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As an abductee for my whole life, I have stumbled through unknowing, to suspicion,  and then resistance, and counsel to  offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering.

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Published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who’ve never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years, I write, do radio interviews and assist filmmakers with background research.

At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic,  spirit worlds of myriad vibrational levels and the pictures that you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality.

Like  goldfish who never suspect a greater world beyond the pond’s surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality, groping, mouths agape in fish ignorance.

Aliens hybridize, and  invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess, to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion.

Earth is under invasion, one person at a time.

These are my experiences, echoed in a link, at the end of the page of this journal entry.

I  felt electric vibrations throughout my whole body while in bed and saw my body then separate and float out of my body, in astral abductions of my spiritual essence, which retained all of my predilections and discriminations, all the while leaving my chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body, bereft of spirit, behind, in bed.

At first glance, I believed that I had died!

Out of body, I had conveyor belt travels, vivid OBE sublime and terrifying experiences, at the hands of aliens, directly tied to my previously monitored thoughts, more proof of

that alien-proprietary- monitored-consciousness, suffered by abductees.

I am a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens.

I am one who writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, plays bass and drums and teaches.

My wife and I have been friends and lovers for over twenty years, and she supports my hobbies and writing with a skeptical and cautious approach which has helped to keep me centered.

I have seen different subspecies of alien entities since I was a young child living on Shore Road in Brooklyn until my later years as a resident of Long Island, and I am convinced that many others have also struggled to assess and grasp similar indigestible  alien experiences which challenge everything we’ve ever been taught.

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night.

Then, I knew that they were more interested in an essence, that I never suspected I had: a soul.


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