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Controversies, Commentaries and Consciousness Are the Focus of the New Michael Horn Show

Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) August 3, 2010

With internet radio listener-ship now exceeding that of traditional radio, the brand new Michael Horn Show is quickly making its mark. And Horn’s quirky, creative style is already attracting a wide variety and age range of curious listeners.

As the American media representative for the Billy Meier UFO contacts in Switzerland, Michael is a frequent and popular guest on shows like Coast to Coast AM. So there’s ample discussion of the Meier material and other out-of-this-world topics on his own talk show.

But Horn, who is also an award-winning film producer/director, freely discusses religion, politics, illegal immigration, abortion, the environment and other highly controversial and contentious issues. While his disarming manner avoids the strident tones of many current radio hosts, Horn knows he will still push a lot of buttons, “It’s safe to say that I’m an equal opportunity offender,” says Horn.

Tongue in cheek commercials for psychic readings, the bawdy Michael Horn Wildlife Fund, and claims that he will soon broadcast the entire show telepathically add a humorous element to the hour-long program. Horn hopes that the comedy will relax and open listeners to his passionate perspective about humanity’s more serious and pressing problems.

Because Horn feels that Meier’s amazing prophecies and predictions, and the spiritual teaching, are so vital to our future survival they are always the focus of the last segment of the show. “Billy Meier is the world’s single most prolific – and impeccably accurate – source of specific prophetic information,” says Horn, “When you add in the nearly 70 years of proven extraterrestrial contact, and the abundance of still irreproducible UFO evidence, we’re talking about nothing less than the most important story in human history. And that’s certainly worth talking about.”

The Michael Horn Show airs Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM (PST) and is available on demand, on iTunes and on other Podcasts.

PWRN is the co-creation of Hollywood film producer, Michael D. Sellers and veteran radio broadcaster, Allan Holender.

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