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Avatar’s Reuben Is Citizens Hearing Production Partner


Reuben Langdon, actor– director – producer – stuntman is Steve Bassett’s partner for the upcoming Citizens Hearing and documentary. On Reuben’s web page it states. “Although you may not recognize him, you have recently more than likely seen Reuben Langdon in one of the most talked about films of the decade; James Cameron’s Avatar. In addition to stunt doubling the main character, “Jake Sully”, Reuben performed a variety of stunts for various CG and live action characters in the film. While most of his performances used motion capture technology, an art form based on CGI-assisted acting, his face remained unseen, but his talent more than evident.”

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Reuben’s biography adds. “Reuben has also worked as a performance capture actor with such respected directors as Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. In 2001, Reuben Created Just Cause Productions, an international multimedia live action and CG production house that combines talent from the East and West. By utilizing the latest in technology and incorporating cutting edge digital effects, Reuben is able to create a unique blend of stylistic Action Cinema that knows no boundaries. Today Reuben and Just Cause are the forerunners of Action Packed 3D live action and animation productions.”

Reuben is not to be confused with Steve Bassett’s financial backer who put up the funds for the Citizens Hearing. Thomas Clearwater of Canada provided the funds for this project. Steve announced this on a Coast to Coast interview recently.

I certainly hope that Reuben’s Hollywood credentials will help in the promotion of the Hearing in the mainstream media prior to the hearing. It’s very important to get the publicity before the event, rather than during or after the event. Prior publicity in this case could help wash out the attempts of the Bilderberg CIA’s Washington Post and AP, New York Times, and LA Times gang of four to marginalize the Hearing with the rest of the mainstream media.

Ed Komarek can be reached on Facebook and accepts all friendships. He posts daily UFO/ET related news to his Facebook Wall. Ed’s blog is and he is currently involved in marketing his disclosure book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder, available on Amazon in both print and Kindle.

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