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Crop circles solved, art by Danny Rogers.

Well it’s a week later and things are going rather well. I have had some great feedback from a few of the readers of UFODigest. So as discussed with the editor another image is on display. I have chosen this image because I have a few collectors and one of which will be purchasing the original of this image this weekend. 

This image is crop circles solved! It is a personal favorite and when painting it i could just imagine my self stumbling upon the reason for the whole crop circle phenomenon. Although it is probably to most very far fetched, the essence of the alien series of paintings remains the same, humor and the what if factor! It would be rather mind blowing to think that aliens/ET’s would tread crops to make some of the most interesting public displays known to man. 

A quick update on my side of the big blue pond – thank you to all of you that have taken the time to look at the art work both the surreal and real sides, my website has now doubled in hits since this time last week and i believe that is mainly thanks to UFODigest and its readers. 

I have also thoroughly enjoyed the articles on this site and i find myself coming back again and again to check the updates. I would like to give a big thanks again to the publisher and also Doc Edwards, oh… and not forgetting some lovely comments including the one posted on this site…Thank you all.

Best Regards,

Danny Rogers

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