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Demonic Possession and Psychiatry: An Interview with Paul Schroeder


Alien Abduction Defenses

I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting advisor in background research for his upcoming film about “ Psychiatry vs. Possession.“

Below are some of his questions:

Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?

A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly. Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.” But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.

These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety.

The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.

The Reality:

If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you.

The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission. That occurs and then they feel that they own you.

One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground. These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside.

Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?

One can open doors that are not easily closed again. The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts. A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.

They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens. They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead. The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky watch is imprudent; to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that demons and other negative thought entities impose into our lives go unnoticed by most people, but they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing and reflect a parasitism of one’s consciousness itself.

Why expose oneself to that risk just for excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.

Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?

A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that discorporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.

God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others. Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.

Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?

If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?

A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.

An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.

You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.

Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points.

M* Enhancement of ET in forest, Sweden 2005

Q: In what way does a normal nightmare differ from one which represents a psychic attack?-

A: All nightmares are varying degrees of imposed psychic attacks as you are being negatively ‘milked’ ethereally for energy within raw angst, by an entity who you might have picked up in daily transit not unlike dog poo on your shoe bottoms.

The signature function of the brain during dreaming is to maintain the dream state, to incorporate extraneous outside stimuli into a dream, to ‘lie to you’, to keep you dreaming.

If a fire truck’s siren blares down your block while you are sleeping your brain will incorporate that sound into the dream scenario at hand to keep you asleep and dreaming.

The ‘convenience dream’ clearly illustrates how this works.

One’s bladder may dully pulse as full, but rather than awaken the sleeper, the brain conjures a bathroom scenario instead where you ‘dream’ that you saw the tile floor and even sat down on a toilet. One awakens much later thinking, with a fuller bladder, thinking; ‘I thought that I just WENT to the bathroom?!’

A nightmare, which awakens one, usually in great angst, violates this tacit basic rule of dreaming by awakening you. One’s rude awakening reveals that nightmare scenarios are being telepathically imposed by a parasitic, discorporate entity for its ethereal feasting. A nightmare is very rarely a self-created scenario. In possession, the entity is no longer in daily transit to torture another (phantoms fill the air around us), but has settled in and has chosen you, as a ‘host’.

The nightmares and bad dreams under a state of demonic possession seem realistic in every way compared to the intensity of waking consciousness and appear to be out of body attacks. One feels at every nighttime that one flirts with the beast of madness, itself.

Concurrent with such psychic attacks is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping on the walls and a general heavy unhappy creepy atmosphere envelope the house and its occupants. Pranks predominate.

Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Q: What kind of person is most vulnerable to this kind of attack? How do they become a target?

A: One who leaves one’s front door open to the street will invite in unwanted miscreants, unknown horrid people who wander in seeking mischief and unwholesomeness; so too does one who uses a Ouija board or thinks that it might be fun to have a ghost around unknowingly invites the opportunistic gangster fringe element of the spirit world in.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

M* Enhancement of Mexican ET Cell Phone Video Frame

Wolves like demons choose the weakest of the flock; young children are special nighttime targets who crawl into bed with their parents to seek protection from their energies, but there is an inverse rule also: people of strong spiritual light also bring these parasitic entities in like porch lights do bring in moths and then draw bats.

The dark side seeks to extinguish light and they attempt to do this by destroying the light in the person. Thus they will be attracted to people who shine brightly with such light.

A priest, a psychic or psychic healer, or a highly moral public figure in power are much more attractive to destroy than a mere banal person as “the trophy” is more valued.

Q: What is the worst possible outcome of such an event?

A: Murder and or sexual abuse of one’s own children, suicide, mental illness, drug addictions and self destructive habits, jail incarcerations may result.

What kind of mistakes does Western psychology make when dealing with this issue?

A: Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and sees spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

Many institutionalized back ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Q: What is your view of the origin/nature of these non-physical entities?

A: They are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds. Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:





Cold patches in the aura


Bad dreams and nightmares

Unexplained aches and pains

Anxiety and fearfulness


Obsessive/compulsive behavior

Self mutilation

Eating Disorders

Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts

Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes

Drug addiction or alcoholism

Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

Q: Do you think the existence of these phenomena will ever be explored by science, or that it is essentially unreachable by the physical sciences?


A: Science is especially inept in its ability to calibrate the human soul or gauge a demonic possession; it is beyond their measuring capabilities and thus does not exist.

To quote a contemporary;

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to understand Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toe nail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. “

Q – Do you believe there is any power in archaic protection/exorcism rituals? How do different traditions differ in their approach?

Which is, in your opinion, the best?

A: Exorcism is similar to extracting a nail from one’s tire and tossing it back into traffic where it will be picked up by someone else.(see my article:

How To Psychically Protect Oneself From Demons: (Metaphysics)

Q – In terms of public education and safety, what do you feel are the most important points to get across regarding this issue?

A: For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.

Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.


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