Chinese UFOs Close Airport: offer intricate puzzle

Do dreams serve as vehicles for the transmission of star knowledge from ETs to humans? Credits:  Jon Kelly/SecretMessageTV

On November 29, 2012, the NBC News Cosmic Log reported how a European Ariane 5 rocket carrying two telecommunications satellites launched from French Guiana had caused Chinese skywatchers to report a UFO incident in a case of mistaken identity. The Chinese website Sina told how amateur astronomers in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces used a camera and a telescope as well the unaided eye to observe a slow-moving luminous body radiating waves of light beneath its flight path.

According to Taiwan’s Want China Times, the ‘rays’ seen by observers were most likely “the rocket jettisoning boosters or other parts and entering low Earth orbit after being launched 30 minutes previously.”

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The Beijing UFO Research Society was said to concur with these findings as well.

But are all China-sourced UFO reports simply errant interpretations of visual data?

This is just one of the top UFO news stories covered on this morning’s UFOAM. Further details of UFO reports from China appear later in this article.

Live UFO News Weekdays

Click here to watch UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News for Nov. 30, 2012 featuring news of Richard Thieme’s new book plus results from a study in Chile describing how UFOs are a sociological phenomenon.

UFOAM is a new online public UFO news forum providing access to informed discussions, opportunities to receive feedback and answers to questions concerning one of the world’s most intriguing subjects: the mystery of UFO phenomena. Host and moderator Jon Kelly is joined by special guests including veteran experiencers, authors and videographers who drop by to share their latest insights in what promises to be a lively half hour event every weekday at 7 a.m. PST/10 a.m. EDT/3 p.m. GMT.

Airport Shutdown

ABC News reported in 2010 how a UFO forced Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to “cease operations” sparking an investigation by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

The incident was accompanied by photographs taken by witnesses in Hangzhou earlier that day showing images of UFOs from different perspectives. The photographs reveal substantial detail, evoking reports of encounters from the nineteenth century that led newspapers in the western United States to coin the term “mystery airships.”

Researchers from the Beijing UFO Research Society and the Shanghai UFO Investigative Research Center were on hand after the fact, with Lou Jinhong, the director of the Shanghai UFO Investigative Research Center, telling ABC News that the amount of time their investigation would require was “not clear.”

West Texas Incident

Click here to watch Marfa Lights Desert Mystery Trance on YouTube, a video recorded in western Texas where at least two mystery airship incidents were reported in nineteenth century newspapers: “Suspense and intrigue linger when mystery lights appear in the open desert east of Marfa, Texas. The lights appeared to rotate in the cold night air, emitting periodic bursts and color-changes towards observers. Witnesses traveling on U.S. 67 stopped their cars at the viewing platform to talk about this incident and a military jet [unusual for this area?] flew out over the desert minutes later.”

Official UFO

The Malaysia Star reported in 2005 how UFO sightings in China were then “on the rise,” stating that membership rolls for China’s officially registered UFO associations count an estimated 50,000 persons with estimates as high as “tens of millions” for people living in China who are interested in UFO and ET-related contact issues.

Retired Beijing professor Sun Shili is described in the article as one of a 21-member delegation picked by international UFO associations to represent Earth during anticipated negotiations with extraterrestrials making contact with humanity. He apparently told the Star how he expects the ETs to use “telepathy,” indicating a potentially deep wisdom concerning Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5).

Story continues in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

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