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Translation trip- ups, are screw-ups, mistakes that can alter reality.

President Carter visited Poland, in 1977.

Through an inexperienced translator, Carter said,” for your desires in the future”, which instead was wrongly translated as,”your lusts for the future”, and said,”When I left the United States”, which came out as,”when I abandoned the United States”, mistakes the press found amusing.

Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech, at the U.N., during the Cold War, in which he said a phrase, interpreted wrongly in Russian,” We will bury you!”, which gave cause for alarm to NSA and CIA, when the more accurate meaning was actually,”We will outlast you!”

I have had the same conundrum in communicating with angelic beings, spirit helpers and my Higher Self, where it seemed that everything is lost in translation.

I needed spiritual help.

I knew fully well that the human mind has Godlike power.

It can and does alter individual ‘reality’, to create and manifest scenarios, usually tied to pre-arranged plans made for our spiritual learning.

But how can our mind translate that power to tell ‘reality’, just what to spiritually do, in midstream, if life events are simply dreadful?

I learned that finding and talking to your Higher Self, does not mean that you have the proper language to communicate!

Why was everything lost, in translation?!

I was troubled, and knew that my bizarre experiences of high strangeness were over the top, and I decided that translation issues prevented me from using or even accessing the language, the spiritual software needed to reprogram my spiritual blueprint, in midstream.

Ghosts, demons, nightmares, Out of Body Experiences, aliens in overhead craft, who abducted me, I was flirting with inter dimensional bleed-throughs and The Beast of Madness.​

I craved an innate spiritual right to communicate and to demand cessation, balance, grounding and more, protection from my angels, my guides, and my Higher Self.

But, the more I worried, petitioned and implored, worrying about these things, the more they pranced into my bedroom, uninvited, at night.

Why does the buttered slice of bread always falls butter side down?

It’s not the weight of the butter.

I herein share a mystic’s revelation, to ponder and then also share with those in your life whom you love, who pointedly worry, chronically.

Worrying, a negative energy, brings in those very things, that keep you up at night, worrying about; since your energy goes where your attention goes, focused, concentrated, pernicious worry, is far worse than the wolf, at your door.

Though we are not ever alone in this life, our Higher Self, spirit helpers and spirit guides, do not use English, as we in the flesh, do.

Communication from you to your higher self is interpreted / comes from the inner focus, of your mind’s energy and thus worrying, brings about more things, to worry about!

If that inner spiritual communication energy of yours is spirit perceived as negative, as in prolonged, pernicious worry, then negative things will more surely manifest in your direct path, because lost in translation, the spirit world inanely and naturally assumes, that that’s precisely what you are asking for!

Much like trying to avoid a dangerous road obstruction just ahead, while one is driving a vehicle, focused looking at it, only helps you, to hit it.

Whatever negative worry, suffering energy of your spirit, that you worry and over- think about, will then try very hard to again manifest, in your life.

Never despair, resign yourself to grief, or allow yourself to suffer.

Like a weary survivor’s swimming , a terror you’ll drown, rather than inhale a great lungful of water, purposefully, seek to float instead, with only best possible thoughts.

Then, help is on its way.

So, the true secret language to effective communication, with those,’behind your curtains’, is to change, re-alter your in -flight programs of worry and grief, about harsh experiences and harsh lessons.

Translation programs may thus seem oblique and counter-intuitive, but you have found a language interpreter that works like nothing else, to manifest what you want to, in life:

Program RULE1

Stay positive.

Refuse to feel lost, overwhelmed, beset upon, or allow inner despair.

Never think or say, with deep angst and emotional pain, worriedly, “God, AAH!, PLUEEASE, help me with——–!”, but instead say, with very sincere gratitude and monumental relief:

“THANK YOU, GOD!, for keeping all traces of——– far away from me!”, in an affirmative fashion, as though what you desperately sought, had already been delivered, to you.

Like magic, one can thus effectively communicate with one’s Higher Self, who then will quickly seek a truer remedy.

Your Higher Self will then shift from a negative mode, to positive, to soon provide you with much needed relief; change your stance from what you fear, to give thanks, as though the needed relief that you seek, is a given.

Completely frustrated, a spiritual technophobe, it took me a full ten years to figure this out.

This affirmation-positive, RELIEF combined with GRATEFULNESS, splendidly gains and re-adjusts ‘the ear’ of our Higher Selves, who steadfastly manifest reality for us, according to the focus of our inner minds.

Paranormal inter- dimensional bleedthroughs (knock on wood) have markedly diminished, in ferocity and incidence.

This re-programming message lends a new meaning, to the phrase, “from your mouth to God’s ears” , and much like those first paragraph’s political gaffs, it’s simply ALL in the translation…


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