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Cigar Shaped UFO Double Cross Michigan Skies

Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

A Croswell, MI, couple reported two encounters with a cigar-shaped object that was bright white “with a dark spot in the middle,” according to August 16, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

During a clear blue sky, the first observation was at 7:20 p.m. on August 15, 2011, when the couple was sitting outside on a porch and noticed an “ibuprofen-shaped object, bright white with dark spot in the middle at about airplane height.”

“Moved at about the same speed an airplane would,” the reporting witness stated. “No wings. It was not an airplane. It moved in straight path and seemed to be moving farther away (growing slightly smaller).”

A Croswell, MI, couple may have seen the same cigar-shaped UFO twice in one evening.
Credits: MUFON database.

Then looking through binoculars, they noticed flames coming out of one end “as if propelled by fire.”

“It looked like, perhaps, a missile, although I have never seen a missile. It also looked like what I would imagine a thruster that falls off a space shuttle might look like. I saw this object in the same area, and moving in the same direction of sky where I have seen the orange yellow orbs, which I have made past reports on. We lost sight of object when it moved past the tree line.”

They included a sketch of the object with their first report.

But then the couple returned outside at 8:15 p.m. on August 15, and saw what may have bee the same object, but now traveling in the opposite direction.

“The object was cigar shaped, about the size of a long Ibuprofen pill. It was bright white, as if made of glowing white light, with a dark spot in the center. My husband grabbed the binoculars and we both saw that this time there were not flames coming out of one end, but when we saw it earlier it definitely appeared to have flames coming out as if propelled by them. It was moving to the southwest, towards the general area of Yale. We watched it for about 4 minutes, and it got smaller and smaller as if moving farther away.”

No photos or videos were included with the MUFON report. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Croswell is a city in Sanilac County, MI, population 2,647.

A similar case was reported in Tennessee on August 13, 2011, in MUFON Case # 30888. “Bright white or silver cylinder shaped with a void or band between two halves travelling in a NE direction.” Witness included one photo, and one illustration of the object. Both cases refer to a “dark spot” or “dark band” at the center of the object. Special thanks to MUFON STAR Team Manager and Chief Investigator of Texas Fletcher Gray for the case comparison.

Michigan is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating, with a higher than average number of UFO sightings nationally. Michigan had 15 reports in July 2011 – while California had 54 UFO reports – the highest reporting state in the nation.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.

The following are the unedited reports filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Michigan State Director William J. Konkolesky investigates and reports back on these cases, I will publish case updates. Please report UFO activity to

MI, August 15, 2011 – From side porch of my home, saw airplane height cigar shaped, Ibuprofen shaped object, Bright white, either reflecting sun or glowing. Black spot in center. Through binoculars could see fire coming out of one end. Others also witnessed. MUFON Case # 30931.

7:20 p.m. Croswell, Michigan. Clear blue sky, daylight. I was sitting on my side porch with my husband, looked up and saw strange cigar shaped, Ibuprofen shaped object, bright white with dark spot in the middle, at about airplane height. Moved at about the same speed an airplane would. No wings. It was not an airplane. It moved in straight path and seemed to be moving farther away (growing slightly smaller). My husband grabbed binoculars and through them we saw flames coming out of one end, as if it was propelled by fire. It looked like, perhaps, a missile, although I have never seen a missile. It also looked like what I would imagine a thruster that falls off a space shuttle might look like. I saw this object in the same area, and moving in the same direction of sky where I have seen the orange yellow orbs, which I have made past reports on.

We lost sight of object when it moved past the tree line. I included a photo of sketch I made of what we saw through binoculars.

MI, August 15, 2011 – 2nd sighting today of a bright white cigar shaped object with dark center. MUFON Case # 30941.

I made an earlier report today about object we saw at 7:20 pm. After we saw that object I came inside to file the report, then went back outside with my husband onto the side porch. This was about 8:15 pm. The sky was still clear and blue, not dark yet at all. An object caught my eye in the sky and I pointed it out to him. We both saw an object that was basically the same as the first one we saw, moving in the exact opposite direction, as if it were the same object we saw earlier returning from wherever it had gone. The object was cigar shaped, about the size of an long Ibuprofen pill. It was bright white, as if made of glowing white light, with a dark spot in the center. My husband grabbed the binoculars and we both saw that this time there were NOT flames coming out of one end, but when we saw it earlier it definitely appeared to have flames coming out as if propelled by them. It was moving to the southwest, towards the general area of Yale. We watched it for about 4 minutes, and it got smaller and smaller as if moving farther away. We lost sight of it once it passed the treeline, by this time it was quite small. My husband and I are both educated, sober, healthy and solid of mind. We know what most “normal” things in the sky look like. This had NO wings. It was not an airplane. I know it is possible that this object was metallic, and reflecting light from the sun, and that is why it appeared so brightly white. However it did not seem metallic or manmade to me whatsoever, it seemed to be made of white light. If it was manmade, it was of some material I am not aware of. A few hours ago I was searching YouTube for “cigar shaped UFOs”, and I was surprised to see videos posted that looked EXACTLY like what we saw. I have seen a Stealth Bomber fly through the sky before, and they appear quite otherworldly and totally silent, eerie. I know that the government and Armed Forces most likely have/are testing new technologies and crafts that we the public aren’t aware of yet. Perhaps this cigar shaped thing is one of those? I do not know, but it was most definitely Unidentified and Unexplained, and quite exhilarating to see.

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