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Australian Woman Attacked by ‘Horny Ghost’

Story from Nine News

A Northern Territory woman who claims to have been pulled out of bed by a ‘horny ghost’ that haunts her house says she has no plans to get rid it.

Jennifer Mills-Young, 47, who lives near Darwin, has become a media sensation after claiming her home is haunted by a ghost she calls Kevin.

Since her story hit the front page of her local newspaper today, she has fielded calls from media outlets across the country, from Triple M in Melbourne to Kyle Sandilands in Sydney.

She is also due to appear on live television tonight.

“I’ve had calls all day,” she told ninemsn. “So many, in fact, that I’m worried about what my boss is going to say.”

She claims to have seen ghosts since the age of four, when she saw her dead grandfather at her childhood home in Sydney.

“He was sitting in a chair there looking at me,” she said. “My Mum saw him too. We had poltergeist trouble in that home as well, things going bump in the night all the time.”

She said she managed to avoid ghosts until her late thirties, when she took up ghost-hunting.

In the latest incident in her Palmerston home, she claims she was grabbed by Kevin the ghost while she was asleep, but managed to shake him off.

“He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me up. I was thinking, ‘What do you want me to do?’ When I opened my eyes I realised what was going on. I had locked my door, but now it was ajar.”

“When he got into bed with me, he crossed a line. And I had to let him know that.”

But Mrs Mills-Young insisted she did not mind Kevin being around the house.

“He wasn’t rough. There was no aggression. I’m used to him,” she said.

Her husband Geoff, also 47, spoke to ninemsn from Puckapunyal, Victoria, where he is stationed with the defence force.

“My wife’s had a lot to do with ghosts,” he said. “And I’ve also seen Kevin. Earlier this year, I saw someone walking through the house, from a gate on one to side of the house to the other. I jumped up but no-one was there.”

They say their son and daughter, aged 19 and 20, have also seen Kevin.

The family has lived in the house for almost two years. It is leased from a private company by the defence force. Neither Geoff or Jennifer knows the history of the building.

Mrs Mills-Young said there is no history of drink or drug problems in the family.

And why is the ghost called Kevin?

“Darwin is a very blokey place, and Kevin is about as blokey a name as you can get,” she said.

Source: Nine News…


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