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Before Her Untimely Death, A Controversial Abductee Declared That The Evidence Was In…


For many in the UFO community who deeply desire a more reassuring explanation for the UFO phenomenon than the evidence may present, Karla Turner continues to be a problematic, even tragic figure in the many years since her death in 1996 from a dangerous form of breast cancer she contracted right after an abduction experience. Turner was an outspoken voice for abductees’ rights and never wavered in her belief that the aliens were an evil, invasive force that intended no good with their medical experiments and frightening mind control capabilities. To this highly-trained well-educated, gifted woman, the UFOnauts were wickedness personified, simply evil in the “flesh.”

            The publisher, “The Conspiracy Reader,” is adamantly determined that Karla Turner’s voice continues to be heard from beyond this time and place and that her message is still proclaimed in an era when alien abduction is no less rampant and no less traumatic for the experiencers than when Turner first began writing about what was happening to her and her family. This is more so the case considering that so many stand deeply-rooted today in the Exopolitical movement, where a sort of  pseudo-hip “spiritual blissfulness” regarding the true character of the “visitors” outweighs rational thought in light of what at least some of the evidence as to their nature seems to indicate. This can no doubt be considered a “theme book” which  utilizes not only Turner’s searingly painful research, but added background material from a stable of writers, which includes Timothy Green Beckley, Tim R. Swartz, Brad and Sherry Steiger and myself, resulting in a rather hefty, large format,  285-page collection of shocking, mind-warping  accusations against those who seemingly hold us in some form of cosmic slavery that has gone on unabated possibly since antiquity if not from the start of our very existence here.   

Karla Turner and  Greg Bishop 

             This innovative book, “Evil Empire of the ETs and the Ultra-Terrestrials,” opens with a fascinating narrative by seasoned UFO/paranormal author Tim Beckley, who first hung out his journalistic shingle in the field over forty years ago.  In a section which he justifiably titles “Strange Brew,” Beckley – who has long heralded the paranormal vs interplanetary genesis for the UFO enigma, relates the harrowing tale of a succession of tormented travelers who encountered strangely morphing ships and shape-shifting beings while driving the open highway, turning   their sojourns into hellish nightmares.  In one case, a married couple, Bob and Jackie Blair, told their story to a newspaper reporter in Sauk Centre, Minnesota.

Brad and Sherry Steiger

            “They had been experiencing unexplainable phenomena for three days,” the newspaper states, “for 900 miles across three states, and when they stopped in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, hardly anyone believed them.”

            The pursuit had begun in Montana when what the Blairs at first took to be stars in the night sky turned out to be nine small ships and one large one. Things turned hostile quickly when the couple’s car was shot with needle-like shavings of silver metal that penetrated the couple’s windshield. The shavings ruined the truck’s new paint job and when Jackie touched them they caused her fingers to break out in blisters; Bob had a similar blister on his wrist. The reporter says that their fingers glowed from the unknown substance they had touched and Bob exclaimed, “We might be dying right now! We don’t know what it is. We have to get to a doctor.”

Tim Beckley photo with demon mask

The incident is dead on creepy as the couple says that a group of attacking “individual things” were “shaped like about eight-inch people with V-shaped heads, wings on their backs,” like prehistoric birds. They were said to be exceedingly hostile and went into attack mode several times, cloaking the scene in a dense fog. “It was like a backwards tornado coming from the mouth of the leader of the ships. It was like a ray that he was sending down with this funnel. He did it five times, than left,” Bob said.

            This is a classic example of the kind of mental and emotional agony often left behind after a UFO encounter.

“And you know we’re not dealing with men from Mars,” says Beckley, who was once a strong believer in the interplanetary origins of the UFO phenomenon but has wavered from this path in recent years. Not knowing or understanding what has happened is hard to bear, especially in a case where one is forced to wonder whether some kind of life-threatening injury has been incurred. How could Bob know whether the blisters he and his wife had were somehow a sign of something fatal? What doctor could have treated an alien-induced sickness?

Beckley’s chapter provides the entire eye-popping scenario of the Blairs along with another terrifying highway encounter that happened to a young woman named Mickie and her girlfriend, which is so blatantly bizarre that it would appear that they were almost on an acid trip, though Beckley says they swore to him in a face to face interrogation that they never touched the stuff.  At one point in their drive across country a monster “dog” appeared in their back seat complete with glowing red eyes, scaring the bejesus out of the two women. Beckley believes this adds considerable weight to the Ultra-Terrestrial concept that other realities are merging with our own in many close encounter cases, placing the abnormalities outside the realm of wandering space ships and alien occupants into a totally different conceptual dimension

            My own contribution is called “The Shadowy Universe of Alien Thought Control,” and deals with such unsettling possibilities as the mental co-opting of world leaders in government, religion and economics and the open hostility of the alien presence. In an interview I did with researcher and political activist Michael Brownlee, he argues quite convincingly that if anyone else were to abduct members of our citizenry by the millions or over-fly and disable our nuclear missile sites, we would regard it as an act of war and respond accordingly.

Why is it we give the aliens a free pass in those terms? One answer may be that we are humiliatingly outgunned and outmanned, and the authorities simply can’t go public with a situation they can neither influence nor control. However, efforts like the Star Wars Space Defense program, begun under President Ronald Reagan, seem to be a step in the right direction, Brownlee said, and he knows personally people in the defense industry who are continuing to work to develop adequate technology to fight back against the aliens’ superior weaponry.

There is also new material in “Evil Empire of the ETs and the Ultra-Terrestrials” by veteran authors Brad and Sherry Steiger, whose chapter is called, simply enough, “Hostile Encounters With Alien Intelligences.” One can always count on the Steigers to produce some of the very best writing on this subject available anywhere, and their chapter certainly no exception.      

“The Not-So-Friendly Face Of ET Encounters” is offered here by writer and Emmy Award-winning producer Tim R. Swartz, who never fails to deliver an in-depth and thorough examination of the topics he writes about.

            Sandwiched in between all the fascinating new material is of course Karla Turner’s “Into The Fringe,” which set new standards for honesty and bravery in the face of the dark mystery of alien abduction. Turner had no patience for people who said the negative baggage that accompanies abduction was because of the abductee’s failure to be open to the experience’s beauty and worth. Like Brownlee, she protests most vigorously the tendency to “blame the victim,” to say the fault lies in humanity and not in the fascistic, iron-grip of the aliens. No amount of New Age positive thinking can change the fact that people are being subjected, completely involuntarily, to a series of medical, psychological and emotional procedures that leave them cowering in fear and with no readily available cure or solution.

Even the late Budd Hopkins, who told me more than once that he hesitated to call the aliens “evil” because it would an over-simplification that he felt would be counterproductive, nevertheless equated alien abduction with rape, simply because it was not an experience freely chosen and could not be stopped by any human method of resistance.  

            For an article she wrote for Tim Beckley’s now defunct magazine “UFO Universe,” which is further elaborated on in the recent Global Communications book “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer,” Karla Turner created a checklist, a breakdown of the most basic elements of alien abduction that puts the matter in its proper perspective quite succinctly. We present a portion of the checklist here. 


“It becomes clear,” Turner writes, “from these details that the beings who are doing such things can’t be seen as spiritually enlightened, with the best interests of the human race in mind. Something else is going on, something far more painful and frightening, in many, many abduction encounters.”

There is an understandable need, she acknowledges, for humans to believe in the power of good.

“We need for the aliens to be a good force,” she admits, “since we feel so helpless in their presence. And we need for some superior force to offer us a hope of salvation, both personally and globally, when we consider the sorry state of the world.”

            The aliens understand that we hope for them to be benevolent creatures, she reasons, and they use that desire for goodness to manipulate us.

            “What better way to gain our cooperation,” Turner asked, “than to tell us that the things they are doing are for our own good? Looking at the actions, the results of alien interference, such as on the list above, there is a great discrepancy between what we desire from them and what they are doing to us.”

            Turner also detailed the consistent patterns of deception that make up a great deal of the abduction experience. People sometimes report that they were treated kindly by the aliens, and were told that they were “special” or “chosen” to perform some important task for the benefit of humanity. Given such a positive message, the abductees may ignore the fear and pain of their encounters and insist to themselves and others that a higher motive underlies the abduction experience. They may only recall, in some cases, a benevolent encounter and have no memory of any negative action.

            But intensive research now shows us something much different.

            “We know, for instance,” Turner writes, “that ‘screen memories’ are often used to mask an alien abduction. Such accounts abound, in which a person sees a familiar yet out-of-place animal, like a deer or owl, a monkey or a rabbit, and then experiences a period of missing time. The person often awakens later to find a new, unexplained scar on his body.

            “Uneasiness about the encounter will persist, however, and far different memories may start to surface in dreams or flashbacks, and then the person seeks help to explain the uneasiness. Quite often, hypnotic regression is used to uncover the events behind the ‘screen memory,’ and that is when the typical alien abduction surfaces. However, from several recent cases, it is apparent that these recovered memories may well be yet another screen, masking events that are much more reprehensible.”

            So, according to Turner, abductees can’t trust their screen memories nor can they trust the recovered memories which may come later. It quickly becomes a wickedly complex hall of mirrors in which the truth perishes somewhere in the many reflected surfaces. If things like forcible sexual intercourse and all the other forms of victimization can be defended in moral terms, we are a long way from understanding how.

            Turner’s voice was not the only one shouting to be heard with this unhappy truth, and many abduction researchers and hypno-therapists agree with her overall negative take on the experience, though they may not express it in those same exact terms. Ann Druffel, for instance, has written extensively about methods for resisting alien abduction, one of which involves invoking the name of Jesus immediately after an experience begins.

            But it is Turner who remains the most eloquent spokesperson for resistance from among the abductees, and we can only wonder if her voice was silenced by her death from cancer as a deliberate act of the aliens, who were intent on enforcing some form of damage control to counter the “bad press” she was giving them. Such a thing is unknowable of course; the vagaries of when an illness like cancer presents itself may have nothing to do with aliens, even in Turner’s case.

            Nevertheless, reading “Evil Empire of the ETs and the Ultra-Terrestrials” will help to keep Turner’s dissenting voice alive and perhaps aid in your own coming to terms with experiences that continue to bewilder and frighten you. If you have a difficult time making it all fit into a rosy, glowing picture, you are certainly not alone.

            The great bard Shakespeare once famously wrote, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” But perhaps, in the case of alien abduction, the fault originates somewhere out there in the stars after all.   

[If you enjoyed this article, visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at to read more of his work and to purchase his books.]

Copies of Evil Empire Of The ETS And
The Ultra-Terrestrials  may be purchased
from Amazon.Com
A Kindle version will also be available shortly.
Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer is available in both versions now.


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