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Is it too early to allege a UFO encounter caused the disappearance of Malaysian Airline Flight 370?

When one ponders the question of a vanished jet airliner full of passengers flying through uncontested international air space with the aid of modern day navigation tools and advanced tracking technology it seems fantastic to consider that this giant aircraft cannot be accounted for. Does it lay under thousands of feet of cold, murky, ocean water in the Indian ocean forever lost to the annals of aviation mystery? Or, is there something more disturbing more compelling here than a crash into the ocean that has yet to reveal itself to the NTSB or the dedicated team of international experts trying to locate its final resting place somewhere deep on the ocean floor?

Frequently lost

There is a history of missing jet airliners that have suddenly disappeared from radar screens with the last comments made by the flight crew usually being vague and unhelpful in yielding any clues as to the fate of the aircraft and those aboard. The list of these tragic losses are better known in military circles when regarding the fate of interceptors lost to the unknown in pursuit of UFO’s when ordered to defend civilian air space, but when non-military passenger jets tracked on radar and guided by air traffic controllers suddenly vanish it almost always fuels speculation and rumor.

Vastness that swallows the unsuspecting

The long history of aircraft and pilot vanishings can be traced back decades and sheds no more light upon the present than the events that continue to perplex us today. What occurred in the past only reminds us that it can and will happen again. It seems that those who attempt to explore the vastness of the earth’s oceans from the air or innocently travel on personal business within comfortable passenger jets, while military aviators are called upon to defend the territory of their nations it seems the unpredictable can occur at any time. That strange twist of fate that leaves us asking how and why in the aftermath of these disappearances also reminds us that we are not so advanced once in the hands of nature or in harm’s way.

No conventional explanations

To consider what exactly happened to Malaysian Flight 370 with a plethora of navigational course recordings and contradictory theories is maddening, but while arriving at no definitive answers only seems to buttress the argument that something out of the ordinary occurred. Something that seems to hint at more than a pilot who wanted to intentionally crash his plane, something more insidious than a hi-jacking, or even more compelling than a catastrophic mechanical failure. When one considers that no traces of debris or wreckage have been found under the intensely orchestrated air and sea searches launched by a multi-national task force of Asian countries in the region, it seems like a classic case of the inexplicable that can only be attributed to a UFO mid-air abduction. Yet, how can we possibly arrive at such a disturbing conclusion?

Theories or evidence of something more?

Naturally, conspiracy theories abound when a huge passenger jet simply disappears and remains unaccounted for after weeks of intensive search by an international partnership of search and rescue specialists. Are these theories really justified though? Unfortunately, there was no witness testimony to justify that a UFO or unidentified aerial phenomenon was within close proximity to the Malaysian Flight 370. So, there seems little corroborating evidence to draw upon. The only thing that can be derived from all of this is that there is a verifiable record of passenger jet disappearances that seem not only inexplicable, but disturbingly frequent over the past decades of widely accepted worldwide air travel. Is the consensus that under such conditions a certain amount of mysterious losses that do not add up to be expected in such huge bodies of water that extend for millions of square miles?

The unlikelihood

Let us explore a brief archive of passenger flights that have either been intensely analyzed for all intents and purposes or have merely been dismissed as the unfortunate casualties of air travel over a troubled world of conflicts, pilot error, instrument failures, dangerous weather conditions, fuel depletion, piracy, or perhaps a “Bermuda Triangle” scenario. One thing is for sure. Although it is possible though highly unlikely for an aircraft to elude radar scans and satellite detection by turning off one’s transponder and flying at low altitude, for a huge aircraft like a Boeing 777 Jumbo Jet over thousands of miles of open water would not only be difficult, but arduous for a flight crew intent on carrying out such act of deception.

No shortage of lost planes

According to the Aviation Safety Network 100 airline passenger aircraft have gone missing since 1948 alone not to mention earlier civilian and military flights as long ago as the World War I era to World War II. Understandably war time brings with it many opportunities for unsolved disappearances.

Legacy of the unknown

Such is the case of the vanishing of Big Band musician and leader, Glen Miller, whose flight in a single engine Noordyun Norseman leaving an RAF base for Paris, France in 1944 led to his disappearance somewhere over the English channel. Reportedly, Canadian bush plane designed for take-off and landing on rough landing strips vanished within 2 minutes into a fog bank of clouds.

In 1953 a Skyways Airline flight scheduled to land in Jamaica from its departure point in Great Britain disappeared over the North Atlantic in February after a brief distress call was transmitted. 39 people were lost aboard that particular flight.

In 1962 a Lockheed L1049 departing Micronesia and scheduled to arrive at the Philippines with servicemen who were routinely airlifted through a US government contract to Vietnam disappeared without a trace. After an 8 day search and rescue operation the aircraft was declared missing as no wreckage was ever located.

In January of 1979 a Boeing 707 left Japan on its way to Brazil to deliver valuable paintings. The crew of 6 along with their aircraft disappeared over the ocean while authorities could only speculate that catastrophic depressurization could have been the cause.

In 2003 a Boeing 727 grounded on an Angola tarmac for non-payment of debt took off down the runway and headed out over the sea. An American mechanic was the only known occupant of the aircraft. This former American Airlines jetliner vanished over the ocean without a trace.

In 2009 an Airbus 330 enroute to France from Brazil was lost over the Atlantic Ocean. Although the back box and transponder were not recovered for 2 years wreckage did pop up out of the ocean waters within 24 hours. This is interesting to note as with Malaysian Flight 370 there was never any recovery or wreckage debris. The flight has literally vanished into thin air.

Where do they go?

Many flights and individual aircraft have been lost for decades only to be found on mountain ranges, inside glaciers, at the bottom of the deep ocean, and out on barren stretches of arid deserts after being considered vanished forever. There are compelling reasons to consider MH370 to be considered unique in the long history of aviation disappearances, but only time can possibly tell whether the mystery can be solved.

In part II we will examine some possible UFO air to air incidents that could lend credence to the allegations of a UFO inflight abduction of the Malaysian Boeing 777. Until then keep an eye out over long stretches of water whenever you are enjoying your next tourist destination especially if a strange object paces your passenger flight.


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