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Dr. Joseph F. Marra Claims Quantum Access Key To Wellness

By Jon Kelly UFO Examiner

Doctor of Nursing Practice Joseph F. Marra, whose applied quantum physics philosophy states there is more to healing than third dimensional medications and herbs, explores Transitioning Medicine on Age of Discovery, a new program produced in Vancouver and distributed via that airs Saturday, April 9, 2011 from 7:00-9:00 pm PST, 10:00 pm – Midnight EST.

Dr. Marra, who has devoted his life to healing, global exploration and research, is questioned by Age of Discovery’s host, Vancouver UFO Examiner Jon Kelly, who operates his own clinical practice in Vancouver, British Columbia where an international clientele utilizes the sound of the human voice to access resources for emotional wellness, creativity and mental clarity.

Age of Discovery panelists Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre and cosmic mythologist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower are featured extensively throughout the show, providing lucid examples of quantum access in everyday life and its significance in terms of their personal health and longevity.

One of Mr. Kelly’s clients has described how their personal session was a “turning point” in which they were able to utilize the sounds of messages encrypted backwards in their voice to release “fear and apprehension” contributing to anxiety and high blood pressure. Reclaiming personal power through the session became what they described as “the first step in reclaiming my life”. The wellness philosophy and principles guiding the success of this clinical practice are founded in Mr. Kelly’s decades-long studies in yoga meditation.

Watch Age of Discovery on

Age of Discovery is supported by the supporters of the Truth Movement. All proceeds go to support the Truth Movement. Age of Discovery can be viewed live for $9.99 or downloaded from archives for $4.99 at:

For more information and program schedules, please visit:  On Saturday, May 7, 2011, Age of Discovery becomes a weekly show featuring live chat airing at 7:00-9:00 pm PST, 10:00 pm-Midnight EST.  

More about Dr. Marra

Joseph F. Marra, D.N.P., C.R.N.P., C.Ht. is a Doctor of Nursing Practice with an established practice in Altoona, Pennsylvania called the Urgent Care Center. Joe is also a hypnotherapist, reiki master, intuitive healer, and spiritual counselor. Joe’s teachings have been heard all over the globe through his Universal Talk Radio Show. As a healer, he is engaged in utilizing the unconditional love of light energy from the highest source of creation to allow each individual to receive a healing via mind, body, or spirit, via traditional medicine or complementary. Joe feels that we must first go within and rid ourselves of negative karma and learned beliefs that have been taught to us for generations. His website is

More about Age of Discovery

A new, innovative interview show on one of the Internet’s leading independent television news networks, Age of Discovery is a cosmic Meet the Press that grapples with today’s emerging issues. 

Every show, the panel questions a leading figure from a contemporary field of human exploration. In three 30-minute segments, the panel asks the guest to describe a new reality in his or her area of expertise, explain its relevance to our times, and evaluate its significance for the 21st century. In the final half-hour, the panel then summarizes what has been revealed during the show.

The topics are taken from 20 fields that appeal to awake and aware viewers, including after-life studies, alternative energy, conspiracy theory, deep politics, energy medicine, ethics, exopolitics, exo-science, futurism, nutrition, metaphysics, the paranormal, psi, social justice, space, spirituality, sustainability, time travel, Ufology, war and peace, and wellness.

The producers of Age of Discovery believe that a global awakening is upon us and that a growing number of individuals are yearning to create a new planetary culture. The 21st century will be a time of unprecedented progress for civilization on Earth — if humanity has the foresight to choose the positive time line from the catastrophic one and create a context in which individuals and groups direct their energies to manifesting our highest human potential.

Free Preview of Age of Discovery

Readers can watch a one hour preview of Age of Discovery programming by clicking here.

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