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Did Invisible UFO Cause Car To Stall?



Did Invisible UFO Cause Car To Stall? 

By Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner


This travel blog photo’s source is TravelPod page: Day 5

An Illinois witness driving along a country road April 2, 2011, reports a “circular shadow” on the ground covering between 150 and 200 feet of the roadway and nearby fields shut down the vehicle’s engine while nothing was seen above in the sky, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

As the witnesses’ car entered the shadow area, the car’s engine stalled out.

“I did not notice anything in the air,” the witness stated. “As I drove through the shadow at about 45 mph, my engine stalled. I coasted through the shadow and brought my car to a stop. Noticed all guages were inoperable. Got out of my car, shadow still present, looked up and around and saw nothing but almost clear sky. Tried to restart my car with no success. Wouldn’t even crank. Figured a bad battery connection.”

The shadow then disappeared and the witness was able to start the car without further problems.

“As I looked back at the shadow, it just seemed to up and disappear. Got back into my car and it now started right back up.”

The witness then claimed a “weird queezy feeling” with some shaking after the incident. The shadow lasted about 8 minutes.

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on April 2, 2011. No images or video were included with the report.

Illinois is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Illinois had 8 UFO reports in March 2011 – while California had 45 sightings, the highest reporting state in the nation. 

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