Dr. Greer’s Greatest UFO Query

Dr. Greer Lecturing on UFOs & Alien Contact
.Greer's Greatest Disclosure Project ( httpswww.pinterest.compin24558760452707838 ) 32f14004d2aabb564061697e3e305ff5

Dr. Greer’s Greatest UFO Query


Steve Erdmann

( Copyright, 2018, Steve Erdmann- All Rights Reserved)

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>


Every Breath You Take

The Police

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I’ll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I’ll be watching you

Oh can’t you see

You belong to me

My poor heart aches

With every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I’ll be watching you

Since you’ve gone I been lost without a trace

I dream at night I can only see your face

I look around but it’s you I can’t replace

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

I keep crying baby, baby, please

Oh can’t you see

You belong to me

My poor heart aches

With every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I’ll be watching you


Every Breath You Take



“Every Breath You Take” is a song by English rock band The Police from their 1983 album Synchronicity. 

Written by Sting, the single was the biggest US and UK hit of 1983, topping the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart for eight weeks (the band’s only number-one hit on that chart), and the UK Singles Chart for four weeks. It also topped the Billboard Top Tracks chart for nine weeks…The song ranked number 84 on the Rolling Stone list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and is included in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll.  It also ranked number 25 on Billboard‘s Hot 100 All-Time Top Songs. In 2015, the song was voted by the British public as the nation’s favorite 1980s number one in a poll for ITV.  Original sound recording made by A&M Records Ltd, © 1983 A&M Records Ltd, ℗ 1983 A&M Records Ltd. Made in England..

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Every_Breath_You_Take …
The album’s title was inspired by Arthur Koestler‘s The Roots of CoincidenceSting was an avid reader of Koestler, and also named Ghost in the Machine after one of his works.

Greer's Greatest Ghost Machine ( httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiThe_Ghost_in_the_Machine ) 220px-TheGhostInTheMachine


“We have given them names, but they have no relevance to what they call themselves. We simply call hem The Four Horsemen. These Horsemen work together at times, and they work against each other at times.  It is an on-going battle between them at a low level as to who is going to be top dog in the world. The one commonality to all four appears to be an absolute desire for control – of everything and everyone, and each of them has their own philosophy – the core root philosophy which guides them, supposedly, and their actions…They have their own unique flavor. But these people had agenda’s that were unlike any agendas you would have ever run into if you’re in the mainstream government.”   <William John Pawelec, Unacknowledged, pp. 95, 96, 97.>

Steven M. Greer has spent many years investigating the various aspects of the “flying saucer” phenomena and has made inroads into alleged “whistle-blowers,” sensational aspects of UFOs, and those evil crevices where men in black suits and dangerous threats apparently exist and conjugate.

Amongst the menagerie of Orwellian intrigue, spies, secret projects, and government corruption, Greer treks through a graveyard of buried testimony and wearisome challenges to our present-day society.  Much of it threatens our sanity and social equilibrium.

(Unacknowledged, Steven M. Greer, M.D., A& M Publishing, L.L.C., www.AMPpublishing.com, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, 2017, 326 pages. $25.95.)


Greer's Greatest Book Cover ( httpswww.pinterest.compin326159197996425895 ) decdf228e093d077f46b954acbf47a2e

Greer develops vistas for readers, talking about more than 800 government, military and corporate witnesses and whistle-blowers he has interviewed, and also discloses the almost $100 billion spent from taxpayer monies in Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS), General Jimmy Doolittle’s talk of ‘interplanetary war,” the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO), cosmic top secret clearance, the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO), and the many references to crash and retrieved alien spacecraft.

Because the book covers a plethora of topics from spectacular UFO sightings to observations of “moon bases,” and all the heavy governmental secrecy sandwiched in between, it might be best to handle the topics under rough headlines trying to encapsulate those as typical examples.

Greer's Greatest Emblem ( httpwww.disclosureproject.org ) Sirius Poster No Signature


 Typical Phenomenal UFO Cases

One ‘typical’ UFO case is cited by Don Phillips, U.S Air Force and contractor at Lockwood Skunkworks and the CIA. 

A sighting near Angel’s Peak at Nellis Air Force Base spoke of a “real solid object” seen on radar and which circled miles in seconds. Six to seven of these targets were tracked traveling 3,800 to 4,200 miles per hour, stopping on a dime, and eventually disappearing.  The operators were told neither to ask questions nor to deluge any information (pp. 36-37).

Graham Bethune was a Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance, also a VIP Plan Commander who flew high-ranking officers and personnel from Washington, D.C.

Bethune knew of several 1950 UFO sightings by the Air Transport Squadron near Keflavik, Iceland and also Argentina, Newfoundland, which demonstrated erratic behavior.  A. L. Jones, plane commander, witnessed the UFO, a craft with a dome, that rushed from a mile away to about 10,000-foot from them, before disappearing.  The Air Force interrogated the witnesses and classified the UFO “a good report.”  

Bethune also told about a Washington, D.C UFO. The object changed colors from yellow to orange and then to a pulsating red.  The object appeared to be about 350-feet large and traveled anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 miles an hour.  Radar said 1,800 miles per hour, covering 15 miles in a second or two.  It was reported that canine Bird Dogs acted up and that directional gyros also acted up when the UFO was near.  Colonel Watson of the Wright-Patterson AFB said the radar reports disappeared (pp.38-41).

John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington, D.C., told of a UFO at 35,000-feet that chased a 747 aircraft across the Alaskan skies for about thirty minutes. Radar detected it. At eleven o’clock position, a pilot saw it as a huge ball with lights running around it. The object, which was four times the size of the 747, moved erratically.

The matter ended up with the secretive Scientific Study Group, with the CIA threatened to silence Callahan.  Callahan held back some records in defiance.  The pilot was forced to take a desk job and was often humiliated about his UFO sighting (pp. 108-113).

Callahan was aware of another disc-type craft in the Briarwood Lake near Medford, New Jersey: lights at the top and bottom, and a dome on top, about five-hundred-yards across, the UFO  was seen coming from the lake, water was seen rushing off the object.  The UFO was recorded in the navigator’s log.


Major George A. Filer, III, worked as the Deputy Director of Intelligence for the 21st Air Force and has flown over three hundred aircraft. Filer talked about a January 18, 1978, UFO sighting on the McGuire Air Force Base. The UFO appeared through the night, showing red light as it hovered over the runway, and then, apparently having crashed and/or landed at Fort Dix, an occupant became shot and killed while trying to escape. AC-141 was called to pick up the occupant remains. Filer wasn’t allowed to see the photos about the incident, while he was, indeed, there while they were being passed around to those being debriefed. Six to eight people eventually “guarded” the body; they were dislocated from each other so that their associations couldn’t be established.

Robert Jacobs, former Lieutenant in the U.S Air Force, as well as a respected professor at a University, was in charge of optical instrumentation in the 1369th Photo Squadron at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California where he was supervising photographic instrumentation during ballistic missile tests.

In 1964, he said, there was tracking of a “dummy nuke” test using a M45 racking mount with a 180-inch lens, when suddenly a circular-shaped object (“like two saucers cupped together with a ping-pong ball on top”) flew into a frame showing the object shooting “beams of light” at the missile’s warhead. Both, the missile and the object were flying at “several thousand miles an hour.”

Jacobs said that Major Florence J. Mansmann at the First Strategic Aerospace Division headquarters ordered him to ‘complete silence,’ warning him of dire consequences if he ever spoke about the incident. “I was never to speak of this again,” said Jacobs, “as far as I was concerned, this never happened.” Jacobs explained that strange “guys” in civilian clothes came and spooled off part of the film with the UFO on it and confiscated that section. 

Jacobs revealed that he was harassed at work, and received strange phone calls day and night; one caller said to him: “You are going down, mother fucker!”  Once, Jacobs found skyrockets in his box.  These harassments continued on till about 1982 (pp. 183-186).  

Merle Shane McDow was in the U.S Navy Atlantic Command in May, 1981, and had a Top-Secret Special Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) clearance, and he carried a Zebra Stripe Badge.  During May of 1981, McDow was aboard the U.S. American, and it was his job to make sure any incoming and outgoing audio/video information that came into the Command Center was recorded and officially logged. 

A UFO had come into their airspace, setting off a Condition Zebra, and only those with a Zebra Access Badge could remain in the Command Facility. Admiral Harry Trane was alerted to the Command Center, and it was quickly verified that the UFO was not the Soviets.  Trane sent out two planes to investigate the UFO; futile chases of the UFO began up and down the seaboard. Planes were summoned as far north as Greenland.  McDow could hear pilot-conversations. And the UFO appeared on radar for almost an hour. The UFO demonstrated very erratic flight patterns “up and down the coasts,” as if playing tag. The K11-11 spy satellite could only get an early glimpse.

Admiral Trane’s frustration was centered on the fact that “this thing” had complete and total control, and the witnesses were frightened and upset.  Trane was “scrambling” planes left and right along the entire seaboard “to cut this thing off.”  Eventually, the UFO left the atmosphere into space.

The object traveled “thousands of miles in a blink of an eye,” and had complete control of the situation. McDow was “debriefed” afterward and he was told in no uncertain terms to never speak about it again.  “It didn’t happen,” two guys in suits told him (pp. 191-196).



Close Encounters of the 3rd and 4th Kinds 

While there were several government ‘whistle-blowers” in the topic of meeting the occupants of UFOs, I will trace only some typical informants that Greer talks about. 

Richard Doty, a Special Agent for counterintelligence in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), is quoted often throughout Greer’s book. Doty, unfortunately, has been called into question by suspicious UFO researchers who feel Doty has used disinformation, but the strong evidence is not available, and Doty’s rank leaves that open to question.


Greer's Greatest Doty ( httpsnoriohayakawa.wordpress.com20150831did-richard-c-doty-ruin-the-life-of-albuquerque-businessman-paul-bennewitz-2 ) doty


.Doty spoke of various UFO crashes and retrievals in Corona, New Mexico, Horse Mesa west of Magdalena, New Mexico, and similar crashes ranging from June 1947 to 1949 where alien bodies were put into “deep freeze” at Wright-Patterson Air Force field in Dayton, Ohio.

The entities were usually about four-foot tall, no ears, nude-body-looking-type suites, no thumbs, and four fingers with suction devices on tips.  The entities appeared to have a “head apparatus.”  The entities also appeared to have several stomachs for different functions. Doty said there were eleven different lobes in their brains. A live, captured “creature” went to various military bases, including Fort Detrick, Huntsville Redstone Arsenal, and others. 

W.H is a whistle-blower identified as a Tech Sergeant that served in the U.S Air Force from 1963 through 1977. He said that he had the opportunity to view a retrieved craft at Dayton, Ohio in the “Blue Hanger” where several such alien craft were housed.  Debriefing officials informed him that over a hundred alien craft retrievals occurred in the New Mexico, four corners area, because of American “radar” had caused them to crash. 

The alien crafts were usually saucer-shaped, aluminum in color, and seamless.  Later, W.H was driven to a box canyon in a contingency of high-ranking naval officers and civilian engineers and scientists (Project Mercury) to witness a similar alien craft with two alien beings.

The “Graylings” had large eyes, slim mouth, long slim arms and hands, slim bodies, and were wearing one-piece flight suits.  W.H said that It was a two-hour meeting and encounter. A very similar convention was held in Hawaii at Kauai, called Project X.  A CIA friend of W.H, Wesley Bond, had extensive files concerning all related UFO activity, and Bond said he was ready to disclose his files: he was subsequently murdered and his files disappeared.

One of the most controversial, and increasingly criticized ‘whistle-blower’ is Bentwaters security officer Larry Warren, who claimed to be another witness and participant to the famous Rendlesham-Bentwaters ‘contactee’ case of December 1980 was a host of trained military observers encountered a series of acrobatic UFOs, with one landed, being observed, handled and having left physical traces before taking off. Warren claimed to have been one witness who has a complex story of participation, harassment, and conflict. At one point, Warren claimed to have seen three child-size people cocooned in the light. These were witnessed by others. Greer quotes Warren at length (pp. 131-145). 

Greer's Greatest Warren Humanoids ( httpbadufos.blogspot.com201507the-rendle-sham-case-phony-and-phonier.html ) LarryWarrenAliensCNN

Larry Warren Claims He Saw Glowing Humanoids

.Marine Lance Corporal John Weygandt was a U.S Marine security guard of a second marine air wing 28th Marine Air Control Group, Second air defense battalion troop of North Carolina that had been stationed in Peru. 

Sergeants Allen and Atkins came alerting the crew that some unknown aircraft had crashed and that they needed to investigate. A patrol headed to the site about 6:30 a.m. and upon arriving discovered a huge ship had created a gash in the land.  The area was burnt as if by laser-energy, and the object was buried in the side of a cliff. The craft was oozing a greenish-purple “syrup-like liquid,” as if alive and changing color in shades. 

A light revolved on the craft, said Weygandt and he could hear a deep, bass hum. Eventually, everything cut off and stopped.  He could see what happened to be “vents” or “gills” on the back. Weygandt discovered that the “syrup-like” substance could eat his clothes as if some form of “acid.” The object appeared to be twenty meters in length, teardrop-shaped and looked very aerodynamic.

Weygandt had the distinct impression that an occupant was trying to contact him by telepathy.

Surprised, Weyandt and the sergeants were arrested, cursed and harassed by Department of Energy people, as well as by “men in black Cammie’s” with no name tags.  Older men appeared wearing containment suites.

Weygandt was handcuffed, his legs fastened, and he was placed in a 47 Chinook helicopter—then taken to be debriefed and harassed for two days. (Greer does not disclose dates, pp.157-160).

Some of the cases Greer discusses, for all intent and purposes, concerning hidden alien and government operations on the Moon as well as the “doctoring” of photos related to this. Greer tells about Donna Harre who worked in the NASA and contracted to Philco Ford from 1970-1971. She worked in Building 8, under a high secret clearance, where she inspected photographic mosaic panels of satellite aerial shots.


Greer's Greatest Lunar Objects( httpssteemit.comnews@an0nkn0wledgethe-origins-and-50-years-of-evidence-of-a-secret-space-program ) U5du8FLAFHoyjP2nTNYArh4spQGTDqf_1680x8400

Hidden Objects on the Moon 

Occasionally, Hare said, they would come across curious sharp lines and round shadows alluding to UFOs that she was told to airbrush them out of the photograph. Hare said that people involved in the scrubbing or deletion of UFO photos or similar photos of the moon shots always felt threatened. Lunar astronauts, likewise, have been involved in knowing ET’s had landed on the Moon as part of Operation Santa Claus.  People and evidence have disappeared, Hare said. “One particular man I know of, who just disappeared off the face of the Earth.”



Various Deep Shades
The Government Deep State and the Military-Industrial-Corporate-Complex-Matrix (MICCM)

A large part of Greer’s work and book is devoted to actual and suspected government Deep State control and descriptions of what President Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial-Complex.  Greer announces over 800 government, military and corporate “whistle-blowers” in his Project Disclosure that reveals the reality of up to $100 billion annually into Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS).

“If this sounds like an Orwellian nightmare, it gets worse, for the final act that they (the human cabal),” says Greer, “have in store is a False Flag event that will make 9/11 look like a fender bender.”

Greer's Greatest Man in hanger with UFO ( httplistverse.com2018012410-supposed-secret-space-program-insiders ) iStock-177708187

Special Access Programs

Several of Greer’s whistle-blowers (such as Dan Morris, a retired Air Force Master Sergeant,  belonged to a super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization [NRO]), held cosmic top- secret clearance, which is 38 levels above top-secret, that even U.S presidents do not hold.

Subsequently, when alien crafts were retrieved and contact had been made, an Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) was established.   

Whistle-blower Sergeant Clifford Stone, worked with the 462nd Air Intelligence Secret Squadron, helped retrieve crashed ET crafts, worked in Operation Blue Fly and Project Moon Dust, and said there were eleven classifications above Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret, and even “above and beyond” normal Special Access Programs.

Stone went on to explain that the National Security Reconnaissance Office, just like the National Security Agency, was secret for many years and was not mentioned in the public domain.  Full knowledge about UFO programs, said Stone, was limited to a small number of people, actually being Special Access Programs within Special Access Programs, and they are almost uncontrollable (pp. 30-33).


Pawelec and the Controllers

William John Pawelec was an intriguing whistle-blower who, like so many capable professionals that found themselves, sometimes unexpectedly and with no real preparation and defense, came face to face with an enemy that was as treacherous as they were invisible.


Greer's Greatest Photo of Pawelec ( httpwww.unacknowledged.infowilliam-pawelec-says-four-power-groups-control-the-world ) William-Pawelec

William John Pawelec

Pawelec had been computer operations and programming specialist in the Air Force in the mid-1960’s, first at Pope Air Force Base and then in Vietnam.  He left the military and went to work for Rosco Electronics, one of the largest manufacturers and installers of access control equipment in the world, and then proceeded into the military once again, allowing him to regain a security clearance. He did a lot of work for the State Department developing security systems for national security, and also for large corporate systems, and later for SAIC and TRI-COR.   

In 1973, Pawelec was developing implantable chips in North Glen, Colorado, as it was then used in hypodermic injections to horses. Pawelec was aware through naval offices that there were discussions of developing tracking devices to follow necessary targets; Pawelec mentioned the case in Europe where the Prime Minister of Italy was kidnapped, drained of sensitive information, brutalized, or both.  It was speculated by officials that a technology is developed allowing authorities “to track these people or locate them quickly.”

This whole topic was the basis of a meeting set-up at a Secure Communications Intelligence-Information Facility (SCIF).  Pawlec’s friend “Bob” (who had intimate contacts in the CIA) took no quiet action to investigate two ‘mystery men’ that snuck into the meeting and began probing the meeting leaders with questions. They claimed to be from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Treasury.  The ‘mystery men’ wanted to know how a couple billion of the implants could be manufactured, with unique identity numbers, have flexibility monitoring temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and even waveforms of the brains,

Such a chip was removed from a lady in 1999, and when it was removed and examined closely, resembled somewhat a version of the chip used in Denver.  She supposed the chip had been implanted either in 1980 or 1981.

Pawelec said the gentleman who invented the chip “was very wealthy and abruptly had passed the technology”: “Somebody else took it and ran with it and we never knew who it was.”

In 1984, the University of New South Wales had a microscopic lithium Niobate chip, and experiments showed it was viable and could send and receive as an RF transmitter.  The professor who did this work was sent to talk to Pawelec’s Systems Group of Colorado for further experiments.

A meeting was set-up in Virginia at a subcontractor’s company; people, like the Director of Security at the State Department, and, again ‘mysterious men’ came, carrying credentials. The ‘mystery men’ knew all the details about time, place and topic of the meeting.  Pawelec felt this somehow had a connection with his knowing the Head of Security at the State Department because Pawelec had designed that man’s security systems for Mainstay, the headquarter in Foggy Bottom in D.C.   

Because of these meetings, the professor at the University of New South Wales received a giant grant, and later the technology was transferred. A friend that Pawelec had in San Francisco (who was involved in tracking people and National Security, doing FAB-Access and other related devices in a European electronics firm of Siemens) said his company was “making billions of these chips” that strikingly resembled the Pawelec chip.

A year later, the company closed down and the chips disappeared.

Bob and Pawelec continued to investigate. Bob contacted his CIA connections and asked additional questions. A few days late, Bob was hit by a reinforced Land Rover and killed instantly. The driver of the Rover was hospitalized and immediately disappeared: all of his information that he gave was phony.  “It was a hit,” says Pawelec.

The two ‘mystery men’ who had come to the meetings had NSA, NRO credentials that could even pass all access control mechanisms, says Pawelec; however, they later checked, and discovered the individuals “didn’t exist.”  It meant they had unlimited budgets supporting their ventures. 

Pawelec knew about aerospace companies that were doing security work beyond black or even “darker.”  He named Northrop and plant 29.

The gentleman Pawelec met from the Department of Agriculture asked many cold, apolitical questions about chips, their ‘speed’ by which they could be produced, the frequency they could be built, various implant’ attributes,’ and much more.

“I believe there are at least four power groups in the world,” said Pawelec, “they have taken over various programs-particularly black programs within our government, and probably even the Russian government, and the Chinese. Politics to them, as we know it, is not the same. They have agendas totally unlike what our government…unbelievably, they are able to track everything going on around them, at the minutiae level,” (pp. 90 -98). 

All Pawelec’s files on this matter were withheld until his death, and his wife had been given instructions to disclose them.


Greer points to the creation of Majestic-12, a Black Project headed by noted scientists and high-ranking intelligence officials, such as Admiral Arthur Redford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense, the Black Project probably prompted by the 1947 Roswell crash and other crashes.

A.H, having gained insights from his friends in the various ‘alphabet’ and ‘high industry’ groups, said that MJ-12 is now known as SECOR, MAJIC, P.I 40, and MAJI-The Majority Intelligence Committee.

A.H said MAJI – Control is part of the Office of Naval Intelligence, similar to the NSA and the CIA.

“It’s all very, very similar to the NSA and CIA…very, very top-secret,” said A.H, and he explained in further detail:

“Essentially, the covert management of this matter operates as part super-secret organized crime operation.

It is more like a secret mafia than a government entity…extra-constitutional, both in the U.S and the U.K, as well as other countries … A criminal enterprise and a conspiracy of the first order … assassinations, murder, kidnapping, theft of technology … spin-off technologies based on the study of ET objects …”   (pp. 55-57.)  

.Greer's Greatest Raging Monster ( httpnewgameplus.com.brantes-tarde-do-que-nunca-outlast ) Outlast-1-1560x950_c 

“More Like a Mafia …
a Criminal Enterprise and a Conspiracy of the First Order”  

“Greed and control (are) easily understood; the bureaucratic inertia of large secret operations is yet another matter,” says Greer.

“After decades of operations, lies, public deceptions, and worse, how does such a group unravel all the webs it has weaved…a Specter of a sort of cosmic Watergate?”  (p. 82.)

Photos Extra Wringing ( httpswww.pinterest.comOwnYourCountrylibertarian ) 9d82ac310b8b143d0e315a22636541fc--political-economy-political-art


.Greer’s book, heavily indexed with photos and documents, is a plethora of facts and conjecture, running from descriptions of Area 51 to Greer’s unveiling of his own Disclosure Project and his Center or the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) — discourse on the differences between ETV’s (Extraterrestrial Vehicles) and ARV’s (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) as “man-made” advanced anti-gravity craft that look like a “UFO.” There are additional disclosures of Greer’s meeting with famous dignitaries and their clandestine information, threaded alongside of many assorted and quizzical paranormal incidents that would probably promote the reader’s skepticism and wonderment at times.  

There were many so-called “whistle-blowers” not mentioned in Greer’s approximate 800, such as the Bob Lazar story (some more reputable; some not). We have added an index that mentions additional information on those, but also the topic of the Hidden Intelligence controllers that are somehow involved.  When facts seem to contradict, one needs to look at the underlying patterns, connect the dots, and do your own private investigation and not just wait for the silver-platter to be handed to you..


Area 51 – S/4 Whistle-blower Bob Lazar

Still, puzzling questions need to be asked of Greer, his associates and the whistle-blowers:

For an interstellar technology that should have evolved into ‘fail-safe’ operation, why do ET vehicles still crash, and does human ‘radar’ technology still affect its capabilities, and why?

And how do these seeming ‘regular’ spaceships stand up against reports of more ‘ethereal’ ETs that operate almost as ‘spirits,’ and, as Steve Erdmann has questioned in the past, why do billion-mile-space-travelers even need ‘machines’ to travel the vast distances?


Why the wide variety and diversity of spacecraft design seen in retrievals, it should raise some suspicion and concern in that much differentially could be unwarranted to those degrees?


And where is the depository for to the answers to all these questions?

These conundrums need to be addressed and answered, for certainly the world of UFOs still continued to be filled with unending mystery.

As always, I’ll be questioning, investigating.  I’ll also be waiting …


Photos Extra Brando ( httpsgiphy.comgifshorror-now-apocalypse-t8vI9EexNVS24 ) NDO20170501_horror1

Every Breath You Take …

I’ll be watchng You


.Greer's Greatest Picture of Greer ( httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiSteven_M._Greer ) 220px-StevenGreer01

Dr. Steve M. Greer
Lecturing on UFOs &Alien Conact 
Steve Erdmann
June 1st, 2018
St. Louis, MO


You can reach Steve Erdmann – at – dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com  – or –  independenterdmann@gmail.com.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can friend him at:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1 –
Or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.
Additional sites on these topics: we do ‘not’ endorse any one site in its totality, but have found that eventually bits and pieces come together to make the underlying historical picture “jell”: 


.Photos Extra House in woods ( httpamayodruid.blogspot.com201302crossroadsin-irish-folklore.html ) 393024_100313100145896_1543754325_nhttp://desktopgraphy.com/diablo-iii-hd-background/


Greer's Greatest Pilot Seeing UFO ( httpswww.pinterest.compin390265123937208763 )ae992abdb204251759013fe08a699131



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