Disclosure of secret files on UFOs in Brazil



Disclosure of secret files on UFOs in Brazil


Air Force records show that military repression, flight controllers, MPs and even UFOs sighted diplomat.

Feared by opponents of military rule, officials of the defunct Department of Political and Social Order (Dops), an agency of repressive dictatorship, also took their scares. Some claim to have seen unidentified flying objects in various parts of the country, including in Rio. The reports are among the first sighting of UFO records released for public consultation by the Air Force. On Tuesday, the Force has published ordinance guiding professionals and users of the national air traffic to pass on information about the apparitions allegedly extraterrestrial Aerospace Defense Command, which compiles with the existing files for further dissemination. The news was revealed exclusively.

In 631 pages ready for consultation, distributed in two folders in good repair, are information passed by the agents of repression under the administrations of presidents Getúlio Vargas and the military, and data from members of the General Staff of the Air Force, Pernambuco PM Of flight controllers and even a member of the Brazilian attache’s office in Washington.

The opening of the records of the Air Force about UFOs was the subject of internal meeting held yesterday in Rio, where they discussed another set of reports, from 1970 to 1979, are still being cataloged. This material – more than four folders and a Super 8 film – it will be many reports about the Operation Saucer, which investigated alleged alien attacks that have occurred in 1977 in the town of Vigia, Pará.

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Professionals who report seeing UFOs in service welcome the initiative of Aeronautics. “It’s important because now the controller will support pilot and flight officer to report occurrences. I witnessed four strange facts, with objects that appeared on radar, but the drivers always had this fear of going forward, “said Jorge Botelho, president of the National Union of Workers Protection Flight.

The first documents released – from 1952 to 1969 – were referred to the National Archives slowly before the concierge. They were kept under strict secrecy at the Centre for Documentation and History of Aviation, Western Zone.

arquivos ovni

UFO researcher claims to have seen UFOs in the Center

The aliens would also be interested in the wonders of Rio Ufologist amateur, a Marine sergeant Jose Pinheiro Claudio Farias, 30, captured in January that he believes are images of flying saucers scratching the sky from the city center. The pictures of a corvette docked at the Port of Naval Arsenal, at Praça Maua, were of historic buildings, a passion of the military but ended up revealing large white objects shaped and bright circles.

Ufologist Marco Antonio Petit says that flying saucers can be seen anywhere on the planet. In the state, the highest incidence occurs in Sierra Beauty in the city of Valencia, Sul Fluminense. In over 20 years of research in the region, ufologist brought together over 400 sightings of UFOs. In 2006, he came to idealize the UFO Observation Center and the Space Mountain of Beauty, a complex that would consume $ 6 million, but the project never leaving the paper.

Lights that do not appear on the radar


Experienced official said yesterday that most reports will be made ??available for public consultation gathers data from routine operating air traffic control. Records that are basically the result of a sighting by a pilot light that will not appear on the radar of the conning tower. “The record, in most cases, does not consider whether the object seen, if the light seen, or was not a flying saucer, ” says one driver, who recorded the last five years, in the form of Aeronautics, two related cases.

For the physicist Henrique Oliveira, UERJ, the release of the files demystifies the famous and still unproven Conspiracy Theory. According to ufologists, the rulers always hidden from the public visits that beings from other planets to Earth would have to avoid hysteria.

“It’s good for that, but I’m still skeptical about UFOs. Yes, there may be alien life, but why these UFOs appear only for a very select group of people, a fireworks display in the sky? There is no logic in such visits solely for the purpose of observation. Astronomers, who spend a lifetime of eye in space, do not report sightings of UFOs. “

Credit: http://odia.terra.com.br/

Translation: Vision Ufology

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