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Alient ET TJ Spirit Guided Plan “New Atlantis” Project

By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris 

All of us are now a part of the new beginning of Atlantis. We are the soul heirs to the future in space. We are also the soul airs, if one will allow a simple and fun play on words. We are going to now learn to share the spirit of the times, also known as zeitgeist. 
I am going to change the German word from zeitgeist to ET spirit.
Those who desire to assist in the future that want to share in creating the future Atlantis with others in synergy and esprit de corps may join me in a new organization called ET Spirit.Org. ( 
We of course still will use the Ascension Center Organization, which is about the shift and uplift of all our spiritual awareness to that of the spirit. These spiritual beings may or may not choose to assist us create the physical location of Atlantis on earth but this is going to be the physical Ascension Center called the New Atlantis project as well. 
Now, how this plays out is any bodies guess while I am still alive in physical body-mind-spirit on earth. Everyone has to remember that I am now considered 59 earth years. I was born on December 26, 1951. Yes, I am a day late and a dollar short baby born the day after Christmas. Ask anyone born on that date and they will explain the life and term we all share with that birth date for presents and gifts while on earth being n the normal American family life.
I was given this vision when I was a business entrepreneur in Hawaii in 1990. I had the vision energy but it did not materialize into something I could fathom with my own mind until I died on January 27, 1974. I was allowed to come back to earth as was my baby daughter Ginger Theresa Fay Parrish Bowers who also died. I mean both our hearts had stopped and to all that knew of us both we were clinically dead. I have to participate in watching them cut me open from over head as spirit. That was different to say the least. That was my first out of body experience or OBE. I had seen ET spirits before or whom I called angels as a child of 7 years when I was in the second grade in about April of 1957 while I attended Mitchell Elementary School in West Monroe, Louisiana. I caught Hepatitis and all the blood in my body was taken out by machine and purified somehow and that helped bring me back somehow. The Spirits I could see the Catholics were very interested in . That is a story I have told but not in detail. 
Just please know that I have plenty of spirit both in and out of body and I also can communicate with other ET spirits whether in a physical form or out. I can also see ET UFOS when I am needed. That too is another story. Apparently, I have a lot of explaining to do about my past life and my other past lives that have brought me to this moment in this life and in this time. I am also called a time traveler which most of those who truly take me seriously in the quantum physics scientific world prefer me to use with the work and worlds I frequent versus being an alien TJ ET spirit. 
That too is a long story dealing with the past business corporation structures we have created on earth in the last twentieth century. I have to be able to work with the past and the present in order to create the future. It is what President Barrack Obama of the United States called reinventing one’s self and business ventures. I am sure President Obama knows of me since I was so adamant about changing the views of congress on the NASA views of going into space.
Most of the friends of TJ Morris know that I am a mover and shaker social and spiritual entrepreneur. I have a guided spirit that shares a real passion for making this world a better place for all to encounter whole life energy of all body-mind-spirit. This means that we are going to begin sharing how we can all share in our future to make the world a better place for all future spirits.
There are various parts of the plan for Atlantis. The first priority if location, location, location. This is still an important sale point in all parts of the omniverse. May I offer that a major part of what we are building is for all extraterrestrials that are here and will be coming here after December 21, 2012? 11:11. my creators allowed me four (4) beautiful daughters that can assist us when the time comes but for now they are all middle aged raising there children in school in Florida. Therefore, while they are doing their part to make sure they can survive while taking care of my grandchildren, I as woman in business will assist all those who desire to create a franchise business that will be like no other on earth.
How will I do this one might ask? I plan to use my ET Spirit Guides. Belief is a wonderful power on this planet. It was once taught that if one has the belief as small as a mustard seed that one can move mountains. Those of us who are of a spiritual nature are going to test this saying out in our time. That is one of the ancient culture sayings. We are going to say those with ET spirit can make the world a better place by creating the New Atlantis.
This past global catastrophe of 3-11-11 of a major earthquake and tsunami has opened my mind and awareness to more of what the Ascension Center is all about and it is amazing. I always knew something wonderful was going to happen in the future but it had not materialized.
Now, for those who are non-believers, they will be able to participate in the future with those of the ET spirit on earth. For those who desire to make the future a pro-disclosure atmosphere of the governments of the world, we are going to learn about tectonic economics, which is the reason we will use the spiritual energy named “New Atlantis”. That is the name of this project. 
I realize that there are many people who have been my readers and fans in the past five years. Some are only made aware of me through UFO Digest and I will always be thankful to my soul group that includes Dirk Vander Ploeg, Robert Morningstar and all my colleagues as fellow writers. I hope that all my ET/UFO Community friends will join me in my new quest to rebuild and restructure Atlantis. This time it is my hope and desire to bring the Etspirit from within to the without for the entire world to behold.
Many of the past has tried and that is where the Egyptian pyramids were introduced. They were also used to create the mysticism of humanities imagination, which has worked in this world. In addition, they were first used in the ancient of days to locate the human populations from space. That is another story of the ancient aliens and we are about the future ET spirit. I have had so many spiritual experiences and ET UFO experiences that I lost count. I know that for many who have only seen one UFO that is must have been a wonderful experience. However, for me, I know that they are real and alien civilizations exist and this is just a part of life on earth. I do not have the first epiphany experience that others have anymore. I had mine and had to learn how to live a life as normal while my normal was sharing ET, Spirit Guides, and UFOS. Therefore, my life is one that could and should probably be shared with the global population but they will hear it when it is time. Right now, I want to concentrate on bringing others together that desire to be included in the Ascension Center Organization, the ET Spirit Organization, and the TJ Morris Organization. 
Now, there will be many people on earth and especially in the corporate Fortune 500 world that will ask why do I need three organizations. The answer is that each serves a purpose and the triad is one of the most powerful forms one can use on earth. This particular triad will be one that starts with an E, one that starts with an A, and one that starts with a T. Put the three letters together and that spells the word “EAT”. 
What does the humanoid species like to do best and do so to survive while on earth? We eat and this is a way to remember all three organizations,, Ascensioncenter.Org, and TJ 
We will find a way to recognize all members. For now, we share social networking and have to create our websites and Facebook pages. We will be planning our marketing and business plans along with our future Ascension Center ET Spirit Space Port.
The project for all three involved at this point is called the “NEW ATLANTIS”. This will also include the quest for all past history that is of the Ancient Mystery Schools and all the antique relics.
We will share in our ACE Folklife with the common folk of the middle class, which deals in art, culture, education, science, and technology. This is the worker bees so to speak on this planet. We all are volunteers and we include our hobbies and most are collectors of some type. IF not of ET UFO information, then of ancient artifacts as in archaeology and some can only afford fine replicas of things. I like the sphinx and I have only two.  Now, I plan to build one outside the New Atlantis. 
We will create a way to share that which will be promoting a spaceport in the United States of America and then we will franchise out to all other countries that desire to use our proven model by my ET spirit Guides. At this point, I am the creator founder of this project due to every corporation will need a founder as the point of origin or who first received the idea which will spread around the world. That is how we have learned to share our energy on earth. I have done this before in the past and many people have just been waiting for me to finally get the last piece of the puzzle so that they could participate with me as staff in the Ascension Center, the New Atlantis, the ET Spirit Organization, or the TJ Morris Organization. I hope to see many jobs created and we will support drop shipping for obvious tectonic economic reasons.
The one main goal is to create my ET spirit guided energy into something that people all over the world can recognize as products, services, and will be able to desire a passion for working for this franchise in the future. We of course will use the present global community idea of utilizing corporations with angel backers who will then become stockholders preferred and common. 
It is my hope to get all of this far enough along on earth before I die. I will leave my four daughters in charge of four separate corporations as the founder’s heirs. One corporation will be strictly for the family and it will depend on one girl to manage my estate when I die. That daughter will have to manage the money in the trust that I plan on making for our own family to exist. Right now, I only require a tithing or 10% for my consulting fee of what I begin as thought. 
When I put this thought into service I require a 15% Management fee. Right now, as far as my books are priced I am given the cost of material and labor but we have to add in shipping cost which is now part of our formula being that we are a global community. So Fedex, UPS, and US Mail are a part of our extended global reach family. Keep in mind if you join our organizations that whatever products and services we create, we will sooner or later set up franchise businesses around the world with our logo and service marks. These in time will develop goodwill. I have been working as long as I can remember. My first paying job on my U.S. social  security card was at Dairy Queen in Houston, Texas in 1966. I have been working since 1966 in the United States. That gives me 45 years of experience in the Unites States as either an employee or entrepreneur. I have experience as a President/CEO of both profit and nonprofit corporations. We can do this with positive spirit of encouragement. I will do what I can to maintain my body-mind-spirit while we create this “New Atlantis” project.
I create products, I require the cost of labor and material plus we double the sale price for those who desire to franchise the model we use in business. Then for those who manage all businesses, we require a 40% above the maintained business plan cash flow for unexpected catastrophes to maintain cash flow on earth. My grandchildren may also partake in management and administration if they so desire. It will require interest and energy on their own part in order to succeed. No one will be required to become a part of this spiritual venture if they do not feel guided by their own ET spirit. TJ

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