(Copyright 2010, Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)
(Edited by Robert D. Morningstar)
(Author’s note: Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, these judgements prescribe a required spiritual “shift” towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear; unlearning fear, is a step by step acceptance, and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful defenses mustered by one’s physical self. Prayer, is fear, gone brave.P.S.)
I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting advisor in background research for his upcoming film about “Psychiatry vs. Possession.“
Below are some of his questions:
Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?
A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Oija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly.
Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.”
But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.
These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety. The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.
The Reality:
If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you. A “ghost box’, however fascinating as a doorway to the unseen is a dangerous opportunity for a masquerading evil one to enter to feast on your energies.I would say that if you had a loaded gun with a hair-trigger and an often used ghost box, that the gun offers less potential jeopardy for permanent damage to you and yours. The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission. That occurs and then they feel that they own you.
One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground. These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside.
Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?
One can open doors that are not easily closed again. The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts. A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.
They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens. They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…
My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead. The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.
Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.
Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky watch is imprudent;to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.
These greys and reptilians are astounding in their unparalleled telepathic-mind -control,( mental image projection and impositions of delusional scenarios,) of all humans, used as a short psychic-leash, beings uncannily canny in reading our minds, and vectoring away our minds.
The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that meddling greys, demons and other negative thought entities impose into our lives, go unnoticed by most people, but they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing, seeking parasitism of human consciousness, itself.
Why expose oneself to that risk just for excitement and fun?
I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.
Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.
If you were told that running naked in the woods would likely get you poison ivy, wouldnt you want to know to amend your impulse to do so?
After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.
Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?
A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that discorporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.
God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others. Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.
Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?
If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?
A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.
An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.
You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.
Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points. Almost all mean-spirited, spiritually-virulent, negative people have reptilian or demonic attachments, without ever gaining a self- glimmer of a hint of this truth. They wrongly have assumed, quite naturally, all of their lives, that the horrid whispers within, are from themselves, and not ego-alien.
It is a long, almost impossible battle to realize that the “enemy” is from ‘outside’ of one’s consciousness.
Only then, can a winning fight be fought for self-actualization.
PART II of this article continues tomorrow: