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Are you on the 2012-13 “catastrophic” or “positive future” timeline – Part 1

U.S. Supreme Court building, target of DARPA 2013 chronovisor probe

by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

This article is part of a continuing series on 2012-13 and its environmental, economic, social, and exopolitical impacts on our human society. It is recommended that Parts 1 and 2 of this article be read as a single whole.

Click here to read Part 2

In the course of research on potential impending transitional changes during the 2012-13 time horizon, this reporter has identified what can be described as two parallel realities, each buttressed by independent sets of data and personal and institutional decisions – a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and a 2012-13 positive future timeline.

The two parallel 2012-13 timelines are quite opposite in nature. The cataclysmic timeline envisions 2012-13 as a time when the Earth is hit by destructive “solar flares, large meteors, tsunamis, world-wide coastal inundations, mega-catastrophe.”  The positive timeline envisions 2012-13 as follows: “2012 heralds Earth’s entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then is a time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally in harmony with all of Nature.”

As evidence of a possible 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, researcher Dr. Courtney Brown points to the results of a recent Farsight Institute remote viewing study of global climate change 2008 – 2013.  Expecting to find marginal effects of global climate change on coastal areas in 2013, Dr. Brown reports, instead remote viewers found a catastrophic 2013 timeline. The 2013 catastrophic timeline is set out in an article by Dr. Brown, and in a presentation that has been shown publicly at only three venues including the recent 2010 conference in Montreal in which this reporter spoke and participated.  This reporter has reproduced the conclusions of Dr. Brown’s study from his notes, as the Farsight video of Dr. Brown’s presentation has been removed from its website.

Dr. Brown indicated at his IIIHS presentation on July 7, 2010 that he has been threatened by intelligence agents from showing his remote viewing information at wider venues, and suggested that to this reporter that the issue of a 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13 positive timeline future be distributed to a wider public in articles such as the one you are reading.

In his July 7, 2010 presentation, Dr. Brown states there are anomalies that suggest the U.S. government and elites are heavily invested in covertly preparing for the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, while keeping the bulk of the human population in the dark.  These anomalies (which are explored at length in the article below) suggest that decision-makers in the U.S. and other government and some elites have made the decision that the 2012-13 catastrophic future is the most probable future, and are feverishly completing underground facilities on Earth for the military, police, and key financial and political elites (as well as secret bases on Mars).

The evidence that Earth has recently shifted onto a “positive, non-catastrophic timeline” is growing, however.  For example, the results in the Farsight Institute’s 2008-2013 remote viewing study are skewed between a 2013 “catastrophic” timeline and a 2013 “non-catastrophic” timeline.  Statistically, 39 percent of the remote viewing reports achieved a disaster score of “3” (Catastrophic), while 29% of the remote viewing reports achieved a disaster score of “0” (Non-catastrophic).

If the Farsight remote viewing study is correct, it is statistically almost as much a certainty that a positive future will occur in 2012-13 as that a Solar flare-Planet X catastrophe will occur.  Dr. Brown notes that Farsight Institute remote viewers once predicted an earthquake that would flatten Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on a specific date. Concerned about public safety, Farsight went public with that prediction.  A 6.4 earthquake did occur in the LAX area, without consequent damage to the airport.

In a remarkable coincidence (or synchronicity), both the Farsight Institute and a chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose archetypal targets in Washington, DC right across the street from each other.  Project Pegasus chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water” in a chronovisor probe.  The Farsight Institute targeted the U.S. Capitol building in 2013, and some remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins along side deep water (See Farsight 2013 remote viewing reports in Slide Show in article below).  The chronovisor is a device that uses a screen or holographic template to locate and display scenes from the past or future in the time-space hologram.  The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by DARPA scientists.

Mr. Basiago has stated that “that because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialize on our time line.”  Other Farsight remote viewers targeting the U.S. Capitol in 2013 did not see a Washington, DC devastated by natural catastrophe.

Here, then, we have the 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13 non-catastrophic futures side by side.  DARPA’s Project Pegasus chronovisor technology for probing future events in the time-space hologram was state of the art in the early 1970s.  Project Pegasus itself was under the policy oversight of Donald H. Rumsfeld as a Nixon cabinet member.  It may have been that Presidential-level decisions were made in the early 1970s to commence underground shelter preparations, on the basis of Project Pegasus and other time-travel intelligence about the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline.

It is reasonable to speculate whether the U.S. and other governments and elites may have made a fundamental miscalculation and false decision in using secret forecasting technology to assume that a 2012-13 cataclysmic timeline will be the actual future, when in fact it was an alternative future that will not materialize as the actual deterministic future in 2012-13.

It is also reasonable to speculate that the governments and political and financial elites have made a colossal moral error in creating safe underground bases for themselves, while making plans to leave an unwitting humanity on the surface to be ‘depopulated’ by a combination of giant solar flares, meteors from space, and a Mad Max scenario playing out – all of which is a future that does not materialize.  

Have these governments and elites trapped themselves into a cataclysmic 2012-13 timeline mentality or meme?

An awakened and empowered humanity may find itself in a 2012-13 positive timeline, achieving self-governance.

In 2012-13, as Dr. Carl Joseph Calleman stated in an interview with this reporter, “the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual ‘Garden of Eden’”.

This article explores the evidence for a (1) 2012-13 catastrophic timeline as well as a (2) 2012-13 positive timeline, and invites you – the reader – to go deep inside and ask: Which timeline am I on?  Am I making plans for a 2012-13 Cataclysm or a 2012-13 and beyond Golden Age – or something in between?

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