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Alleged Secret Messages Describe Dream Warfare Attacks

By Jon Kelly


Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D, AZ) was the victim of dream warfare attacks and suffered nightmares in which she saw former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin receiving news of the representative’s death. Voice analysis of audio from Rep. Giffords’ radio interview this morning along with her victory remarks from last November reveal secret unconscious messages when they are played in reverse.  This subject is featured in a new episode of The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition, produced and hosted by Vancouver UFO Examiner, Jon Kelly. This story is also available on video as a new episode of SecretMessageTV.

A study was conducted in a Vancouver-based mobile audio production lab to identify secret messages anticipating today’s tragic events in which a gunman gravely wounded Arizona Democratic Gabrielle Giffords and killed a federal judge in what is being described as an MKULTRA assassination attack that left five others dead.

Audio from a talk radio interview during which Rep. Giffords spoke this morning as well as victory remarks from last November was processed through a digital mirror to identify reflections of unconscious communications activity. Viewed through the digital looking glass, the radio interview was considered especially likely to produce numerous examples of unconscious precognitive communications behavior as the recorded voice sample from Rep. Giffords was taken only hours before the attack.

“It was the most productive congress according to most congressional experts, in decades. Really goes to show that, yes, it’s true that change is difficult. But when it comes to making sure that we actually have an economy. That we push forward legislation that would make sure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare. That we were able to add $600 million dollars to additional border security funding just a few months ago. These are important measures.”

Played in reverse Rep. Giffords’ unconscious audio says, “She’ll view my death”.

Here is what she said during last November’s victory remarks at re-election:

“Tonight’s victory is no accident. Even when we saw so many other fine candidates across the country lose on Tuesday night. Many candidates who stood up to 8 years of poor economic and other types of policy decisions. Tonight, it’s different, for us. Because our victory tonight is not an accident. We built this campaign specifically focusing on the real solutions to real problems that are facing the people of southern Arizona.”

Through the mirror Rep. Giffords describes “The Palin fear”.

Here is another sample from the victory speech:

“I took this job so that I can ensure that southern Arizona will have a path forward with new types of jobs.  Jobs based on math and science. Based on skills they learned at the University of Arizona. Solar jobs, because new energy really is our future here.”

Played in reverse Rep. Giffords’ secret message talks about, “A nightmare”.

Access these audio clips now by listening to The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition.

What the Messages Mean

Through her unconscious secret messages, Rep. Giffords is describing a nightmare in which Sarah Palin is receiving news of her death. However, this is not a natural precognitive dream, exhibiting behavior like that described by Cornel Psychology Professor Daryl Bem in his article Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect. This is a dream warfare scenario being played out within Gabrielle Giffords’ unconscious mind by the remote influencing capabilities of death-cult black operatives in an covert act of hostile aggression. The overt act was played out in today’s shooting. has reported how suspected shooter Jared Loughner has “mind control” videos posted to his YouTube channel, citing MKULTRA programming as described in SecretMessageTV’s coverage of the Robert Pickton tapes analysis. MKULTRA programming is intended to manufacture “Manchurian candidate” assassins who are then embedded in society to engage in acts of state-sponsored terrorism and assassination against targeted individuals and groups.

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