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Conspiracy Theory “This”

We are a suspicious race. No matter what happens, when or where it happens, some of us will see a conspiracy in the facts and actions that occurred. Some of us will purposely look for facts and responses that don’t fit what was said or done.

Throughout the history of the United States, conspiracy theories abound on a daily basis. No matter what happens here, someone will go the extra lengths of watching a video, reading an article and listening to audio versions looking for what doesn’t fit.

Let’s take a look at a few. The idea of alien visitation to this planet goes way back, perhaps thousands of years, but it didn’t take on conspiracy factors until the summer of 1947. Kenneth Arnold spotted 9 shiny craft like objects flying over Mount Rainier while he was assisting in a search and rescue. Less than a month later, the “UFO” crash happened in Roswell. From that point on, it is believed that our government started hiding information from us. Many conspiracy theorists have written books on Roswell, Area 51 and so many other areas considered secured and hidden from the public. Milton William Cooper, Author of “Behold a Pale Horse” states in chapter 12 of his book that between January of 1947 and December of 1952 there were, in fact, 16 crashed disks, 65 alien bodies and one live alien recovered.

He goes further to state that in the first year of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidential term at least 10 more crashed disks, 26 dead aliens and 4 live aliens were recovered. He goes on to tell us that in 1953 astronomers discovered that several large objects had taken up orbit around the equator. These were  believed to be mother ships. Some people believe that there are still mother-ships orbiting the earth.

According to him, along with many other conspiracy theorists, a contract was made back in the early 1950’s with Alien beings from another planet or solar system and our government. Many of the authors that mention this theory also say that these aliens, who agreed to trade technology for abduction and experimentation on humans, broke their contract. By the time the government found out, it was too late and they realized they did not have the weapons or means to eradicate this race from our planet. Sadly, there are also rumors that they made similar contracts with leaders of other countries.

Let’s take a look at a few others. Phil Schneider, a private contractor working for the government, came forth and said he was injured in a confrontation with alien greys underground. Not long after he exposed all the information he claimed to have, and having said his life was in danger, was found tortured to death sometime later.

Rumors of activities at Montauk that could have resulted in the appearance of the Montauk Monster have also risen to the surface. Not long ago we purchased some DVD’s on this and other UFO conspiracy theories at Wal-Mart. The main people in the Montauk disk claim that the government was doing research in dimensional and psychic subjects. These people also claim that thousands of the children that disappeared around the world ended up in a large grave site there.

Would it be so hard to believe that a government would perform experimentation on their own civilians? It has happened here in the United States, although the government claims it is no longer going on, and it did happen during the reign of Hitler.

All you have to do is browse the internet or go to the local library. You will find book after book about conspiracy theories. One theorist believes that President Kennedy was assassinated because he was getting ready to expose the alien presence here.

Recently there was a post on Facebook about a 9/11 conspiracy author who published his book last year, Phillip Marshall, who was recently found dead in his home with the bodies of his son and daughter. The ruling, as it stands at this moment is “Murder/Suicide”; however the article also relates that he was worried about attempts on his life.

In recent years there have been many famous people who have come forth to say they were abducted or saw a UFO. Just read Whitley Strieber’s book “Communion” or look up the remarks that Buzz Aldrin and a few other astronauts have said.

Our nation is up in arms at the present time because of the gun control laws the government wants to pass. Citizens are convinced it is a move being taken so the government can enforce marshal law.

In February of 1968 Australia and the UK started the disarmament of their country spurred on by the slaughter of 16 children and 1 teacher in 1996 by a crazed gunman. Do you see a connection here “Sandy Hook”? A thought comes to mind. Could these shooters, acting alone, have been controlled by someone else? Milton William Cooper also mentions in chapter 12 “that this alien race said they had been manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult and religion”

I found this very interesting list on the internet when searching for countries that have been disarmed: If you do a little bit of math, it adds up to almost 59 million people being killed in a little over 50 years. I’m not saying that all of these deaths were the result of peaceful nations trying to solve their crime problem. Some of these were just outright military takeovers. Austria invited Germany to take over because they thought it would be better for their citizens only to find out after they were occupied that many would be murdered, tortured or experimented on.

Every day you read about something that someone believes is a conspiracy. Whether it is FEMA buying up a bunch of coffins, Social Security buying up rounds of ammunition, or a catastrophe that some people are blaming on the activity of HAARP, the fact remains that there is a lot that happens around this world that there is just no explanation for.

I don’t know for a fact if any of these theories are true. I do know that aliens and UFO’s are present on this planet, and the ones we met were not the friendly kind.  I have always openly confessed my Christian beliefs and my belief in the Bible as a history of Gods miracles and deeds. I believe there is more to the bible than what the “Mother Church” allowed in there. Believing in that, I know that an almighty God would have made life on other planets because he created everything for a purpose.

Here is some food for thought: If aliens were flying from somewhere out in the Universe back in 1947, if they were that much more technically advanced than we were, how much more technically advanced are they now.

Here is a little conspiratorial food for thought: Maybe the disarming of countries around the world is not the choice of the governments, but is being demanded of them because the takeover is not going to be the government militia, but a much more advanced threat from above or that has been hiding under ground, building its cities and bases.

The Bible says that one of the last signs before Jesus comes back to reign is the unification of the world under the rule of one government or one man. It doesn’t state for a fact that the government or man will come from us, so maybe it is coming from above and/or below?



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