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Butterfly expert: Denver UFOs are not insects

A squadron of UFOs over Vancouver, British Columbia imaged in 3CCD color.

On Nov. 20, 2012, FOX31 Denver KDVR television reported their on-camera testimony from an entomologist stating how UFOs captured on video over downtown Denver are not insects. Mary Ann Hamilton, the Vice President of Science and Research at the Westminster, Colorado Butterfly Pavilion, told reporters that ““After watching the various shots, I do not believe it’s an insect. The shape is inconsistent with an insect.””

Entomology is the scientific study of insects, reportedly including related molecular genetics, behavior, biomechanics, biochemistry, systematics, physiology, developmental biology, ecology, morphology, paleontology, mathematics, anthropology, robotics, agriculture, nutrition and forensic science.

The Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, Colorado combines “science education with interactive fun to teach visitors about invertebrates and conservation.” Their website describes how what was “the nation’s first stand-alone non-profit invertebrate zoo” features “five immersive exhibits,” including a “rainforest filled with 1,600 free-flying tropical butterflies.”

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This is just one of today’s top UFO news stories covered on this morning’s edition of UFOAM. Previous editions have featured exclusive interviews with author Eve Lorgen and CeRPER’s Martyn Ellis, details of which appear later in this article.

Live UFO News Weekdays

Click here to watch UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News for Nov. 21, 2012 featuring Denver UFOs and the unconscious secrets of a witness to UFOs at ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington.

UFOAM is a new online public UFO news forum providing access to informed discussions, opportunities to receive feedback and answers to questions concerning one of the world’s most intriguing subjects: the mystery of UFO phenomena. Host and moderator Jon Kelly is joined by special guests including veteran experiencers, authors and videographers who drop by to share their latest insights in what promises to be a lively half hour event every weekday at 7 a.m. PST/10 a.m. EDT/3 p.m. GMT.

What Experts Said

Aviation expert Steve Cowell, who consulted on their initial report, told FOX31 at that time how his review of videos showing UFOs apparently taking off and landing in downtown Denver revealed “That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I can’t identify it.”

A statement from the Federal Aviation Administration instructed reporters, ““We`ve checked with air traffic control and no one has had any reports of the activity you described…nor have any of our employees observed anything of this nature either visually or on their radar displays.””

An additional statement from the North American Aerospace Defense Command reads, ““Our Command Center reviewed their records and they did not have any noted air activity in the Denver area during the times you indicated.””

The mile-high mystery deepens and FOX31 will hopefully continue with their exceptional coverage of this and other related stories.

Contact Dreams

Click here to watch UFO Psychic Dream on YouTube: “Inspired by NASA’s ‘Gradient Sun’, this video re-envisions stabilized video of a Vancouver UFO recorded at a location where precognitive dreams instructed a contactee when UFOs would appear for taping. Gradient filters reportedly help scientists trace light emissions from luminous bodies by intensifying the contrast between foreground and background objects on video. A gradient represents a change in value over distance in one direction such as the slope of a curve appearing on a graph. The soundtrack was composed and performed live using a Korg Monotribe analog synthesizer via the MTribe control interface, both MIDIpal-sequenced and Shruthi-1 SMR-4-filtered. Film editor and sound designer Walter Murch once told how, “[Synthesized tuned helicopter blade sound used in] the beginning of the film [Apocalypse Now] was a trigger for the psychic dimension.””

Stolen Hearts

Eve Lorgen, M.A., author of The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, Energy Vampirism and the Supernatural was the special guest on UFOAM this past Wednesday.

In her new book, the author explores how “Cupid can take the form of extraterrestrials, angel watchers, troll spirits, or reptilians.” Through her early years of alien abduction research, Ms. Lorgen reportedly discovered how “ordinary investigative and scientific methods alone could not adequately deal with the reality of otherworldly interference in human affairs.” A dedicated consultant with over 20 years of experience in helping people learn how to manage anomalous trauma, her work is helping people to “deepen their own soul connection, develop emotional intelligence and wisely discern in the matters of love.”

Click here to watch UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News for Nov. 14, 2012 featuring an exclusive interview with Eve Lorgen, M.A., author of The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, Energy Vampirism and the Supernatural.

Story continues in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

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