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Concerning Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and the French village of Bugarach

Publisher’s Note: We received the following information by email and its publication is to correct possible erroneous facts published.

I am writing to correct some misinformation in your post

Recent articles circulating the internet about the French village of Bugarach grossly misrepresent Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) as having “no less than six settlements in the area surrounding Bugarach.” In fact, there are only 34 RSE students in the whole of France, and none with a Bugarach address. Secondly, in thirty years of teachings, Bugarach has never been mentioned by Ramtha or JZ Knight.

The report by the French government agency MIVILUDES incorrectly identified individuals associated with the Raelian Movement as being students of Ramtha’s School. Cult expert Susan Palmer of Concordia University says that “MIVILUDES is creating artificial emergencies to support the state-sponsored anti-cult movement.” Palmer, whose upcoming book The New Heretics of France, about the French anti-cult movement, believes MIVILUDES spends more time vilifying cults than actually researching them—“obviously trying to justify its own existence.”

We have contacted MIVILUDES about the error in their report.




Mike Wright

Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment

A Division of JZK, Inc.

Tel: 360-458-5230

2012 – The Year of Wonder!

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