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Argentina: Cattle Mutilations on the Rise

by Quique Mario, CEUFO

More Photos available at July 2009: Seven bovines were found mutilated last week in a farm near Puelches, in Southwestern La Pampa.

The information was confirmed to CEUFO by local cattlemen who expressed their concern at the new incidents and stated “they did not occur in a single day; rather, they took place throughout the week” while one woman, a ranch owner, added that “strange lights were seen maneuvering over the area for several nights throughout the region.” It should be noted that throughout this area, the presence of “lights” and “vehicles” is so common that on several occasion, local residents contacted CEUFO to witness the maneuvers of “strange vehicles” that are even visible over the area during the daytime hours – a region that is being scourged by a remarkable drought.

The eyewitness accounts include those by police officers and community authorities of the southern communities, who have come to consider the phenomenon as folklore.

Cattle mutilations have re-entered the conversations of livestock producers and residents of various regions of La Pampa and central Argentina in general. Every so often, almost cyclically, the subject of mutilated animals, slain with alarming precision, appears once more in the media, especially in the nation’s heartland. La Pampa takes center stage and a wide array of comments emerge from discussions at coffeehouses, cattlemen’s’ associations, and all the towns in Argentina’s central region. Memories of the “rodents” in the absurd essay produced by SENASA are a source of amusement among seasoned laborers, knowledgeable of the strange manifestations in their area.

And within this framework, the term “extraterrestrial” causes an uncomfortable sensation among those who have witnessed the maneuvers of strange lights in the darkness, generally associated to the mysterious and unknown. Long-time rural residents marvel at the precision of the cuts, and are even more startled that other creatures refuse to approach animals slain in this fashion. It is only now that carrion animals are timidly starting to approach a carcass that has lain exposed for ten to twelve days. A veteran farmer stated, “The lacerations are not normal. There are no signs that the animal even tried to fend off an assailant. Rather, it appears to have fallen asleep on the ground. An officer of the Cattle Theft Division of the La Pampa Police has said: “Although no reports are called in when the events occur, police officers act on their own whenever news of these events becomes known,” adding that “our eyes only look for strictly police-related material”, making it understood that the cases are subsequently reviewed by experts that are better versed in the subject at senior levels. “They tend to find details such as the animals’ apparent proximity to high voltage wires, the fact that there are always water deposits nearby, and that some trees show signs of incisions and other marks.” Within this framework of hundreds of episodes taking place over a vast central region of the country, some agencies endeavored to prove that the events were “natural” and blamed the “red-muzzled mouse”, but were unaware that scientists know the region well by virtue of living in it, and also know all of its nooks and crannies and each species that occupies them.

These scientists vehemently dismissed the laboratory-confected assays. Finally, the DEFINITIVE report, which was not circulated at all, was the one furnished to CEUFO by an official with the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of La Pampa. After a year of experiments and comparisons, they ruled that THE INCISIONS WERE MECHANICAL – that is to say, produced by an element having nothing to do with the teeth of rodents or carrion animals. In one of many forays conducted by CEUFO in the rural areas, we obtained an eyewitness account in March 2007 from a cattleman in the community of Embajador Martini, Province of La Pampa, who added an interesting fact to be kept in mind within comparative parameters. He said: “At 14:00 hours, I witnessed a stampede produced by a circular beam of light, measuring 2 meters in diameter approximately, issued by an object that traveled at a normal altitude and speed, shaped like two soup-bowls joined at their edges.” The question arose immediately – Was this what caused the animals to stampede? Was it in any way connected with the mutilations? We can draw our own conclusions with all of this information. (Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU.

Special thanks to Quique Mario, CEUFO, and Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

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