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Circular-shaped objects flying in triangle formation reported from North Carolina

A North Carolina witness out watching the Leonid meteor shower on November 17, 2009, watched three circular-shaped objects flying in an “equilateral triangle” formation, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

“I could see that they were bronze colored and appeared to be glowing against the night sky with a light similar to the dying orange sparkle of an incendiary,” the witness stated.

“The objects were circular from my point of view as I was looking at their underside, and had grooves in them similar to a plate or phonograph record. I saw no windows in the objects. I assumed that they were lenticular shaped in profile since I saw no antennae or spikes protruding from them, and how they resembled a plate.



No city name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report.

The following are the unedited and as yet uninvestigated reports filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If North Carolina MUFON State Director John Kledis investigates and reports back on these cases, I will release an update.

NC, November 17, 2010 – During peak activity of Leonid meteor shower, 3 lenticular bronze objects were seen flying in an organized formation. MUFON Case # 23656.

The night I saw the objects, I was up late observing the Leonid meteor shower. Not looking for any sort of unusual flying objects, I had seen earlier meteors with the usual Leonid characteristics (bright fireballs, ion trails).

Soon high clouds began to cover the Northern sky where I saw the earlier fireballs. I was in a track and field complex observing the shower, so I lied down on the paved running track to get a better plane of view for later meteors.

I lied down there for a while, and around 1AM the meteors began to pick up in amount. Some of the meteors were like regular shooting stars and were faint, but others had bright white colored fireballs. During this peak in meteor activity is when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye at the zenith of the night sky.

At first I thought it was a few meteors, but the “objects” never faded, didn’t have ion trails, and were moving too slow. Curious at this point, I looked directly at the faint objects and discovered that they were flying in an equilateral triangle formation. My next conclusion were that the “objects” were either landing lights on an aircraft or birds, but there were no blinking lights, distant jet engine noise, or flapping wings. At this point I realized I was looking at genuine UFOs.

With my curiosity turned from the Leonids, I focused my complete attention to the 3 UFOs. As I did I realized that these UFOs weren’t just points of light, but actual flying objects with depth! I could see that they were bronze colored and appeared to be glowing against the night sky with a light similar to the dying orange sparkle of an incendiary. The objects were circular from my point of view as I was looking at their underside, and had grooves in them similar to a plate or phonograph record. I saw no windows in the objects. I assumed that they were lenticular shaped in profile since I saw no antennae or spikes protruding from them, and how they resembled a plate.

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