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Mike Orrell UFOs July 1st 1990.jpg



By Mike Orrell

 (Copyrght 2015, Mike Orell – All Rights Reserved)

<Editied by Robert D. Morningstar>


On July 1st, 1990, while hiking with 2 friends, I accidentally photographed 10 daylight UFOs, hovering over the San Diego River Valley . After the objects were enlarged to grain, one of them exactly matched the famous acorn-shaped UFO that crashed in Kecksberg, Pennsylvania 50 yrs ago.

My early study of metaphysics prepared me for the reality of aliens and UFOs as well as who they are, i.e, they are “emissaries” from GOD who seeded our planet and have nurtured Mankind since the beginning. Decades later I would stumble upon the key that may have proven that we are really not alone in the universe…“UNSETTLING” wrote The Los Angeles Times

Here in San Diego, Ca. some experts are convinced that I’ve found a lost alien code successfully linking UFOs to each other, as well as countless ancient artifacts, and the Nazca Lines in Peru.  My 35 mm Canon camera accidentally captured 10 “Kecksberg” type UFOs hovering over a distant hillside on July 1st, 1990 in Santa Ysabel, California.

A pattern was found on one of the objects that was repeated in numerous UFO photos, crop circles and ancient artifacts. Below is a link to my 12-minute YouTube video “UFOs in San Diego,” which shows some of the more definitive evidence:.

My website contains over 30 linked pages detailing the evidence:


Steven Hawking said:

“The never ending search for concrete evidence of truth behind alien and UFO sightings…we have all secretly dreamed of unraveling” 


That concrete evidence may have been found in the “Inaja UFO Photo,”  One of the objects in my photo exactly duplicated the lost UFO photo taken by Astronaut James McDivitt, which I rediscovered on a long since cancelled program “”Secrets and Mysteries”

In June 1965, Major James McDivitt saw, filmed, and photographed an object, which approached the Gemini IV (3rd June – 7th June 1965) capsule in which they were orbiting the Earth, passing over Hawaii. He stated: “It had a very definite shape – a cylindrical object – it was white – it had a long arm that stuck out on the side.” -UFO Evidence

The same “arm that stuck out to the side” that Commander McDivitt photographed, has also been discovered in my accidental photo of a fleet of UFOs, as well as numerous other UFO photos, and countless ancient artifacts, proving that aliens have been visiting Earth since our ery beginning.

On 7/1/90 while hiking with 2 friends in the backwoods of San Diego, California, I accidentally photographed 10 daylight UFOs with my 35mm Canon camera. After viewing the enlargements one of the objects not only perfectly matched the contour of the famous acorn shaped UFO that crashed in Kecksberg Pennsylvania on Dec. 9 1965, but it also provided a lost alien code linking UFOs to each other as well as countless ancient artifacts and the Nazca Lines in Peru. This same projecting acorn pattern is also found at Petra, Giza , Stonehenge, the Moon and other megalithic sites as well as countless artifacts from our Native American Indians. This historic event has won front page coverage in every newspaper in San Diego and an award winning CBS interview. Google “Mike Orrell” or “Inaja UFO Photo”

A new propulsion system may have been discovered using the hydrogen molecules visible light spectrum which appears as 2 lines close together with the third farther apart. I first noticed this unique pattern on the bands that surrounded the Kecksberg UFO according to eye witnesses as seen in the “Unsolved Mysteries” episode covering the event, then was astonished to discover the same pattern on ancient buildings at Petra and numerous artifacts as seen on my webpage which also captures that same pattern being sent to outer space via Seti after I contacted them about the 3 lines and their particular spacing.

You can see the three prominent hydrogen lines here then wonder how it is that aliens have harnessed this for propulsion.

Metaphysics claims that aliens are “emissaries” from God who seeded our planet and have nurtured mankind since the beginning… so if you can prove that aliens exist , does it follow then that GOD exists? Is this lost sacred pattern the signature of GOD?


Just what will constitute proof of UFOs?


First and foremost, clear, sharp photographs that can be scientifically verified and which show sufficient detail so that they could not possibly be of anything terrestrial.

My accidental 35mm photo of 10 daylight UFOs has been examined and authenticated by numerous experts who declared the objects were “opaque and unidentifiable.”

My UFO story,  “The Last in Line – UFOs in San Diego” was just featured in Phenomena Magazine (7/21/2014)which is distributed worldwide

The 3:45 min video of my CBS interview on KFMB Channel 8 just won first place at the popular “McMinnville UFO Video Fesival” on May17, 2014.


 “I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led.”

 -Thomas Jefferson (1812)

This UFO event in San Diego may hopefully help open the door to interplanetary contact and trade.  I just did a 12-minute radio interview on 2/28/14 with award-winning host, “Radio” Jack Warren, about my UFO story, which gives a quick revue of the implications of this discovery.

My UFO photo was recently posted on Larry’s international UFO website and included an enlargement of the formation of 9 daylight objects.  Its clear that these objects have no wings of any kind and are uniform in density and shape.  Look closely at the 4th object from the left, and you’ll see a beam that penetrates the center of the craft from above and continues to the ground below.  A similar beam is seen leading the single craft across the valley. Could these beams be from a huge mother ship high above?

See for yourself.->

 “Why is it important for scientists to identify patterns?

Answer: -> Because when something has a pattern, it is easy to predict what will happen, helping to formulate scientific theories and laws (for example Newton’s Laws of Gravity)

Back to the shift theory… Why are aliens and UFOs showing up in vast numbers across the globe? Here is one possible reason.  The 1908 Siberian blast, which altered our magnetic field, as postulated by Coral Lorenzen in her book, “Shadows of the Unknown” did that event actually postpone the shift of earths magnetic poles which science has proven is overdue by 230,000 yrs according to volcanic core samples? And has the location of the great pyramids in Giza around the belly of our planet as well as the magnetic field under Stonehenge stabilized our earths wobble and delayed the crustal displacement that a polar shift could surely activate much like in the movie “2012”?

Is this what the Mayans foresaw for 12/21/12 as the earth completed its 26,000 yr  processional wobble cycle?

Even the Bible has dire warnings of the effects of a crustal displacement of earths surface; Rev. Ch, 6 ;12-14:

“and islands will disappear and every mountain moved from its place’..”an earthquake like none before”.

Now with the Sun about to reverse its polarity and climate change causing a huge displacement of heavy icebergs, will that be the straw that broke the camels back? NEWS UPDATE…from the “U-T San Diego Newspaper 12/23/13  “The melting of ice caps and glaciers because of climate change is causing a shift in the Earth’s axis, according to new research. Wobbles in the planet’s rotation are the result of influences including the distribution of mass. Observations conducted since 1899 have shown that the North Pole had been drifting south toward eastern Canada at a rate of 4 inches per year. But that drift jogged abruptly eastward in 2005 and has moved 4 feet since then”. Edgar Cayce said the shift will happen “in the blink of an eye”. Is this why sightings of UFOs have increased all over the world? Are aliens planning on evacuating mankind? Most recently 3 massive unexplained craters have opened up in Siberia. Are these connected to the upcoming shift?

Now, a UFO video just released by photographer Drew Ryan, who filmed it on July 2nd 2013 over Empire Bay, Australia,  captures the same type of UFO that also has a spike-like projection 2/3rds up its left side just like 5 other UFO photos;

Below are cited some of my credits:

 Beach & Bay Press (front page) with follow-up article

 Daily Californian  (front page)  with follow-up article

 GOOD TIMES Magazine  (cover) 1600 word article

 San Diego Union Tribune  (front page)

 National Examiner (featured article) 

SLAMM Magazine (featured article)

 San Diego Edition of the Los Angeles Times (featured article with 6 follow-ups by Tony Perry)

 Phenomena Magazine (featured article)

 31 radio interviews (KGB, KSON locally), across the nation and Canada

including 2 two-hour interviews on the Kevin Smith Show heard in 97 countries

 TV interviews on CBS, ABC, FOX & KUSI

The “Inaja UFO Photo” and article was also featured for an entire year at the San Diego Air & Space Museum’s “The Science of Aliens” exhibit in a handsomely designed display that included classy UFO renditions. This was only after the Curator and his aides explored all the evidence personally. It represented to visitors the real possibility that aliens and UFOs exist. The Inaja UFO Photo was first seen on ABC KGTV Channel 10 in the hands of Russia’s famous test pilot Marina Popovich, who held it up during her interview with reporter Jim Wilkerson.

I had the privilege of making 2 presentations to the delegations from Russia as was noted in my front page Beach & Bay Press article.  They were visibly impressed when I presented evidence that linked both our UFO photos to the mysterious large projecting triangles on the desert floor at Nazca (as seen on my website and YouTube video).

I have also discovered numerous rock faces during my photo expeditions around San Diego and three of them have been featured in the local press.

But the most shocking of these is my discovery that the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, may be in my opinion, a purposefully designed GIANT human head as seen on my website and YouTube video.

My 2006 CBS  interview on KFMB Channel 8 is my 2nd YouTube video and shows photo experts examining the 35mm negative and declaring it “untouched and undamaged in any way.”

My amateur website contains 30+ linked pages for which I am the only webmaster and one to blame.  My background as a student of metaphysics was instrumental in constructing a belief system where UFOs were a possibility.  On November 22, 2013, I did a 2-hour radio interview with Roxy Lopez on her “TheTruth Denied” program wherein I discussed the link between ancient artifacts and my Inaja UFO Photo.

I don’t claim to be an expert on UFOs, just a UFO enthusiast interested in the search for the truth about aliens and UFOs and providing whatever help I can to usher in the next phase of human evolution.  I welcome any and all questions or comments. 

Best regards,

 Mike Orrell

San Diego, California

Email: ->

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