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Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind UFO community ever!

Martyn Ellis' CeRPER will live-stream the December 2012 global Live ET Contact Celebration online. Credits: Jon Kelly/SecretMessageTV

On November 28, 2012, UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News reported how the Live ET Contact Celebration, billed as “the largest mobilization of the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind UFO community ever” will take place this coming December 21, 2012. Celebration co-sponsors the Global CE-5 Community and the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER) are promising live online web-based video streaming featuring local CE-5 groups from around the world practicing meditation-related protocols to invite contact with ET visitors on that day.

In their announcement to the public, CeRPER invites participants to imagine “a grand visionary experiment in consciousness where you can connect to people from all around the world from your home computer, joining in together to make peaceful contact with our star cousins, all at the same time, live.”

This is just one of the top UFO news stories covered on this morning’s UFOAM. More highlights from today’s show including New Zealand UFOs captured on night vision video appear later in this article.

Live UFO News Weekdays

Click here to watch UFOAM: Today’s Top UFO News for Nov. 28, 2012 featuring news of the Live ET Contact Celebration co-sponsored by the Global CE-5 Community and the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER).

UFOAM is a new online public UFO news forum providing access to informed discussions, opportunities to receive feedback and answers to questions concerning one of the world’s most intriguing subjects: the mystery of UFO phenomena. Host and moderator Jon Kelly is joined by special guests including veteran experiencers, authors and videographers who drop by to share their latest insights in what promises to be a lively half hour event every weekday at 7 a.m. PST/10 a.m. EDT/3 p.m. GMT.

Celebrate CE-5 Style

Celebration organizers anticipate the December 21, 2012 event will offer “an incredible, historic worldwide celebration of Human-ET Contact” taking place on “an auspicious day of great potential for Universal Peace.” Reportedly, hundreds of local CE-5 teams across the planet “will seek to make ET Contact on a scale never before attempted.”

Click here to register on the ETLetsTalk Social Network and begin the process of participating in December’s Celebration event.

An online community teleconference call outlining further details for Celebration participants is scheduled to take place on Sunday, December 2, 2012. The call will be held at 5 p.m. EST/2 p.m. PST/10 p.m. GMT.

Kosta Makreas, Founder and Facilitator of “Global CE-5 ET Contact” notes that for the teleconference, “the number of phone lines is limited and regular long distance charges to the USA will apply.”

Teleconference participants are also invited to email the organizers at, providing contact details including name and email address in order to receive notice of the teleconference call-in numbers “approximately 48 hours in advance.”

CeRPER Interview

Click here to watch Martyn Ellis, Founding Director of the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER), on UFOAM for November 7, 2012. Speaking live from Dorset, England, Mr. Ellis joined the show for a wide-ranging discussion covering spiritual development and ET contact, the nature of Samadhi, mysticism, destiny, the devas, UFOs, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and much more.

New Zealand UFOs

On Nov. 28, 2012, the New Zealand Herald reported how glowing, orange-colored orbs are flying within 50 feet of witnesses, including former military personnel familiar with identifying known aircraft. According to a Daily Post reporter, Local UFO skywatcher Horsefarmer1000 refused to participate in an interview for this story, although one of his exceptionally intriguing videos accompanies the article.

Story continues in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for

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