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Are Extraterrestrials Living in China and the U.S.?

by Alfred Lambremont Webre

A Canadian newspaper is reporting in its Wednesday Jan. 26, 2011 edition that Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official, states Extraterrestrials are living among us.

An extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti living in the U.S.A.

The China ET report is corroborative of this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre’s 4-part ExopoliticsTV interview and series with Jerry Wills, an apparent extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti who resides in the United States.

The Canadian Newspaper reports as follows:

Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us

by Paul Chen

[Introduction omitted]

Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans. This includes Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official who is now president of the Beijing UFO Research Society who also concludes that waixingren  (extraterrestrials) are living among us.

Sun’s first close encounter occurred in 1971, when he was sent to the remote countryside during the “cultural revolution” (1966-76) to perform the grueling task of rice planting. One day while toiling in the field, his attention was diverted to a bright object in the sky, which rose and fell repeatedly.

At first, Sun assumed the spectacle was some sort of Cold War intelligence monitoring device – a reasonable deduction considering the times – however years later, after reading foreign materials on UFO sightings, he knew he had experienced a close encounter.  

As the alien spacecraft reached the highest point of the building, it suddenly showed seven white lights evenly displaced around the outer edge of the craft. Reference:

And Sun is not the only expert in the country taking these sightings seriously. According to the highly accredited Shen Shituan, an actual rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honourary director of the government-supported China UFO Research Association, every report of an alien encounter is worth investigating.

”Some of these sightings are real, some are fake and with others it’s unclear,” said Shen Shituan, a real rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honorary director of the China UFO Research Association. ”All these phenomena are worth researching.”

Research [ethically-based] into UFO’s could help spur new forms of high-speed travel, unlimited sources of non-polluting and non-fossil fuel based energy and faster-growing crops, claims Sun Shili, president of a government-approved UFO Research Association (membership 50,000).

These lights dimmed quickly as one large light lighted up and surrounded the craft before it abruptly disappeared. Reference:

Shen Shituan does not readily dismiss UFO/ET reports like his counterparts in Western scientific communities, including the claims of one worker that aliens entered his Beijing home while his wife and child were present, and whisked him 265 kilometres east and back in only a few hours.

The best-known alien abduction story in China is the case of Meng Zhao Guo, a young tree farmer, from Wuchang, near Harbin in Heilongjiang province.

In June 1994 Zhao Guo and two other farm workers, working at Red Flag logging camp saw something unusual on nearby Mount Pheonix.

The complex and bizarre encounter that followed involved Meng being hit by a beam of light, as well as allegedly experiencing an abduction and a sexual encounter with a female alien.  



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