement among authorities as to the current status of these powers
or what precisely defines a “great” power.
These five nations are the only states to have permanent seats on the UN Security Council.
They are also the recognized “Nuclear Weapons States” under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Sources have at times referred to China, France, and the UK[ as “middle powers”.
In addition, despite the lack of a permanent seat at the UN Security Council, Germany and Japan are
occasionally considered to be great powers, although Germany and Japan are referred to by others as
middle powers or economic great powers.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its UN Security Council permanent seat was transferred to
the Russian Federation in 1991, as its successor state. The newly-formed Russian Federation emerged on
the level of a great power, leaving the United States as the only remaining global superpower (although some
support a multipolar world view).
With continuing European integration, the European Union is increasingly being seen as a great power in its
own right, most notably in areas where it has exclusive competence (i.e. economic affairs), and with
representation at the WTO and at G8 and G-20 summits. The European Union, however, is not a sovereign state
  and has limited scope in the areas of foreign affairs and defense policy,
which remain with the union’s member states, which include great powers France,
Germany and the United Kingdom.
TECTONIC PLATES – Dealing in the Future Tectonic Economics of Earth
JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (7) – Seven Main Tectonic Plates Representatives
ET UFO Taken Up Story Assimilation Living Omnipresence in us All
Where is the knowledge that the ET UFO Community supplies taking us? Why are we now being made aware
of certain dates in time? What is so important about the dates 11-11-11 and 12-21-12 on earth?
Will we all agree to share the same path as one humanoid sentient intelligent being species?
What the future holds is now being created by each and everyone of us.
No one is more or less important than the other for it takes all of us to plan out that which is called
the entire species of this planet. We all matter.
Sharing the future and the past of one’s own life is like living two lives at the same time in the present.
We can all remember and we all have memories that make up who we are on the inside and who we project to
others on the outside of our own body-mind-spirits.
Now that we are entering the Ascension Age of Enlightenment we can all now be allowed to grasp the
photographic images that are now in the Web on the Internet. We can all reach that which in the past was
only obtainable by those chosen of earth to be trained as the Avatar Ascension Masters.
I believe that Most of our Avatar Masters of our past history on earth were all of the same creative
divine omnipotence that is in us all.
We all have chosen our own way to think and believe. We may all share that thinking is not believing and
vice versa. It is up to each and everyone of us to learn to be who we believe we have been in the past
and who we shall become in the future all at the same time that we are existing and living in the presence.
For many who think on various levels and travel in various dimensions while being able to return to this
world this may seem an easy path. For others who are just now awakening to their entire capabilities as a
sentient intelligent being as a humanoid, the capabilities of the spirit inside the mind inside the brain
may have not been fully operational in the past due to the arrival on this planet and the veil of secrecy
still being down.
It is time on earth that we all become awakened and aware of the shift and uplift of the entire human species
on earth. After all, we are all made up of the same DNA and molecular process as humanoids which are said to
have been first created by the omnipotent all that was in the beginning of the “WE” which we all now call
the “I AM” in each of us. We are all now realizing that which those in our past ancestral heritage cultures
and faiths closely resembling religions were trying to tell us. That we are all born of the omnipotent one
or ones we call God and Goddess.
For those who follow the ancient ancestors religions of the Adamic Origins in our history books and
our sacred scriptures and codex’s, we can share that there were stories kept that were passed down
first orally and later written down from memory. This allowed for some stories to be lost throughout
time over the ages on this planet.
It is now a time on earth for those of us who are becoming fully awake and aware to share our memories
of all that has been in the past and will be again.
We are the Ascension Masters on earth who have at one time or another ascended into space to become
more than we are today as memories encoded into lifetimes we call humanoid sentient intelligent beings.
Some of us are sharing our findings of that which we call the Age of Enlightenment to begin December 21, 2012
at 11:11 on this planet. We are they who have kept up with the ontology and metaphysical
information that was left to be shared by others who came before to enlighten us up to a certain
level in time where we could begin to use their life maps of the paths they chose while walking this planet.
We are all important and that means that no one being is excluded from the critical mass mind.
We all play a part in sharing that which was created for us all.
We are all created to resemble various parts of the humanoid lifetimes and roles that have been played
out before on this planet and on others while those who are considered much older and wiser and having
lived longer than we have consider the best teaching tools for us to be sharing as our learned skills.
We are all humanoids on a working class planet in space.
We are all eternal as the old saying goes because we are all part of the omnipresence
that is and was and has always been. This is as close to the reading information that
we will get to knowing the source and force of all that is that has been described as the farthest
beyond outside of our own point of origins that we use on this planet as our own body-mind-spirits.
We must get on with our future lives that we can describe as that of divine creation based on the
beginning whether we want to claim the basic level of last century as the Big Bang Theory or the
Divine Creation Theory matters not any longer.
We have to get over ourselves and get on with living in the world of discovery and exploration of
what we have been provided.
We are all on a pleasant journey inside the eternal outsource and force of the beginning, the middle,
and the end of our own life stories.
We are the way that each of us will be seen as recording that which we were sent here to record and
make better while here in this place, in this space, on this planet we call earth.
We are all here on earth to perform a task of memory codes, and to become more than when we left our
past lives with the use of our own essence as energy we call that of the original soul as the recalled
source and force in all of us that for now we call life eternal.
Life eternal is that which goes on forever in one form or another as the energy of the essence that
we all are cradled in as the part of the omnipotent omnivorous omnipresence.
We all take into the mind that which is the all be it plant, animal, or mineral matters not for we are now
aware of the all in the everything.
Therefore, we will now enter a realm of time on this planet when we shall discover how to process
the request for knowing the Theory of Everything.
We at the basic carbon level of existence still realize we cam into this being as humanoids as
sentient intelligent beings whether we have been other than humanoid at this point in time matters not.
We must now share with those of us who made it this far that we are now here on this planet as humanoids
and not as plants, animals, or minerals. We are here now to share our lives in companionship and to make
in the Omniverse more than it is now.
Now, that we have begun the process in this twenty-first century on earth to explain that there are more
than our young species on this planet with those who command the various sizes of ships in space we call
UFOS and under the oceans and seas we call USOS we shall now begin to share in the awakened awareness
that all exist for a purpose and a reason to expand our own conscious awareness of our species so
that we can recognize how to grow into the next level and phase of our existence.
We are now to share in the journey of life as we know it to exist while we learn to grown into that which
is in space. We are to learn to recognize the vast journey that we are given to travel into the outer levels
of our space given journeys and learn to leave this part of our lives on this planet.
It is time to journey into space and travel our galaxy among the galactic federation of galaxies.
We shall then learn to travel outside the galactic levels into the far reaching nebulas and out toward
the walls of the universe.
The universe will then be explored as we explain that which in the past for those who came before
may have forgotten and that was that those from the heavens came and will come again.
We will share the future with other humanoids in space that will teach us to travel out beyond which
we in the past explored with ancient ancestors.
We will now learn to leave this planet and learn to travel out towards the various levels
that exist in this universe, in other levels and dimensions in the Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse,
Omniverse. A:lphaverse.,and Omegaverse.
This is now our quest to learn to accept space travel as part of our own spiritual journeys that are
being shared while we are here in the body-mind-spirit forms to share in the birth-life-death experiences
which we use to accomplish that which we need to have in order to maintain our survival in the entire macrocosm
we call the Omniverse.
We will then learn what it is like to experience the afterlife as our ancestors have and defy that which
we once only thought was myths and legends on this planet. Love and Light. TJ
Tectonic Economics will have Seven Major Upper Echelons for the Directors of the Chief Agents
who will share in the Global Summit of Tectonic Economics with the entire list of plates including the
Secondary and Tertiary plates for future reference and administration for Global Trade and Commerce.
China, France, Russia, United Kingdom , Untied States
Great powers (with Security Council vetoes): China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States.
  Great powers without Security Council vetoes: Germany and Japan.
(2) Germany and Japan
EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATORS (8) – The Second Eight in Command are the Administrators who answer directly
to the Seven Major Directors as the Joint Chiefs in Command of the Global Trade and Commerce.
This is a list of tectonic plates on Earth. Tectonic plates are pieces of the Earth’s crust and uppermost
mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere.
The plates are around 100 km (60 miles) thick and consist of two principal types of material: oceanic crust
(also called sima fromsilicon and magnesium) and continental crust (sial from silicon and aluminium).
The composition of the two types of crust differs markedly, with basaltic rocks (“mafic”) dominating
oceanic crust, while continental crust consists principally of lower density granitic rocks (“felsic”).
Primary plates
These seven plates comprise the bulk of the seven continents and the Pacific Ocean.
African Plate
Antarctic Plate
Eurasian Plate
Indo-Australian Plate
North American Plate
Pacific Plate
South American Plate
Secondary plates
These smaller plates are generally shown on major plate maps, but with the exception of the Arabian
and Indian plates do not comprise significant land area.
Arabian Plate
Caribbean Plate
Cocos Plate
Indian Plate
Juan de Fuca Plate
Nazca Plate
Philippine Sea Plate
Scotia Plate
Tertiary plates
Tertiary plates are grouped with the major plate that they would otherwise be shown as part of on a
major plate map. Mostly these are tiny micro plates.
An exception is in the case of the Nubian-Somalian and Australian-Capricorn-Indian plates these
are major plates that are rifting apart.
Some models identify more minor plates within current orogens like the Apulian, Explorer, Gorda, and
Philippine Mobile Belt plates.
The remainder of the tertiary plates are the dwindling remains of much larger ancient plates.
There may or may not be scientific consensus as to whether a tertiary plate is a separate plate yet,
is still a separate plate, or should be considered a separate plate, thus new research could
change this list below:
African Plate
Madagascar Plate
Nubian Plate
Seychelles Plate
Somali Plate
Antarctic Plate
Kerguelen microcontinent
Shetland Plate
South Sandwich Plate
Caribbean Plate
Panama Plate
Gonâve Microplate
Cocos Plate
Rivera Plate
Eurasian Plate
Adriatic or Apulian Plate
Aegean Sea Plate (or Hellenic Plate)
Amurian Plate
Anatolian Plate
Banda Sea Plate
Burma Plate
Iberian Plate
Iranian Plate
Molucca Sea Plate
Halmahera Plate
Sangihe Plate
Okinawa Plate
Pelso Plate
Sunda Plate
Timor Plate
Tisza Plate
Yangtze Plate
Indo-Australian Plate
Australian Plate
Capricorn Plate
Futuna Plate
Indian Plate
Kermadec Plate
Maoke Plate
Niuafo’ou Plate
Sri Lanka Plate
Tonga Plate
Woodlark Plate
Juan de Fuca Plate
Explorer Plate
Gorda Plate
North American Plate
Greenland Plate
Okhotsk Plate
Pacific Plate
Balmoral Reef Plate
Bird’s Head Plate
Caroline Plate
Conway Reef Plate
Easter Plate
Galapagos Plate
Juan Fernandez Plate
Kula Plate
Manus Plate
New Hebrides Plate
North Bismarck Plate
North Galapagos MicroPlate
Solomon Sea Plate
South Bismarck Plate
Philippine Sea Plate
Mariana Plate
Philippine Microplate
South American Plate
Altiplano Plate
Falklands Microplate
North Andes Plate
———————————ANCIENT HISTORY OF PLATES————————
In the history of Earth many tectonic plates have come into existence and have over the intervening years
either accreted onto other plates to form larger plates, rifted into smaller plates, or have been crushed by or subducted under other plates (or have done all three).
Ancient supercontinents
A supercontinent is a landmass consisting of multiple continental cores. The following list includes
the supercontinents known or speculated to have existed in the Earth’s past:

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