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But We All Know Conspiracies Are Dumb



Hey; there’s something in my bedroom

Hope it’s not those creatures from below

I’ve read so many stories

About them and their glories

But we all know conspiracies are dumb


Most don’t think these things are real

Just suppose they are and at my house

Can’t call the CIA, the FBI, the NSA

The best I can do is get on my knees and pray

And why do they bother me anyway?


They often keep me up all night long

It’s just not right; it’s just plain wrong

Can’t see a clock, can’t see the time

It must be late; I’m still on their dime

I’m not like you creatures

I don’t like you creatures


My dog is watching, my dog is following

Something my eyes can’t see

Then I feel the creature’s eyes on me

I suggest my neighbor’s house instead of mine

But these creatures work their own place and time


I hear a noise and see a bright flash

Before that I heard the saucer craft

They are back again, I wonder why

Perhaps more blood, perhaps a ride

In the saucer craft, it’s nice inside

But we all know conspiracies are dumb


They often keep me up all night long

It’s just not right; it’s just plain wrong

Can’t see a clock, can’t see the time

It must be late; still on their dime

I’m not like you creatures

I don’t like you creatures


Suddenly awoke; paralyzed again

What is it they want this time?

I see them stalking around the room

Take up position, going to make their move

I see I’m weightless and floating now

This can’t be real; must be a dream

But we all know conspiracies are dumb




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