Book Review for A Disruptive Invention

A Disruptive Invention 

By Peter W. Shackle 

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“A Disruptive Invention” is an eye opening look at the UFO implications of some mostly overlooked physics predictions, intertwined with a heart warming love story.

            This extraordinary ebook is written by a professional engineer and has just the right mixture of real technology, science and fiction to keep the reader enthralled. Published scientific papers, urban legends and history are blended together in a way that over and again leaves the reader with that satisfying “Aha!” feeling of understanding.

            The main protagonistJohn Sykes is an intense, geeky engineer. He is a creative fellow with several patents to his name prone to tinkering around in his home laboratory. One night he makes a mistake in assembling some coils for a magnetometer, and is observant enough to spot that they seemed to twitch in his hand when he applied electricity to them. It takes some help from a colleague at work, the voluptuous but learned Judy Chen, and her physics professor friend Tony Sheppard to realize that John has actually uncovered the long predicted but never before found fifth force of physics. This aspect of the story is hardly fiction – Shackle provides a detailed bibliography about the Fifth Force at the end of the book, which is enough to convince anybody that such an event could really happen.

            John and his companions experiment and tinker with the discovery, and use it to make a model demonstration flying vehicle which so impresses venture capitalists that they are able to start a company (Electrolev) with the expressed purpose of building “silent helicopters”.  The engineers in the company work through the problems of building flying vehicles using the properties of the Fifth Force as it is already published and predicted by physicists.  Amazingly, these vehicles are required by the engineering and physical constraints to look just like the popular concept of a UFO!  After a prototype flying vehicle (they call them Levistars) first goes up into space, not surprisingly the US Air Force starts to take a lot of interest and just as happened with the rocket scientists from Peenemunde in 1945, all the personnel and families from Electrolev are set up to pursue their work in the security of the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL.

            The story starts to move faster and faster, with murders and kidnapping as foreign powers try to grasp the new technology.  The first prototype Levistars are tested (where else?) at Homey Airport in Nevada. (AKA area 51)   Space travel with a LeviStar is totally different to the familiar concepts of orbital velocity and rockets hurtling around with immense speed. In fact it feels much more like going up in an elevator. Levistars are capable of “parking” completely motionless at any place and height desired. So their nature is altogether different to satellites which whiz around the earth at immense speeds.  A satellite would go by in a blur.  On the first operational mission to try out a LeviStar in near space over area 51, the stunning discovery is made that they are not alone up there!  They encounter another more or less stationary vehicle, invisible to radar!

            You should buy the book and experience the dramatic events which follow. To quote an Air Force official in the book: “The world is never going to be the same again.”

Order this book from today – A Disruptive Inventionir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B004PVSOVC


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