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Awakened Awareness of our ET Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse

Please watch this important mind opening video about the smallest to the largest in our Omniverse as comparisons. This will take us all into the beyond which is outside of our minds, our planet, our galaxy, our universe, our multiverse, our metaverse, our xenoverse, and our Omniverse. This is as clear as one can make the entire matter and antimatter of our lives. This is the Macrocosm as far as we can project our thoughts as one critical mass population as a species.

We have now reached the information age and a time on earth we call the Ascension Age. It is time to shift and uplift our entire global populations thought process inside our own minds. This is how the Ascension Age will begin as our ancestors predicted we could accomplish.

This is meant to be shared prior to the date 11-11-11 and to absorb into our brains and share as a viral video into the date of 12-21-12. We are to understand our position inside the universe, inside the multiverse, inside the metaverse, inside the xenoverse, and inside the Omniverse.

We are also to understand we are only one planet of the humanoids who are dwellers on working planets in space. There are many of the sentient intelligent being species and we are a gathering of only one tribe on one planet and we are all from the same DNA content.

Watch this video to open and expand one’s own consciousness of the awareness as to the awakening of our mind expansions for all who desire to know more of what is out and beyond our own viewing area as single humanoids on earth. We now can rely on our telescopes and satellites in space to assist us all in this information age.

Watch this video to open and expand one’s own consciousness of the awareness as to the awakening of our mind expansions for all who desire to know more of what is out and beyond our own viewing area as single humanoids on earth. We now can rely on our telescopes and satellites in space to assist us all in this information age.

To watch video click here or on photo above!



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